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  1. We lost Hornsfan86 last week to a fatal car wreck. He was one of the most loyal and passionate fans around. You could count on one hand the number of Hamshire-Fannett games we have missed in the last 30+ years...through rain, shine, sleet or...well, I don't remember any snow. I had to chuckle when talking to a bunch of friends this week. More than one person told me that when they got to the football game, they would look in the stands to find us...then proceeded to the other end of the stands. We didn't call each to other to asked if we were going to the game, we just asked what time do you want to go. Even after Harvey and Imelda, in which both of our houses were flooded, the conversation was still "what time are you going to pick me up to head to the game". I'm not sure how many people on here knew him, as he did not engage too much on this forum. But every ref that has called a Hamshire-Fannett game has surely heard him. But after the game, on the ride back home, our conversations were strictly on who we were playing the next game. He did not dwell on play calling, referee calls, or plays made or not made. Prayers to his wife and three kids. RIP Hornsfan86...you will be missed.
    3 points
  2. Figured I would start this thread since one, I will be broadcasting this game and get to see up close and personal the best athlete in the district and second, that district championship thread of Anahuac/EC was a bust. Thoughts? I have the Bobcats winning 27-20. Note: Leon the Lion is only allowed 2 posts on this thread, so make it good.
    2 points
  3. You are correct on more house -- not really the house but the land, and low taxes. what you get is a city that has no solid waste pick up, -contracted out, documented bad water, no sidewalks, crap for (lack of) city services, no ordinances (trailer next to a $$$$$ home) School districts with limited courses ie French Latin Autobody, etc... So yes its cheaper kind of like a Hyundai is cheaper then a Jaguar All about quality of life
    2 points
  4. Or shooting flares across the stadium . 🙄
    2 points
  5. no not at all,believe me I discipline my kids more than most,im just saying my opinion only,and that really doesn't matter,im just saying id rather a lil powder and kids having fun inside the gates than out in the streets getting in trouble!!again just my opinion
    2 points
  6. United had two wins last season and has the chance to end this season 6-4. Not making the playoffs is disappointing but going from 2 wins to possibly 6 wins is an really good accomplishment for a team in their second year of existence.
    2 points
  7. agree picking PNG over BH but having BH higher in state and region must of been a mistake. 16 5A - Nacogdoches at 2nd is interesting... 22 3A EC 1 and Orangefield 2 - this could go either way - but I think Orangefield will finish 1 and they have Kirbyville finishing 4th and 8th... prob right on the 8th.. Glad the season is getting underway! Rankings don't matter - W/L matters now.
    2 points
  8. Some would say the team of Joe Buck and John Smoltz was disappointing
    2 points
  9. Makes for an awesome picture though
    2 points
  10. It will be a great game as always. Every once in a while you get a few that step out of line but both of our school administrations address problems quickly and with corrective action to keep things in check.
    2 points
  11. If UIL would put these teams in a four team district, the problems would be solved'''''''
    2 points
  12. Almost identical from last year. Also including a score loss to WO-S. I hope this season pans out like last season where this team comes out the gate in two weeks full steam . Hopefully, same or better results..
    2 points
  13. Why would anyone buy life insurance when global warming is getting us all in 12 years?
    2 points
  14. Go scream at kids on your lawn and stay out of the PN-G vs Nederland thread
    1 point
  15. Born & raised in Groves, TX. Attended my first football game in September, 1965 when I was 9 months old. I have missed 4 PNG football games, total, since the day I was born. There was a painting incident at Nederland High School in 1982, that I may, in some small way, have been a part of...Hmmm, but I am no transplant. I also work in the medical field & know the health risks of the pansy powder shower, I speak from experience,. I agree kids can have fun, but do it without destroying the people who are around you regarding their health & ability to enjoy the game. Once again, just a little common sense should kick-in to your minds.
    1 point
  16. Lot different than the late 70s or early 80s fish would get their head shaved,and a Lot of crazy stuff we would do u would get u in trouble now to soft now days everyone takes everything to serious
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I might or might not been party to some eggings and other foolishness back in the early 90's
    1 point
  19. strongly agree
    1 point
  20. Realville

    Crosby vs Lee

    Speaking of handouts did the Crosby School District ever figure out how to manage crooked numbers so they didn’t have lay-off half the school district?
    1 point
  21. NetCat

    Newton @ Anderson-Shiro

    Did you read my previous post?
    1 point
  22. As long as one of them burns down Jasper in the third round (assuming Jasper is still around) I'll be content.
    1 point
  23. I am not going to write a book; just getting over the illness from eating so much crow. This game is really a playoff game, and again excellence will payoff. Look for Logan Born, Tia Pham, and Landon Corbitt to be standouts in this game. These guys will do what they are asked to do with no excuses. I saw you during the team perfect play segment, finishing thirty yards down the field and running the ball with authority. Homework Assignment for Foster: Read the book "Shut Up and Listen by Tilman Fertitta by Friday night.(There is an audio version) Step up and be a leader Anahuac by 1, in a street fight.
    1 point
  24. Didnt realize you was playing Friday Night. Good luck little buddy. Get back to class and pay attention 🤣🤣😂
    1 point
  25. WOS was disappointing to me. Only from the perspective of them spoiling us going 10-0 so much. Still a real good team. I’d put Silsbee in there also. Really thought the Tigers would have a break out year.
    1 point
  26. Leon the Lion goes extinct (till baseball season) when Anahuac falls to the lowly Bobcats. (during game, best athlete in district agent, LL, phoned down to sideline and request player to be taken out and saved for baseball)
    1 point
  27. give me the panthers in a close one to many athletes
    1 point
  28. Bobcats by 2-3 TD's I also predict @Leon the Lion will write 2 books for his 2 posts since he's only allowed 2 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  29. Awesome Image, Ignorant reality!!!
    1 point
  30. After watching West Brook at the scrimmage this past Saturday and knowing that they have a new coach, I think they make the playoffs this year.
    1 point
  31. Please remember that this is a high school football game, not a pansy powder party. Time before last our PNG student section brought powder to the game at Nederland. The wind was blowing it right at the stands. My wife, and the woman next to me had to leave, as well as their husbands, because the ladies had a severe asthma attack from the powder residue. Baby powder is for babies. Keep it at home, and try yelling for your team, not making your own fans sick. Oh yeah, let's keep the fireworks & flares away as well. Is this statement I am making here common sense, gosh I hope so! If not, the immaturity has surely overtaken the sanity at our high school. For those who say "...these are just kids having fun..." then I say that the immaturity has moved to those adults, and parents who tolerate this behavior. NOW LETS PLAY FOOTBALL!!!
    1 point
  32. Only confirmed matchups please.
    1 point
  33. For the second year in a row a depleted and injured riddled Silsbee Tiger team beat a good HF Longhorn team to win the last game of the season and keep the momentum headed into the playoffs. For the second year in a row the Tigers had to hang on for dear life to win the game. The Tigers get a much need bye week to get ready for the playoff and the Longhorns play for at least a piece of the district championship or the #3 seed for the playoffs. Long live Friday Night Lights!
    1 point
  34. I’m sure you sat over there a few times when Ryan was playing
    1 point
  35. From the pictures I’ve seen, it’s pretty impressive! Would look even better on a turf field with a big tiger painted at midfield.. maybe one day lol
    1 point
  36. I personally liked him as well. And look at how Lumberton treated him after the awesome 07 and 08 seasons, when he didn't have the same playmakers and things took a turn for the worse. Same coach, same system, same work ethic but the teams went 3 seasons with only 1 win. Was that poor coaching? Wrong player at QB? Wrong Offense? I'm sure some of these daddies on here would say it was those things. I saw that man and his family get attacked on here and in the community worse than I've ever seen happen to a coach. And people forget, Babin was the OC under Credeur calling plays during those 07 08 seasons. The answers to figuring out how to win in a community like Lumberton are not easy answers to come by. Credeur and Babin have done a pretty damn good job of developing young boys into men and trying to prepare them for a world that is not so kind. I thought that is why we encouraged our kids to play sports like football in the first place. It's not for scholarships or trophies because those things are largely out of our control. Along the way, these 2 coaches both managed to have some really good seasons when they had some studs on the team. I don't fault Babin for choosing this offense for this team. I also don't fault him for the many times we get behind the chains with penalties. I don't fault him for the kids getting hurt and having to finish a game with a 3rd string QB or finding a way to be competitive while missing your starting Center and NG for the last few games. I'm not making excuses because these are all parts of the game. But sometimes they contribute heavily to why we lose the game and we just have to deal with and make the best of the situation. And sometimes we are just not as good as the other team and it's not anyone's fault. Hopefully these kids come out of this high school experience as Scrappers with some fight in them. That's what it's going to take to be successful when this short period of their life is over and they move on to the important stuff.
    1 point
  37. They were the best team in Baytown. I hope the UIL will put us all in the same district next year. Baytown needs some "rivalry" type games (along with some wins) to peak interest in football again.
    1 point
  38. PhatMack19

    Guns For All?

    Good shot!
    1 point
  39. Rez

    Most Disappointing Team 2019

    Barbers Hill and Crosby disappointed me the most by beating PNG.
    1 point
  40. Well, I can’t speak for you all, but we’ve made dramatic improvements this year. Our winning percentage improved over last year (thanks, Imelda!), and our fans are still supporting our playoff boycott in its third year. Go Cards!!!
    1 point
  41. Sure your not impressed. Your Indians aren't what they used to be therefore you give nobody any credit. BH is hands down the best team in the district. After that I guess it would be Crosby if you base it on their win against you guys.
    1 point
  42. After their 4-0 start it has to be United. Another team that started the season off well but will miss the playoffs is Tarkington. Really thought they were going to make the playoffs.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Toss up like most years. Throw the records out, throw the like opponent comparisons out and just look into the magic 8 ball😃. PNG came into the game last night determined to throw the ball and that they did. Ned’s secondary will be tested like ours was. NED however will be able to pound the ball through the night mixed in with some timely passing. Last one that has the ball wins! Goodluck to both
    1 point
  45. PN---G has been a favorite many years but they still get out coached and lose.
    1 point
  46. I heard about this. I'm not opposed to the score being lopsided, but this dude waited until 2 minutes were left in the game to pull his starters. That guy has no business coaching kids. At that age, everyone needs playing time and if you're up big reward your kids who put in just as much practice time but don't get in when the game is close with some field time Your hs team will be better for it. And maybe those kids will stick with the sport a little longer.
    1 point
  47. Sold my stock. I was late for every board meeting because Gestapo always stopped me and held me for questioning
    1 point
  48. 3A 22 OF EC Buna Warren I like it !
    1 point
  49. No the numbers are correct. 600 something sophomores and 700 freshmen but the senior and junior classes are in the 300 to 400 range giving us the number reported. Like Soulja said, it will be a drop to 5A for only 2 years before going back up to 6A with the projected freshman classes coming to BU being around 700 each year. I had a conversation with the BISD AD prior to the game Friday night and we are both in agreement that the drop will do the school some good not only in football but volleyball, soccer, baseball and softball as well. Give those programs and respective coaches time to build and get a few more wins under their belt before moving back up. Girls and boys basketball and track can hold their own in 5A or 6A. Leave early college where it's at. I don't like the program anyway for my own personal reasons...
    1 point

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