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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2020 in all areas

  1. No offense was taken. What offends me is the boys from Wuhan getting on the site. Their team is really not that good.
    2 points
  2. Bigdog

    Nederland Turf

    Lol especially for games against Silsbee, United and WOS! And PAM of course 😂
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. [Hidden Content] Sure am glad to know the noble Mr. Mueller took great pains to assemble a non-partisan team...smh.
    1 point
  5. Mediocre for Jasper at the time. 4 and 5. But to put it into perspective, as I remember, Jasper played a tough schedule in 1985 and most of the losses were by pretty narrow margins. So to rebound was not that big of a step I presume. I think that was Walkoviak's only "losing" season in his 20 years there. Before he came, and often after he left 4 and 5 looked pretty good. He made having a 5a level program at a small 4a program look so easy that some Jasper people didn't realize just what they had with him. 5a program. That was Hebert's Coach Alex Durley's description as I remember. And that was when 5a was the top level in Texas.
    1 point
  6. So Hornypride85, what do you do for the district other than make it look bad?
    1 point
  7. Those three are the kids who might attend college, period. Just kidding Put the pitchfork down, Earl.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, we are aware of the spate of Oriental spam that has occurred lately. I have been in contact with our web guy and hopefully there is a solution to the issue soon.
    1 point
  9. Hardin has college prospects
    1 point
  10. Tigers94

    Early But Oh Well..

    Dreylon Miller - Silsbee.
    1 point
  11. "When you throw dirt, you lose ground" - Old Texas Proverb.
    1 point
  12. Bigdog

    Nederland Turf

    I am seeing some drone pics on FB. I will ask if I can post them.
    1 point
  13. Rez

    Nederland Turf

    It will be a picture of a mud puddle, in a stirring reminder of and honor to the stadium's deeply rooted traditions. In the center will be placed a commemorative golden sprinkler, which will ceremonially water the turf before every game.
    1 point
  14. Go-rilla

    SETX Sleeping Giants?

    I love how typical this site is. “Sleeping Giants” and people say Newton, silsbee, WOS. When did those guys go to sleep?
    1 point
  15. Somebody must have tried to venture out of their home while having the SETX Sports app open. đŸ€Ș
    1 point
  16. tvc184

    Ahmaud Arbery Shooting

    I hardly ever speak of experience. Anyone is allowed to have an opinion. When someone tells me that I don’t understand community policing because of something read in the internet, sometimes it seems appropriate. I can’t be losing a debate because I am not in one. I am merely pointing out usual police policies and responses. A debate might be if those policies or practices are good. I haven’t disengaged from anything. Here is what matters in this case.... Did the two men arrested witness a felony? If so they can make a citizen arrest under GA law. I have read the GA law and I saw nothing that justifies a detention by a civilian in order to question a person that was in a suspicious circumstance, particularly with firearms. The police can, civilians can’t Arbery’s past history has no bearing on the case. A video of him arguing with cops two years earlier doesn’t justify deadly force or a detention Him in the area or in that house under construction previoy doesn’t matter. Having a cop text for the neighbors to call the retired cop doesn’t matter. Again, did they witness s felony? If not, they can make no citizen arrest. The rest is just fluff to distract by one side or the other. Does GA law allow for a civilian to draw a weapon on an apparently unarmed person to make an arrest, just in case? The local DAs that knew the suspect or his family, said they saw no case. The state police were called in and it took about 45 seconds to say, what the heck was the DA thinking. I think this will go to trial. I think the guys may get off because of the way the law reads. In Texas as an example of self defense, if self defense is brought up in a trial, the state has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that self defense was not lawful in that circumstance. In other words, the defendant doesn’t have to prove that he had the right of self defense, the DA has to prove that he didn’t. So a jury could feel 80% likely that murder was committed but that isn’t beyond a reasonable doubt. Texas law on a defense to prosecution says that if any reasonable count exists, a person must be acquitted. Is GA the same? It is probably similar.
    1 point
  17. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  18. James Brown West Brook Chip Ambers West Brook
    1 point

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