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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2020 in all areas

  1. Imo, it all boils down to schools opening. If the schools open, there will be football. Ah, some of you are thinking, we can’t have contact sports. That’s 🐂💩. There’s more contact in school halls when the bell rings than you’ll ever see on a football field. And anyone making the decision now of whether the schools will be opening or not in August, is crazy. That decision should be made in late July, and probably will be. Many experts said that heat & humidity would kill, or at least, wound the Virus. Heaven knows SETX has plenty of that.
    2 points
  2. Once again, the narrative has turned to the epidemic of unarmed young black men being gunned down by racists. I've gotta cry foul on this one. Let me start by saying that it is unfortunate that this young man lost his life so needlessly. It is a tragedy. I can't imagine what his family must be feeling. However, the narrative of "he was just out for a jog when he was hunted down and killed by racists" is hollow, if not outright false. There is an epidemic in our country, but it's not one of white on black violence, but rather an epidemic of violent behavior by young black men. The statistics speak for themselves, but you don't have to go all scientific. Just scroll through Youtube... there are countless videos of young black men attacking people in fast foot restaurants, schools, parking lots at apartment complexes, and any other public place you can think of. The black community refuses to acknowledge this fact. This past Friday the community in Beaumont poured into the streets to protest the Arbery killing... yet I don't remember any such protest or show of support for any of the 2 dozen or so young men that were killed right here in our community last year. That's so hypocritical that no one participating in Friday's protest can be taken seriously. The Bible teaches us not to remove the mote from our brother's eye before removing the beam from our own... yet here we are again. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and now Ahmaud Arbery.... and who knows how many others. The media tells us that these young men were just out buying skittles, or out for a jog when they were senselessly killed. In reality, you have three documented cases where young black men got angry and attacked people who (unfortunately for the attackers) were armed. That's the real story. George Zimmerman was getting his skull bounced off of the sidewalk when he killed Trayvon Martin. The photos are there. Michael Brown was trying to walk down a uniformed police officer whose weapon was drawn after committing a strongarm robbery of a convenience store. Young Mr. Arbery tried to fight a guy who was holding a shotgun. I don't think he was scared. I don't think he was brave or valiant. I think he was just pissed. Just like every other person of color that we see attacking a kid behind the counter at McDonald's. People who have heard a lifetime of "leaders" trying to convince that segment of the population that all of the discomforts of their lives are the fault of others. I'd be mad, too, if all I ever heard was that all of the struggles of life were the fault of someone else. You can talk all you want about "well, that neighborhood watch guy shouldn't have had a gun" or "that cop COULD have used a tazer" or "those rednecks had no right to stop that kid whether he'd just broken into a house or not." That can be debated from both sides all day... but it's a lot harder to argue that none of those three young men could easily be alive today if they had kept their hands to themselves. There are some bad people out there. There are even a few bad people out there who would kill another for the color of their skin. But there's not a murderous klansman behind every bush. Here's the thing that nobody is actually saying. The eventual shooter had a constitutional right to be standing in the street holding a shotgun. He also had a right to ask the deceased to stop. The deceased had no obligation to stop. If the deceased had been illegally detained, then the man holding the gun would have legal problems of his own. Instead, the young man attempted to disarm the eventual shooter. Don't get me wrong.... things were tense out there. The possibility of someone getting hurt or killed was there as those young men initially approached one another. But once they began to struggle over the gun, it's obvious that someone was going to get shot. And I wonder how much of that kid's reaction was based on a lifetime of lies about being in danger of being killed by whitey? Three takes.... 1. That young man was out for a jog and he was hunted down and murdered for being black. 2. That was a messy situation that should not have happened, but now it's up to us to figure out who was responsible and if (and in my opinion, how severely) someone needs to be punished. 3. I literally saw that young man chase down that truck and attack the driver... luckily the driver was armed. Only one of those three is rational.
    1 point
  3. You need to look a little deeper. The whole “he was just out for a jog” narrative had been pretty much disproven. The surveillance video from outside the construction site shows him walk up, look both ways, then go into the house. They’ll only show us seven seconds of a three minute video, and it only shows him looking around. Outside surveillance cameras capture him as he’s leaving and he’s confronted from across the street by a figure who turns out to be the cameraman. Then Mr Arbery sprints away from the scene. That’s the only time we see him “jog” other than in that final confrontation. It’s okay for us to have different perceptions after watching the same clip. Our perceptions are based on our life experiences. But people keep parroting “he was just out for a jog! He was hunted down and killed” and that’s just plainly not the case. Did the actions of those two men lead to the death. Partially, I believe. But I also believe that the actions of Mr Arbery contributed to his own death as well. For a case that’s so racially charged, it’s kinda ironic that nothing is black and white.
    1 point
  4. You’re right on that point, my friend. White makes have committed a majority of the school shootings (and mass shootings in general). But I’m not talking about school shootings, because they make up such a tiny percentage of violent deaths in the US. Although that number is larger than the number of “unarmed black men killed by racists.” If you’d like to discuss the largest group of murders (black on black) or the second largest group of murders (black on white), join in the conversation. I’d also like to point out that contrary to what people keep saying, I don’t see the pursuit on that video... however the Atlanta Constitution is today reporting an earlier confrontation between the “rednecks” and Mr Arbery on 2/11 (less than two weeks prior)at the same construction site. I guess Mr Arbery was just out jogging that night, too.
    1 point
  5. stevenash

    Ahmaud Arbery Shooting

    Correct me if I am wrong but havent we sort have been conditioned that when a crime is perpetrated by a black person, it is somehow wrong to mention skin color. That doesnt seem to be the case in the above. What am I missing?
    1 point
  6. I have (had) a good friend and former coworker from PA by way of Alabama. Solid dude (also happened to be black) from a solid family. PA firefighter and eventually went to work for one of the plants. Single Dad of a couple of great sons . I can’t express how solid of a guy he is. But he spends so much time worried that his boys will gunned down by bad cops. I’m just looking at him thinking..: your boys are so much more likely to get killed by bangers right there in PA than by a bad cop. We’re not friends on fb anymore and I’m sure it’s because of political views. I still like him, though. I just think he worries about the wrong stuff.
    1 point
  7. [Hidden Content] From the article: Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, vowed to pursue multiple new criminal referrals amid the ongoing fallout of bombshell revelations in the Justice Department's handling of the Russia probe. Referring to former special counsel Robert Mueller, Nunes said: "We're looking at doing criminal referrals on the Mueller team, the Mueller dossier team, the Mueller witch hunt, whatever you want to call it. That's where we are now in our investigation." It would be nice to see the Republicans stay with this and follow through on putting these crooks behind bars. If it was the other way around, the Democrats wouldn't hesitate...heck, they have no problem putting innocent folks in jail.
    1 point
  8. I believe the two men handled the situation poorly but put yourself in the shooters place ...jogger is punching kicking wrestling with you. You have the gun....What are you thinking.... I can tell you what I’m thinking....this man is trying to get my gun from me and possibly do me great bodily harm jogger ran around truck then towards the man with gun instead of running away. jmo. Again poor decisions by all involved
    1 point
  9. I know of a case right now, where a young man who is about 38 months older than the “victim” is charged with the sexual assault. Black guy, white girl, consensual relations. Same “victim” is also now pregnant with another guy’s child, said guy older than the one who has been charged with a felony. Baby daddy is not black and no charges have been filed on him - “victim” and he are still a couple and her family has never filed a complaint with law enforcement. Maybe that can clear it up for some of you how race can be a factor.
    1 point
  10. That a way to take a risk 😂
    1 point
  11. THE DUDE

    Question.... Developing.

    how can a law be racist? she is either under age or not.
    1 point
  12. Looking at my Farmer's Almanac it's about time for Newton to reach the 5/6th round again soon.
    1 point
  13. Recently heard from a West Orange Stark Board Member that Wilson who was the girls Coach is getting the job. He did a great job with the girls, my niece played for him this past season and all the girls loved his style. He also got 3 of our girls college scholarships and a boy that graduated in 2019 one as well. I'm excited to see what he can do wit our boys because he worked those girls hard and they loved it. I personally thought he was leaving after 1 year because everyone keeps talking about how great a softball guy he is.
    1 point
  14. [Hidden Content] Not the code, but more of an explanation. Most educators and LEOs that I know hate this legislation. 2 years, 364 days is okay. 3 years and 1 day is a felony. Plus you have some kids whose parents don’t care... so THIS kid had a freshman GF and it’s ok but THAT kid looking at jail time because this other girl’s parents were not. I’m also self aware enough to know that if 17 year old me was getting pictures of fur/early morning dew and an invitation to come over, I would have probably gone through that window. The only problem is that if it goes wrong she gets grounded and he goes to jail. There’s really not any flexibility as far as the law is concerned once the ball gets rolling. Thats the reason I was curious as to whether the state was alleging that something less “consensual” had occurred.
    1 point
  15. They threatened to go after his family...this is not supposed to happen in this country. Bad things happen when democrats are in charge.
    1 point
  16. 0 points

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