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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2020 in all areas

  1. Ty Cobb

    Dem Logic

    The only reason I’m responding to you is because I have a son myself. Why does your son think white people want to kill black people? I don’t, my family doesn’t!!! I’ll give you my opinion. It’s because that’s what he’s taught and because that’s what he see’s. I’m not saying you teach him those things. But someone, somewhere is feeding that crap to him. More than likely it’s an outside source and the media. You see, the media doesn’t show the good things that humans do for one another. They only show the hate and the bad things. I hate that your son has to ask you that question, because as a dad, I wouldn’t know how to answer that. I have a picture that I wish I could share with everyone. I can’t because there are 2 children in the picture and I don’t have permission to show them. The picture is of a 9 year old and a 3 year old. Different races. They are sitting in a cul-da-sac playing with a bubble maker. (Before anyone starts judging why kids are playing in the street, there were multiple adults watching these children) In this picture you see two kids smiling and playing together. Why can these 2 get along but some adults can’t? It’s simple, they haven’t been taught to hate. I’m sure they have questions about why they look different, but they don’t care. They are innocent and it’s absolutely beautiful!!! If the world wants change, I mean true change, then parents, family and the media has to stop teaching and showing the hate!!! The 9 year old in this picture is mine. I don’t teach him hate. I don’t t teach him color. I try my best to teach him to be good to humans. To respect his elders, teachers, coaches and everyone he comes in contact with. I’m not perfect and my son isn’t either but we get along with humans who treat us right. Maybe the world could learn something from the these 2 kids!!!
    4 points
  2. This is the reason that I keep saying “no, they don’t” when people say black lives matter. If you believe that racist cops are the reason it’s not safe to be black in America, you’re a fool. Try being black in Chicago.
    3 points
  3. SmashMouth


    No. It doesn’t. If a known Freedom of Choice supporter is a member of the Republican Party, does that make the Republican Party an abortion organization?
    2 points
  4. stevenash

    Dem Logic

    Isn't the title of this thread an oxymoron?
    2 points
  5. gogo1734

    Summer Workouts

    Perfectly said. Thank you!
    2 points
  6. SmashMouth

    Summer Workouts

    You’re a silly boy... Let’s just shut everything down forever, right? My son started summer workouts yesterday morning. He’s one of the most important things in my life, and I would give my life to save his. No hesitation. You need to worry about your family and your kids and leave the parenting of my kids to me. Get your head out of the sand (and your butt) and learn the facts. Young healthy teen athletes have almost no chance of serious health issues or death from the China virus. Go spout your crap somewhere else. And leave my child out of your fear driven comments.
    2 points
  7. aTmfan06

    Summer Workouts

    The WHO just recently said that Asymptomatic spread of corona is very unlikely. I think things will be ok. If your sick.... stay home. It’s not that hard.
    2 points
  8. CardinalBacker

    Dem Logic

    It comes down to accountability. We did our best to make our kids accountable for their actions. Accountable to us and accountable to themselves. That’s the whole problem with the agenda that’s being pushed today... they don’t hold themselves accountable for their own actions. Poor? It’s not that you just make bad decisions when your money.... it’s “inequality.” Have a criminal record? It’s not that you commit crimes... the system is racist. No diploma? It’s not the fact that you dropped out, it’s a bad educational system. $100k in college debt? Not your fault, either. Keep making good decisions and things should start to go your way. Stand around and point at the inequalities which are a fact of life and you’ll never get out of the blocks.
    1 point
  9. 5GallonBucket


    Your exactly right. Finances yes can help but it shouldn’t take money for people to act right towards each other. Even people with money do terrible things to each other. GOD and family.
    1 point
  10. NetCat

    Summer Workouts

    So it's not ok to get out for football...but protests that pack tons of people together isn't a problem? If we get a second round of the virus that's why.
    1 point
  11. PAMFAM10


    Know I’m not whatever you believe about me in well educated. I do believe there are big problems in the black communities that black will have to fix first. But injustice is still injustice. And as a minority I will speak out on all of them. I’m neither democratic or republican... I’m just a American citizen hoping to live the America dream free from hate or depression. I’ve risen from situations that was forced on me and turned out OK. In don’t rely on CNN al sharpton or anything thing else to form opinion. I go from my life experiences and believe it or not at 28 years old. I’ve dealt with countless bullshit because of my skin. Having to constantly prove that I’m more than just my skin. I’m not a robot easily influenced by the masses. I talk from life experiences.
    1 point
  12. WOSdrummer99

    Dem Logic

    You have painted a beautiful picture that many of us see in our everyday lives. A coworker had the same principles in mind while raising his daughter. They didn't teach hate, or difference in skin color. About the time she was 4 or 5, she started taking dance classes from a well known and established school in our area. One day all the little girls in the class had to pair up to do something together. None of the other girls in the class wanted to pair up with her. When the instructor made one pair up with her, that little girl thru a fit like you wouldn't believe. Saying I'm not dancing with a black girl. My coworkers daughter was so upset and started crying. She didn't understand what was wrong with herself and why nobody wanted to dance with her. They picked her up and tried to expain. He said that was the hardest thing he has ever had to do. So no, they dont always learn it from the parents. But I'd bet the other little girl did. IMO it's like LGBTxyz, whatever they call it now days, they are NOT born that way. Edit... Since this is a sports site. She quit dance because of this incident and has now found a team sport, softball. She also has a family history of superb atheletes that came out of WOS. I look forward to keeping up with her success in the future.
    1 point
  13. Most likely black on black murders. No need to kneel. BLM turning their collective heads to the cesspool that is Chicago.
    1 point
  14. Reagan


    It' amazing how the NFL can dictate "excess" celebrations but can't/WON"T dictate the stopping of anti-American sentiment on the side lines!
    1 point
  15. baddog

    Dem Logic

    Yep, heard enough of your shat too. I can plainly see how YOU think on an even plain with equality for all. Have you looted a store or burned one down lately? You could feel the warmth.
    1 point
  16. World Hearsay Organization...smh
    1 point
  17. 5GallonBucket

    Dem Logic

    So much blood is on his hands all he needs is a bullet to the head. No sense in wasting a prison cell on him.
    1 point
  18. baddog

    Dem Logic

    I’m glad Trump pulled out of WHO.
    1 point
  19. 5GallonBucket

    Dem Logic

    Genetic malfunction
    1 point
  20. baddog

    The Last Dance

    Wish I was 22 in ‘98.
    1 point

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