We deal with this type of fallible logic all the time. For instance, an 18 wheeler hits a car whose driver has a heart attack immediately following the collision. Or an aneurysm explodes causing the death. Is the argument, yes, but he might have had a heart attack eventually so the 18 wheeler isn’t really at fault? You can make that argument but you would lose legally on the issue of liability. Because but for the collision, he likely wouldn’t have died right then. I am sure the same is true with the virus. Those with certain conditions are most vulnerable to being hit the hardest (I.e., dying) once the virus is contracted. In legal parlance, we call it causation. And news flash, the argument some seem to be making can be carried out as far as one would like. After all, we all are eventually going to die. And most of us will die without being able to pinpoint “100%” of the cause. Grab yourself a stack of pre-Covid autopsy reports. There will be far more with 3 or more causes of death than 1.