That’s the first I’ve heard about them trying to stop him numerous times. Can you point me towards a source?
I hope you’re right, because that’s just more evidence that the “psycho redneck vigilantes” didn’t intend to kill Mr Arbery or they would have shot him at their first encounter. Or at least locked and loaded their weapons, right?
That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about, though. The whole lie about folks being taken out into the woods and disappearing. The only documented racially based white on black murder that I can think of happening in SETX in the last 30 or so years was the dragging death of James Byrd, Jr in Jasper.
Now, we all heard the same “drug off into the woods story about the young man from Jasper who died up in Sabine County (Albert something... sorry that I’ve forgotten his last name)... but that story lost all of its steam when it was revealed that he died of natural causes. The Leday young man that died in Lumberton was also thought to have been foul play by the Lumberton PD (Rev Quannel X came down and everything) but it also went quiet after it was revealed that he also died as a result of a heart attack if I remember correctly.
Over and over you’re been led to believe stories about the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, “hands up, don’t shoot,” Trayvon Martin got killed for going to buy some skittles and Arizona Sweet Tea, and this guy got blasted while out jogging, etc.... I don’t blame you for feeling the way that you do... you’ve been lied to.
Serious question. Who do you think is safer. A black man walking around Vidor at 2 in the morning or an overweight 47 year old white man like me walking around Carver Terrace at 2 in the morning?
That’s an honest question.