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  1. To me this will be the most competitive region. Hightower, Foster, Manvel and Shadow Creek are all in the same district! Barbers Hill will be interesting to watch with the new coach (Coach Harris from Manvel). Its good to see PN-G in the mix in this region, they have definitely come a long way and will be led by a guard that can flat out score the basketball! Good luck ladies!
    3 points
  2. I think this is pretty accurate. I would rank Houston Westside in front of Pearland tho. Pearland has an elite Mississippi State commit but their guard play will be questionable. BU has the chance to really shock the region, I think that Summer Creek and Cypress Creek will be a challenge for them. Cypress Creek will have the best back court in the area hands down, and Summer Creek has a very athletic front court. BU just gotta get it done!
    3 points
  3. You typed it, i didn't. 😎
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Yes, I will definitely be pulling for West Brook and LaPorte this week. If they get the wins, all we have to do next week is win on Senior Night... But the Bruin fans will be pulling for Channelview this week and Deer Park next week so that they can go D2.
    2 points
  6. Can we decline home field for game 6?
    2 points
  7. Like I said on Smoaky earlier.. CC is very young and no matter the outcome of this game I’m very proud of them! They’ve already accomplished more than people have given them credit for.. we love being the underdog
    2 points
  8. BHFAN

    BH @ PNG

    That’s what happens when you beat the MECCA 😂
    1 point
  9. If we win Friday we are guaranteed at least third
    1 point
  10. Guys make a new thread. Quit bringing stuff back from the dead. Bad juju
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Dang. Surprised those schools losing enrollment with all the growth up there.
    1 point
  13. Cougtalk

    Nederland @ Crosby

    Whoever Scores wins. Not scores first... scores. 7-0 Cougars.
    1 point
  14. It could be a better game only if liberty had any type of passing game.
    1 point
  15. Very possible. Depends on LCM vs LHS outcome of the last regular season game.
    1 point
  16. aki1994

    BH @ PNG

    Exactly. Having an O-line with 3 major losses has derailed the offense.
    1 point
  17. Go flexbone and wishbone & run the clock. 🤣😂
    1 point
  18. Then it's gonna be cold I heard.. so yea, gonna be extra painful... compete well, Stay healthy and be prepared mentally for next week...
    1 point
  19. Lol I just hate West Hardin that much 😁
    1 point
  20. NetCat

    Bulldogs v. Rebels

    Wait a minute? @hoops784 aren't you a Colmesneil fan?!? You were all over the board for them against West Hardin? Or do you just hate West Hardin that bad? 😂
    1 point
  21. No the numbers are correct. 600 something sophomores and 700 freshmen but the senior and junior classes are in the 300 to 400 range giving us the number reported. Like Soulja said, it will be a drop to 5A for only 2 years before going back up to 6A with the projected freshman classes coming to BU being around 700 each year. I had a conversation with the BISD AD prior to the game Friday night and we are both in agreement that the drop will do the school some good not only in football but volleyball, soccer, baseball and softball as well. Give those programs and respective coaches time to build and get a few more wins under their belt before moving back up. Girls and boys basketball and track can hold their own in 5A or 6A. Leave early college where it's at. I don't like the program anyway for my own personal reasons...
    1 point
  22. NetCat

    Bulldogs v. Rebels

    Think that if he gets released he'll be ready to play by Friday? If he is the Rebs take the game by 20-30 points
    1 point
  23. Yeah I’m pretty sure coach Mo and the team know that this week’s game will be a challenge and probably the most physical game of the year. It just does not seem that the Seniors are buying into the hype of state recognition and are just handling business each week. Franklin is a good team and I do think they will put up the most points scored against the Diboll D this year but I don’t think it will be enough to win.
    1 point
  24. NHSBulldogFan


    You would still need Crosby to lose to Baytown Lee for that scenario to happen.
    1 point
  25. You will have to click the link to see what was going on behind the plate. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  26. Thisnis the 1st "decent" team HF has had since like 1990!! Be proud but be a realist. You're not beating Silsbee in anything besides the amount of squirrels in your trees! You lost by 1 last year!! What us the losing streak vs Silsbee 0-NEVER???? Get real HF fans. Your schedule is equal to A&M playing Lamar 8x a year!!! You guys dont warm up vs 5A or 6A. You guys play Dewyville and West Hardin in none district to ensure you have a decent record. How about you guys schedule a Newton, Lumberton, or even Evadale???????
    1 point
  27. Even without being biased he sucks...just as bad with football too
    1 point
  28. Exactly what I'm saying. Silsbee - WO.S 4 round Silsbee win again like last year. That's if WO.S can get pass Jasper 🤠
    1 point
  29. jake94

    BH @ PNG

    BH would be favored even if the Indians were healthy. It doesn’t mean they will win for sure, but they are the better team in my opinion.
    1 point
  30. Alvarez..2 run jack..had faith in him all this time..lol
    1 point
  31. As I said after I saw them beat GCM which was a big game at the time and gcm came back and almost won it. They , PAM , were going through the motions. No joy no fun, like positive energy was zapped from them.not much in the name of relationships being exhibited btw players and coaches. Relationships may be the most important aspect in team building. I’ve played (coached against) them 7 times. They used to be hyped up having fun, supporting their teammates. No more.
    1 point
  32. Silsbee may not make it that far. I see 2 or 3 rounds at best!
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. HF is very aware of that as well. Spring Hill??? Oops. EC would give silsbee all they want and could probably come out on top. I ll take HF dub over EC before giving you credit on the silsbee dub over a very down Nederland team. Other than Nederland, Silsbee has lost all their big games. Dont see your point in comparing Tarkington and Kountze to silsbee Losing games to bigger schools. HF could play those games and lose just like Silsbee. You will become a believer friday night.
    1 point
  35. Proud of the Dogs. Never thought I'd say this but, I wasn't sure this group had what it took to win a physical snot slinging contest like this. Vidor is always a tough out for us. While this isn't Vidor's best offensive team , I'd have to say it's one of there better Defensive squads. Penalties and turnovers hurt both teams, and it seems (to my surprise) Ned was a lil stronger in the 4th qtr. I had my doubts early on, but this team is slowly getting a lil better. With that said, don t see anyone other than the picnic spoilers advancing in the playoffs. Best of luck to all!!!
    1 point
  36. TradenupBH

    BH @ PNG

    Even if PNG was at full health, they wouldn't beat BH this year. It's at PNG, so I'll give them 7 points. BH wins 35-7
    1 point
  37. baddog

    Beating in PNG Classroom

    That’s the whole problem. Teachers can’t put their hands on the kids. Back in the day, a fight was between two people who didn’t like each other for whatever reason, and it happened after school in the alley behind the 7-11, because if it happened in school, that was your arse. Nowadays, it is a vicious assault that teachers can’t stop. As a teacher, I would have to take my chances to stop an assault. After saying this, I have new info as to what really took place. All we got was the video, which does not tell the whole story.
    1 point
  38. Justin06

    Corrigan-Camden @ Newton

    Considering I’m from newton and I graduated from there I’m pretty sure I understand what they can and can’t do goes to show what you don’t know
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Where is Colmesneil when you need them?
    1 point
  41. Bridge City is better than the scoreboard shows. Good job Raiders.
    1 point
  42. I don’t want to lose Vidor for Lumberton in 12-5a. Vidor, if you stay, I promise I will call Nederland your rival, and won’t even make fun of you that much for it. [insert sappy 80s break-up song].
    1 point
  43. They need someone who can snap the ball correctly and someone to not botch the correct snap & get the ball down, also work on that blocking. Don't think actual kicking is the problem as far as kickoffs, not sure why they were having him pooch kick last night. Their tackling on kickoffs and punts need work too.
    1 point
  44. NetCat

    Best Smoked Sausage

    Country Boys Jalapeno sausage
    1 point
  45. Wouldn’t 80 points be more than 79?
    0 points

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