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  1. Watched this HBO Documentary a couple nights ago. I thought It was pretty even handed as far as disinformation on both sides. First half is more focused on the Right and 2nd half on the Left. The basic takeaway is that the internet and foreign entities are using social media/internet to divide us and it is working very well. This has made the division so wide that the outside disinfo is now being propagated by not only foreign influences but also by domestic sources that have bought into the past and present disinformation. Don't shoot the messenger! I just thought some of you folks might be interested
    3 points
  2. I wonder could that particular strand of covid-19 can reach to us (11 miles) away from Shepherd if any of those student athletes just happen to come through Coldspring... And God bless the ones that do have it and may He remove it quickly as it was entered in them
    3 points
  3. Interesting comment. I would agree that in comparison to the last couple of years, Silsbee's offense has not played well. The defense on the other hand has played well. But when you get right down to it, Silsbee is 5-2 on the year with their only losses to then #2 Pleasant Grove and #2 WO-S. I would think most teams would take that record.
    2 points
  4. It's too bad that computer ranking doesn't change the outcome of that Deweyville/Horsemen game. 🍿
    2 points
  5. Come on Bro, Ball used #22(mind you he is a BALLER) because they thought they could get strong run game from him. (and they did) With our #41 missing the first half but, man when he got in the 2nd half he and the rest of the D clamped down.
    2 points
  6. Starting QB, safety, will return kicks and punts, will be the kicker and the punter, and even hold the clip board during his spare time! I seen him pulling an 18 wheeler uphill both ways in the cold rain last night! LOL
    2 points
  7. Vidor is on Texanlive.com this week! Glad their showing the big game but more importantly Senior Night!
    2 points
  8. Lol, yep. That was just to irritate the Bulldog faithful. If I had a dollar for every time Vidor beat Ned, I still couldn’t afford a Starbucks coffee. 😂
    2 points
  9. That's OK, you can "reverse the curse"...LMAO
    1 point
  10. Current QB is a Jr. New kid is a Jr. This offense is almost all Jrs and one So. I'm not sure how he will be played but the current QB plays safety until they get a good lead. The new kid plays safety also. Even if he is just OK, it will give some depth at a two demanding positions. After this game I am going to write one of those overly long posts about the development of the offense and some wrinkles I have seen develop in the last couple weeks.
    1 point
  11. Just to add to the conversation... I know a millionaire that has a $100,000 home gym with the best equipment that money can buy. His son plays football for a local school and goes to multiple camps every summer. The kid is by far the best on his team. But the coach doesn't like him because he doesn't work out in the school's weight room during the summer. So he's looking to transfer and they can afford to move anywhere they want. He wants to go to WOS. The sad thing is, at WOS he may not be a star. We got alot of talent every year. And some of our kids are working for a future. He just wants to win, doesn't have a worry in the world. Completely different worlds.
    1 point
  12. that's why I don't make score predictions for my teams, I'm usually horribly wrong when I do.😅 hope you have a speedy recovery from your surgery!
    1 point
  13. I'm not even talking about ethnicity at all.. just living condition. A kid that has a healthy diet, ideal living conditions, the financial backing to travel the state/country for speed/strength/academic camps, does not have to work summers and weekends out of necessity, and has a seemingly endless support system will come out better than an identical kid (height, size, age) who doesn't have those. Again.. there are always exceptions. And there are plenty of kids with access to all of that who are average or worse athletically.. but money plays a huge factor. There have even been studies done showing such. I read a very interesting article recently on the differences between Austin Lake Travis (I think) high school and Austin High School. Two schools within miles of each other with polar opposite football success over the last however many years. You can go look at the student parking lots of each school and see some very vast differences without even seeing the teams.
    1 point
  14. oh you got me on a typo how many times did you misspell believe? do you even know your username is spelled incorrectly?
    1 point
  15. Hagar

    Deadman’s Curve

    Yes, do you remember Pelosi, Cuomo and many other Demicrsts calling Trump a xenophobe and racist for banning travel from China? Pelosi and DeBlasio encouraging people to go out and party. Do you remember those things? Don’t pin ribbons on any Democrats for their actions. Trump realized the problem well before they did. And if one is honest, no one knew (knows) what to do. Don’t wear mask - wear mask. Even recently, WHO said you shouldn’t shutdown the economy. In Beaumont, 75 people have died, and all but 3 have had underlying conditions. It’s obvious that if you’re young and healthy, Flu is a bigger danger than Covid. If you’re older, and/or have underlying conditions, you should avoid contact as much as possible. It’s not rocket science. Well, maybe it is for Democrats.
    1 point
  16. I see what you TRIED to do HOWEVER, you're point is invalid since EVERYONE except you knows that BU were in their SECOND year last season. Nice try though🤣😆😁
    1 point
  17. Oh trust me, I won't allow that. I'm going find that guy.
    1 point
  18. They are under control? Hmmmm.
    1 point
  19. Son of a..... just our luck! You guys got yourselves a regular Bobby Boucher.
    1 point
  20. Also true. In my opinion, they should all be based on an individual player's performance over the duration of a season. Just like I believe the district MVP isn't always the best player on the best team. Sometimes, sure. I look at it like this: If the district coaches were putting together a team to play other districts, who's the one they pick first? There's your MVP. If a region was putting together a team to play other regions, the ones selected are your all region team. Same with all state. And I'll be honest, not all publications are the same...but it should be similar. If they're going on statistics of a player. I do understand that it's possible to exaggerate the stats of someone if they play weak competition but on the same token, it's not a player's fault if they're good but on a bad team.
    1 point
  21. Of course that's the first priority I was just saying in general
    1 point
  22. So.. I'm glad that the region/state accolades are somewhat selective but as mentioned before, the spots seem reserved for the deep playoff teams. Mostly. Perhaps it's just laziness. I know what it is with the district picks.. it's trying to keep parents happy. Unfortunately, that mindset is rotting society. I don't even really think that all district is that big of a deal anymore. It's too watered down.
    1 point
  23. Also.. 20+ years ago they didn't have every starter and most of the bench making all district.
    1 point
  24. The “Smart Phone” is the root of all evil. Give me back 4, 6 and 12 and my news in the morning paper. Divide and conquer is the mantra the media is peddling. People’s critical thinking skills are dulled by spoon-fed media. Whether you watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox or any 24/7 outlet they get you hooked on the fact that the sky is falling. It’s falling because we stopped working with each other, communicating with each other and started drawing boundaries around everything. “Agree to disagree” is a phrase that needs to be resurrected and practiced. When something big happens over here you better be looking over there because the media and/or our government is hiding something. Skepticism about everything is what I believe in.
    1 point
  25. Cmon UT, you’re a smart guy. So please just listen for a second. I’m a skeptic...the furthest from a conspiracy theorist as it gets. Look at every post I’ve written. I don’t jump on bandwagon goofy crap that doesn’t pass the smell test. There’s gotta be SOME reason why this guy is doing this and coming out now just before the election, but whatever the reason, there is something wrong with this Biden family and big piles of money from all over the place. Before you say, “But what about Trump...” just stop. Yeah, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton so on and so forth ALL did (and some continue) some shady stuff. NONE of the politicians do this because they care about US. They’re all crooked to an extent. Our buddy Biden is no different...but he’s at “next level” crooked. Even if you don’t admit it on this forum, admit it to yourself.
    1 point
  26. dayton

    BH Vs. Crosby

    We did have a big tackle for loss after the fight. Lol
    1 point
  27. Anahuac vs Diboll - Thursday 10/29 @ Cleveland HS - 7:30 pm
    1 point
  28. Sigler’s record speaks for itself. Can’t argue with results. I’m not sure if Silsbee will ever see 3A again though.
    1 point
  29. Ok lol. I’m pretty sure Evadale’s QB will remember Aguirre. He had 3 sacks, 2 forced fumbles and 6 tackles for loss. Honestly I’m not saying Bland is not a really good player. He’s an impressive athlete with great size. He’s just not the player Aguirre is from what I saw. Easily a first team all-district pick at DE for sure though. If Aguirre doesn’t win overall district MVP it’ll be a travesty. No other player in the district has that type of impact on both sides of the ball.
    1 point
  30. Well I don't know if your eye sight is that bad, but they run away from Bland on every play besides the last one. He gets one play on 3rd and a mile good job buddy, go ask around Evadale's 2 Qbs and ya'lls Qb if they wanna line up against #5 again. Deweyville's weak side blocked Aguirre downfield all night....
    1 point
  31. The first thing to remember is to not take any team lightly. PNG needs to play every game, and for that matter every play, like it is the last of the season. Only way to win big, on a regular basis, is too give all you have, all the time!!! Coach Ethridge drilled that into the heads of his players during his tenure at PNG. Defense needs to make tackles, period!!! Offense needs to execute plays, period!!! If you give all you have, no excuses need to be made, Win or Lose!!!
    1 point
  32. I hope you guys won't be affected by the virus especially we need you guys to be ready for the playoffs
    1 point
  33. Well, there is a distinction that we need to remember which will provide a measure of relief to Bulldog coaches, players, parents and supporters. The Pirates have lost several players to contact tracing, which means that they have come into contact with someone who tested positive...sometimes that was a fellow student....sometimes it was a family member in the player's household who tested positive. While there was one in the program who tested positive early in the school year, to this point none of the players who have had to quarantine due to contact tracing have ultimately tested positive. Now, of course we will see if that trend holds as the current batch that are in quarantine probably have not received the results of their tests. But it sounds pretty good for folks on Friday night that came in contact with Pirate personnel.
    1 point
  34. And if you don’t remember #8 Aguirre (against DV, normally #23) take a glance at this quick recap video from the HD vs DV game. The first play shows Aguirre running right past Bland for a 23 yard gain. And the very last play he’s lined up at TE and blocks Bland 5 yards downfield. Just sayin... [Hidden Content]-(daisetta,tx)/football/default.htm
    1 point
  35. BHFAN

    BH Vs. Crosby

    I have only watched some clips of Crosby this year, but will be surprised If they don’t get up for this game. Coogs at home wanting some payback I just hope BH brings it this game.
    1 point
  36. Thank you for reminding him, though. Although I would say that the standings in 12-4A-I might be a bit deceiving at this point. La Marque, who is tied for first place has played neither Sealy, who they are tied with, (they play them in Week 11) nor Bellville (they play on Friday night).
    1 point
  37. I am sure it is drilled to these RB's but it seems like the players that do this scrambling are imagining a 3 foot bubble around the defender that if they enter that bubble, they will get tackled. Have you seen the tackling out there? The best RB's that seem to hit the hole and fly are always brushing past arm tackles and whiffs. Run at 'em and then brush past them! Vidor seemed to always have kids that ran at the defense. If you were a bad tackling team, they could run all over you.
    1 point
  38. One cut an GO NORTH! It drives me nuts seeing these running backs run 15 yards east and west to gain nothing over an over an over again! Make 1 cut an get your 3 yards instead of running a 15 yard sprint to gain nothing! Just getting 3 yards will help the offense stay on schedule an make getting a 1st down more manageable plus save their legs.
    1 point
  39. just make one high school than this will not be a problem!!!
    1 point
  40. All-State?? If a DE from the district gets that honor it would be #5 Ryan Bland, no one has blocked him all year. I don't remember #23 or #8 (whichever number he'll be this week) making plays like #5 Bland did all night in the match up against each other.
    1 point
  41. In past years, I’ve seen Vidor put up more points in one game than they used to in a whole season. Surely they can go back and look at the blocking schemes and plays. Put a few passes in and bam, it works again. They’ve tried this new snap and it ain’t working. Put QB under center and let the misdirection begin. 🙏
    1 point
  42. They say you’re bad luck. Lol. I hope it’s not true. Lol
    1 point
  43. Not only that, what other playoff team with a bye that week wants to risk injuries a week before playoffs start? Only way I see that filled is if a non-playoff team has a bye that week and hasn't played a 10th game, if that's even possible.
    1 point
  44. So by your logic Goose Creek Memorial and Baytown Lee is better than United. GCM beat Ball 34-7 which is more "dominant" than United. Lee just beat GCM, so United doesn't stand a chance against them. So Robert is that really what you want to go with?
    1 point
  45. Sorry, this is tad more than a headline. WO-S uses bye to hold Friday night practice: Dan Hooks stadium was filled to COVID allowable capacity Friday night as the Mustangs held a bye week practice. The workout was aired by Texas Live and KOGT as well as being the game of the week on local TV outlets. Coach Thompson says, "We've got to be ready, this region is a landmine, what with Jasper and the University of Carthage and such. Even Silsbee seems to get an attitude after district. It was strange though, the offense couldn't move on our defense and the defense couldn't stop our offense."
    1 point
  46. I've never seen Galena Park but I have seen Galena Park North Shore
    1 point
  47. H-STING

    Newton vs Hemphill

    I was impressed watching Newton. They are very good team. Hemphill in my opinion just doesn’t have a good enough defense to beat them. I think Hemphill offense will be the best Newton has seen in district. If Hemphill’s offense can move the chains and keep Newton’s offense off the field that will be key. If not look for another blowout victory for Newton. I believe this will be an exciting game to watch hopefully not a blow out. Both offenses are very explosive looking forward to watching this one. Good luck to both teams
    1 point
  48. jayhawk

    Crosby 24 Dayton 0/FINAL

    I have no great expatiations for this Bronco team - I think they are well coached but lack the man power to compete with teams like Crosby who was bigger and better than us. That being said our defense did a respectable job and at least stifled the many home run passes Crosby attempted. During the first half our skinny little RB did a good job at penetrating Crosbys defensive line.- We will get better !
    1 point

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