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  1. I didn’t realize the current National Anthem was only for white people.
    3 points
  2. Mine will be a peaceful protest also Turn the channel to Popeye cartoons or Andy Griffith.
    2 points
  3. Kap took a knee to protest what he believes in. Rather you agree or disagree it was a peaceful protest that harmed no one. If we just had let kap be. Nobody will still be talking about kap 3 years later. This most likely would be a dead issue but we didn’t now this is our new reality.
    2 points
  4. Kountzer, the difference is an individual has a choice on whether or not they engage in the liberties opened up by the lessening of restrictions. Nobody is forcing a person to go out in public and risk a very, very, very small chance of contracting the China virus and dying from it. You have the right as an individual to keep yourself quarantined til the end of time if you want. That soul, life, Child of God in the womb does not have a choice. Please don’t use political rhetoric to justify taking a life. I know you are just using an opportunity to demonize the GOP, but it’s a poor example and irresponsible to do so at the peril of killing a child.
    2 points
  5. TxHoops

    This Board Needs....

    My wife and I were engaged when they were coming out. We bought the first one as an audio book when we were going somewhere. Then we would go get the new ones as soon as they came out. If we didn’t have somewhere to go, we would find somewhere. I remember vividly having to pull over to the side of the road during the last one (somewhere between Jasper and Zavala as I recall). I remember discussing the John Coffey/Jesus Christ comparison. Great memories. My wife devours anything King as soon as it’s released. And we both agree that 100 years from now, he will he THE great American novelist (not that he isn’t already). Hemingway, Fitzgerald, etc are great, but no one has been as great AND prolific as King. Nobody.
    2 points
  6. oldman

    Summer Workouts

    You sir are delirious 🙄
    2 points
  7. baddog

    Mask - Wear Them or Not

    From a woman’s perspective.... so, does my body, my choice apply to the wearing of masks or just for the murdering of babies?
    2 points
  8. SmashMouth

    Black National Anthem?

    Oh really? A quote from the flag lover... ”“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color.” His first Public response given to NFL.com - 08/2016
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. So, if someone says the Rebel flag just looks cool to them and it doesn’t mean anything racial, is that ok? I think I know your answer. Just cuz Kap says it, doesn’t it make it any less disrespectful. While I may not agree with his message, I respect his right to peacefully protest. I would much rather he did it in a much less volatile and ill perceived way. March, give speeches, grow a bigger fro, move to Canada, write a song...just don’t cause the perception of disrespect to our armed forces, our good cops and Americans in general. I think he’s done pretty well for someone so downtrodden.
    1 point
  11. NetCat

    Black National Anthem?

    My thing is, in the NFL they HAVE to talk to the media after every game. Kap or anyone else in the league could have talked about whatever they wanted during that time and brought their issues into the public eye...all without disrespecting the flag or our nation. That's my problem with the whole thing, back your cause, but don't disrespect America.
    1 point
  12. baddog

    Black National Anthem?

    My protest is peaceful and silent. I don’t need the spotlight to get my point across. Putting butts in the seats draws revenue and so does merchandising. But the big money comes from tv sponsors. I hit them where it hurts the most and did nothing to divide our country racially.
    1 point
  13. Hagar

    Mail-In Ballots/Voting

    Just read this profound note: Imagine you just won the Powerball Lotto. Would you mail in your winning ticket to collect your prize or take it in person? Now, ask yourself the same question about Mail-In Ballots.
    1 point
  14. All tension matters.
    1 point
  15. I love high school football, absolutely look forward to it every year. The reality is better organization ( meaning more money to throw at problem) NCAA NFL seasons or in jeopardy. I just have lil faith in Uil To be able to draw something up. I see football in spring or no football at all.
    1 point
  16. baddog

    Black National Anthem?

    Will the players stand for the black anthem and then kneel for the “white” one?
    1 point
  17. Don’t they play 10 games? So you are saying 8-3 as their final record? If they beat EC and Anahuac I would hope they get past the first round since they will be district champions.
    1 point
  18. SmashMouth

    Summer Workouts

    God you need help. That’s also very insensitive and insulting. Do you live off the grid by any chance?
    1 point
  19. baddog

    Black National Anthem?

    Goodell doesn’t care about right and wrong. He cares only about appeasement. Heck, he makes more than most players.
    1 point
  20. texbuzz

    Updated Best Guess

    the AAP strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school. Mental health effects of school closures during COVID-19 The poor effect of school closure during coronavirus epidemics has already been evidenced in some studies carried out during the SARS epidemic. I've got more sources. A lot of sources. The difficult part is finding strong leaders that can stand up to people that push policies formed around emotional factors and start driving policies based on evidence and data. My guess is a late start but I am pushing in the ways that I can for as normal opening as possible.
    1 point
  21. Definitely don’t see lumberton in last. Lumberton will be in playoffs again
    1 point
  22. mat

    This Board Needs....

    Usual Suspects is one that stands out. I haven't watched it in awhile. Recently watched Baby Driver and enjoyed it. The opening chase scene is impressive.
    1 point
  23. baddog

    This Board Needs....

    That’s weird because I saw all the mini paperbacks and didn’t want to start into it and one day realize that I had missed one and I didn’t want to wait. Lol. It finally came out in one paperback and I got it. Insomnia is the best book I have ever read. It’s about an 800 page hardback but worth the read. Unbelievable how he can describe people and things.....makes you the proverbial “fly on the wall”. As with most King novels, about 25-50 pages in and you can’t put it down. After Insomnia, I like Desperation. I don’t think there is another author who has had more movies made from his novels than King. I have read a lot of Stephen King but, of course, not all.
    1 point
  24. repeat after me: i have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask....................
    1 point
  25. SmashMouth

    This Board Needs....

    Got some more: Godfather, Jaws, Braveheart, Taxi Driver
    1 point
  26. NetCat

    This Board Needs....

    They are 98% of the time. Just can't fit that much detail in a movie
    1 point
  27. But it's absolutely essential if you "identify" as an individual who wants to destroy America to be at the "Forget the Fourth" demonstration, screaming and shouting, shoulder to shoulder in an angry mob...please do, Comrade Newsome approves. That type of patriotism is ok, if you disagree with the Marxist ideology then you need to do the right thing and stay home in your mask. Who actually believes this nonsense?
    1 point
  28. Huffman Hargrave LCM Vidor Splendora Livingston Lumberton The top 3 are all capable of being district champs and I don't think anyone is going undefeated or winless this season (if we play, which I don't think is happening). Everyone is going to beat on each other. I don't think there's a team here that head and shoulders above the group. probably looking at tiebreakers, point differentials and coin flips the first week of November to figure out who keeps play and who stays home.
    1 point
  29. Tiger33

    10-4A-1 Who wins it.

    Also LCM has a new OC from what I heard so maybe he can bring some life to the playbook.
    1 point
  30. He was a student coach in Orangefield last year. Guess Smalley hired him on this year.
    1 point
  31. I think Vidor missed the playoffs last year. It was LCM HH BC and lum in the playoffs. Livingston hasn’t won a district gsme in prob 4 years. Splendora missed the playoffs
    1 point
  32. baddog

    This Board Needs....

    The Green Mile Shawshank Redemption What’s can I say? I like Stephen King. Read The Green Mile first, then saw the movie. It was unbelievable how the scenes and characters were the same as I pictured in my mind.
    1 point
  33. baddog

    Mask - Wear Them or Not

    Heck, I can loot a store and then burn it down, get arrested and some dem will bail me out, but just let them catch me without a mask and it’s curtains.
    1 point
  34. Chester86

    Mask - Wear Them or Not

    So the governor just mandated ALL to wear a face mask if you are in a county with over 20 cases. Failure to follow results in citations, with a fine of up to $250. My question is who is going to enforce this? Will all of these citations be dismissed like all of the “stay at home” citations? This just amazes me. I’m glad I live in the middle of the woods.
    1 point
  35. TxHoops

    This Board Needs....

    Pulp Fiction is in my top 10 for sure. Was my favorite of Tarantino’s (and he’s definitely one of my favorite directors) but Once Upon a Time in Hollywood may have surpassed it for me. It was incredible too I thought.
    1 point
  36. Hagar

    Updated Best Guess

    Dr. Fauci is saying we need to open schools. That ups the odds on there being a football season. I’m definitely more optimistic.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Maybe I should find a more efficient way to waste time on the internet.
    1 point
  39. That defense over the years has made most offense’s earn every chain link they could get. They have had some of the nastiest defenses I’ve ever seen in High School Football over the years. I’ve always thought of the Chain Gang as a very Stingy Defense. Meaning not giving up many chain links to the offense. Sad to see it changed. How ridiculous!
    1 point
  40. What do we call the guys on the sidelines with the down markers now?
    1 point
  41. Well, that is a bit of news to me. Then he must some have some person who answered his email accounts for him as he has typed out the answers to the annual preview questionnaires that I sent him. And, to me anyway, he has been very complimentary and thanked us for what we do for local high school sports........including just a couple of weeks before he was dismissed. There may be issues in Hardin ISD, but this site it not the root of them.
    1 point

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