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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2020 in all areas

  1. I don’t want to hear about mail in voting. People are still going to the grocery store to get food.....then they can still get off their lazy butts and go vote. wear your mask and your gloves stand 6 feet apart just like you do in the store. “mail in votes” Code word for “fixed”
    3 points
  2. tvc184

    Ahmaud Arbery Shooting

    From what I read about stop and frisk, it was completely legal. Officers can detain someone for reasonable suspicion. It has to be linked to a specific crime. That came from SCOTUS in Terry v. Ohio. Detectives McFadden saw what he thought was 4 guys casing a store in order to rob it. They took turns walking back and forth, looked into the store to see how many customers, etc. When they all started walking toward the store together, McFadden moved in thinking it was about to happen. He pushed the guys against the wall and patted them down and I think 3 had guns. Now such a contract is called a Terry stop or a Terry frisk it is still the standard to justify a detention by law enforcement. All that NYPD did was tell the patrol officers to get off their butts, out of their patrol cars and start stopping suspicious people. They did. The problem with this and such programs is the belief by some police administrations to use traffic stops and Terry stops as a measure of success or performance. That is a folly in my opinion. When you start rewarding officers for contacts, they may start stretching the reason for the contact. Stop and frisk is what cops get paid to do. I don’t think there should be any reward at al for doing your job however. The laziest cop who stops no one, might all of a sudden find hundreds of “criminals” in his midst if he thinks it might get him that job in detectives and off of patrol. Officers should be commended for the quality of their cases, not quantity. in my opinion
    2 points
  3. Anddddd HH split the last two years with us so what does that say?
    1 point
  4. NetCat

    Early But Oh Well..

    I've got to try that! Lol
    1 point
  5. TxHoops

    Early But Oh Well..

    I feel like that’s probably a big game for Beaumont folks, but for me BU is just too new for that to be a big rivalry game. I think it will take a while for it to reach the level of Central-Ozen, which was a must see game almost any time they took the court. I have learned that it’s fun, when speaking with former Central and Ozen players, to work in the conversation that BU is their alma mater. They get pretty triggered 😂
    1 point
  6. Colorado lowers Chinese Virus death toll. Got caught? Bet they’re not the only ones counting deaths like this. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  7. Here come the crickets.....
    1 point
  8. And many of those detentions are not lawful. Saying magic words like you aren’t under arrest but this is for my protection is not legal. The lawful reasons to handcuff are probable cause of a crime or a situation bad enough to justify the intrusion such as a felony traffic stop of a suspected armed robbery suspect. If it was lawful to handcuff someone by just saying the words you are not under arrest, then everyone the cops talk to could be handcuffed.
    1 point
  9. NetCat


    Usually mid June when I go @SmashMouth
    1 point
  10. I just laughed so hard I almost choked to death. Freakin hilarious!
    1 point
  11. I can’t see Texas not having high school football. People would revolt. Lol
    1 point
  12. Cardinal 1

    Early But Oh Well..

    BU, HF, HJ, and maybe Lumberton will be the teams to watch. Nederland and Silsbee will also be tough this year as always, just not contenders I don't believe. As far as players go, Abrams at Memorial (if he stays), BU big 3 in Yates, Arcenueax, and Porchie, Brock at Lumberton, Jackson (i believe?) at Nederland, HF in Dorsey, Coleman, their big man( don't know his name), and I believe Ardoin from Tekoa Academy will be there next year, HJ has Sears and Porter. Pretty much 4A will be the division to watch next year.
    1 point
  13. I thought he should have pardoned Hillary right after he was sworn in. Then Trey Gowdy might have actually gotten some work done instead of one Hillary investigation after the other. Plus, just saying “I’ve pardoned Hillary for all of her crimes” is especially funny if she really believes that she hasn’t committed any. I’ll go on ahead and predict that Trump will be lucky to die with any money left after continually defending himself... they’re going to pursue him until he’s dead, President or not.
    1 point
  14. girls side of basketball lose another quality coach. Good luck Coach DJ!
    1 point

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