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  1. TxHoops

    Dan Crenshaw

    Every time I hear this guy, I am more and more impressed (Crenshaw, not Maher). I wonder if he’s not dramatic enough for the national scale, because he tends to stick to facts and reason.
    3 points
  2. Not good for the economy of the entire country. Got to get this country opened back up before it's to late.
    3 points
  3. Are you kidding me? Now my vacations are to be political? So since I am somewhat of a conservative, I need to sell my beach cabin because it resides in a county that is democratic? Think I will take UT Alum play here and distance myself from some of you Chicken Littles. Some of you republicans are giving the party a bad look.
    2 points
  4. TxHoops

    Dan Crenshaw

    There are some pretty funny videos out there about how he abused Maher. I chose to post the one where everyone can figure that out for themselves. I will say that I believe Maher will have him back on. I think he enjoys having intelligent folks on his show, even if they disagree fundamentally. And Crenshaw is obviously exceedingly intelligent. I love his matter of fact, Joe Friday-like (Showing age here) delivery. Like I said, I’ve been a fan of his for some time and every time I hear him, I become a bigger one.
    2 points
  5. A Democrat saying out loud what they really think...rookie mistake.
    2 points
  6. LumRaiderFan

    Stimulus Check

    First, not shut the entire country down to begin with...not everywhere is as close quartered as NYC. I realize that ship has sailed, so hurry up and allow businesses to open. I also trust that the folks running those business can open up with caution and common sense without having to be handheld by the gov. I still think we could have better targeted who actually needed the money rather than pass it out to folks that are still working...again, I realize that ship has sailed. I hope I am 100% wrong on the stimulus money and the economy comes back quickly in part because of it, but to your point about tough times possibly still around the corner, I am worried about that as well, especially with the latest events tied to crude oil. I will add that I know it's easy to second guess actions after the fact...I can't imagine the pressure and scrutiny that our leadership is under right now.
    2 points
  7. Go where you want to go and have a good time. Vacations support a lot of small businesses.
    1 point
  8. Went to New England a few years back. Everyone was friendly. They could tell I was from Texas because of my accent or drawl. A shop owner taught me how to say Bar Harbor.....It’s Bah Habah. Lobster is Lobstah. He was cool. That was in Vermont. My trip to California in 2002 was fabulous.
    1 point
  9. I’m gonna go where I wanna go. Seattle, for instance. I plan on going in the next 12 months. Cuz I want to. I support Trump’s wall, but I plan going to Cabo in less than 6 weeks.
    1 point
  10. Ty Cobb

    Dan Crenshaw

    I wish Mr. Crenshaw could speak to the nation on a daily or nightly basis. I love the way he answers questions/accusations with facts and truth. Unfortunately he will never get the chance because he speaks the truth.
    1 point
  11. stevenash

    Stimulus Check

    If you are referring to stock market correction, absolutely not. This is a case where the entire economy was forced to shut down. Never happened before. This was done to try and stave off thousands of bankruptcies and 25% unemployment. The combination of those two could do considerably more harm than the debt that will be incurred trying to avoid a depression (JMO)
    1 point
  12. Hagar


    This pandemic and some Governors have given a few Americans a taste of real Socialism/Communism. Absolute power corrupts.
    1 point
  13. rupert3

    Congrats to Davaun Perkins

    Davaun Perkins of Leggett has committed to East Texas Baptist. Good Luck
    1 point
  14. For you youngsters who was not blessed to see this young man in HS at PA Memorial and to put it in prospective how good he was, look at 1:29 - 4:50 of this video.
    1 point
  15. Something just hasn’t seem right about this whole situation from the beginning....Just Sayin. Hopefully it want effect High School Football. I am ready for some normalcy!
    1 point

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