You know, I said at the beginning of this that our leaders were in a no-win situation. If they do little to nothing and we got in a situation like Italy, they would have been crucified. If they act and the virus turns out less deadly than it would have been without taking precautions, people will say they overreacted. And really there is no way of knowing. The only measurement we have are the initial “projections” which we have stayed significantly under. How accurate those would have been is, again, impossible to tell.
But to waste more time and money over this silliness is ridiculous. What about investigating those who were consuming the President’s time in a charade that everyone knew would fail. He could have had more time to devote to this pandemic issue that they now find all consuming. Or how about when he closed travel to and from China and was criticized by some of these same folks who say he hasn’t done enough? You guys know I can be as critical of Trump as the next guy but the fact remains that he is dealing with something that this country hasn’t faced in a century.
All in all, it seems like despite what has come out of his mouth at times, he has tried to navigate it as best he can. Which is pretty typical of his administration in general - Don’t be consumed with what he says or tweets and look at the actions and results. I am guessing if you gave Nash money to invest and he was an imbecile on the phone while showing you 20 percent returns, you wouldn’t care so much about the phone calls.