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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2020 in all areas

  1. Yeah but you equate s civil rights organizations with not having the best interest of all students but dismiss an NRA member as not a factor. Every time there is a school shooting, the NRA catches grief of putting too much pressure on lawmakers to maje guns to easy to access. No matter how you look at it, many people blame the NRA rightly or wrongly for shootings. You are doing the same for the NAACP.
    2 points
  2. Kountzer


    I will say this: I've worked in a police type environment.. I speak in the past tense because I retired at the end of May. I miss it, but gotta move on. I would be remiss if I did not say that I have had police officers help me, white police officers at that. I am in agreement with Romans 13. God ordained LE. If there wasn't some type of restraint society would be in total chaos. Police have a hard job. I had a chance to become an officer once. But I know me. I'd be sitting in prison right now for over reacting & blowing somebody away. So, I salute what police do.
    2 points
  3. Kountzer


    I am tired of this topic. Nothing will really change. The things like what happened to GF happen just about everyday, every night. All I can say is do what's right, be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove. Stay prayed up. Racism is a subset of evil. Satan is not about to let one of his prized tools of destruction fall by the wayside. When he is destroyed evil will be totally destroyed. As for GF and his short comings, dude is dead. He paid the ultimate price. He can't feel. Kicking him around now is a waste of time.
    2 points
  4. PAMFAM10


    Some people can watch a video where a very alive person can be on the ground with a knee to his neck for seven minutes. In that same video everybody around except The THUGs in blue can see that life is slipping away from Mr. Floyd . Mr Floyd is pleading begging for his life then goes motionless knee still till his neck . It’s some that can watch that and still refuse to believe the truth. Because The truth is just to uncomfortable. It’s law enforcement on here that can call it what it is . It’s police officers police chiefs taking a knee marching with protesters. That can call it what it is. But it’s people on this board looking for anything and I mean anything to not have to deal with the truth. Same with last case. And more evidence coming out that case prove setx logic wrong again. Another black man slain by racists. Both cases only moving forward because of video and public outcry. It’s the same America
    1 point
  5. This was your post on the opening comment on this thread.... “Once again, the narrative has turned to the epidemic of unarmed young black men being gunned down by racists. I've gotta cry foul on this one”. I believe that we have recently learned that the video guy actually used his pickup to help cut Arbery off so was directly involved in the incident. Then the video guy gave a statement that has McMichael calling Arbery the ultimate racial slur AFTER killing him. Then McMichael tells the police that he didn’t know if Arbery stole anything but basically he looked suspicious. McMichael’s justification to the police was that he had a “gut feeling”. The third post in the thread I pretty much called it BS. I think that I will stick with my original stance. Perhaps the most troubling thing is that the local DA almost saw nothing with investigating. I saw enough from behind an iPhone screen. Things that make you go hmmmmm.....
    1 point
  6. LumRaiderFan


    Chauvin’s actions are a contributor to his death, that’s what I’m saying...can’t make it much plainer.
    1 point
  7. Law Man


    The fact is that he was restrained in hand restraints, first aid was not rendered, he was not combative with two officer’s having him pinned down by his lower extremities and one on his neck. Once the cuffs are on and you are flat on your stomach you are no longer a threat. Leg restraints could have been applied to place him in the vehicle. One Officer did suggest rolling him on his side. Four minutes without oxygen is a long time.
    1 point
  8. Seems like you should probably be giving the answer to the question rather than posing it
    1 point
  9. LumRaiderFan


    Couldn’t disagree more with your statements in bold, but we’ll just have to agree to disagree. If not for Chauvin‘s actions, Floyd would still be alive...can’t prove that at all but believe it 100%.
    1 point
  10. LumRaiderFan


    So you think he would have most likely died on the scene without Chauvin helping out? I guess I could say why even video a murder if no one is going to believe it.
    1 point
  11. CardinalBacker


    It’s possible. It’s also possible that mr Floyd would have died regardless. We just don’t know based on the evidence provided.
    1 point
  12. CardinalBacker


    Hey, I don’t think that you’re racist. I think that you’re wary. If I tune into Rush, Hannity, and Mark Levin all afternoon every day, I’m gonna end up believing that the sky is falling and a Democrat is responsible. I think that you’re a smart guy, and think that you believe in God’s plan of salvation. I also think that it’s possible that you or someone that you love has experienced the the type of racism that southeast Texas was famous for. But if I think that somebody mistakenly sees evil where it doesn’t exist, or at least not at the levels that “they” would have us believe, it’s my obligation to show them that things aren’t as bad as “they” say. I feel sympathy for you if you believe that what happened to Mr Floyd happens “just about everyday, every night.” Because it doesn’t.Please notice that everyone here has agreed that what happened to Mr Floyd shouldn’t happen to anyone.
    1 point
  13. pdawg119

    5AD2 Region 3 Favorite

    FB Marshall losing their top players to graduation and Manvel going D1 have really blown this region wide open.
    1 point
  14. SmashMouth


    While I appreciate your devotion to the Word of God, your lies and racist views do nothing but tighten his dark hold on the earth.
    1 point
  15. North Korea??? 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point

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