You’re twisting my words. I do not believe that the NAACP should be classified as a racist group.
That’s the fallacy of the whole “you’re a racist” declaration. Just because my beliefs don’t line up with the progressive left wing of the Democratic Party doesn’t make me a racist.
I believe that God created us all equal in his eyes. What we do after that is up to us. If you’re 20 years old, a high school dropout, a criminal record, a couple of illegitimate kids, can’t speak the King’s English, and have neck tattoos.... your lack of personal success is not the fault of racism, oppression or privilege. That’s just bad life choices on your part. I’m never going to feel guilty over somebody else’s bad decisions. I don’t hate anybody, much less a group of people for the color of their skin. But I’m not going to pretend that the Emperor has on clothes for you, either.
I’m not going to apologize for something that may or may not have happened to somebody’s ancestors by somebody who may or may not have been one of my ancestors.
Slavery has existed since the dawn of mankind. It’s still going on in Africa today. There’s not another country in the world that doesn’t have a history that includes slavery. But it’s our “original sin.”
Slavery was a bad thing. We got it wrong to start, and we fought hard and got that institution outlawed, as it should be. But to hear the Mayor of Minneapolis blaming the looting on 400 years of horror is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.