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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2021 in all areas

  1. A truly sad day. The checks and balances have been taken away. The liberals have seized control of the Senate, the House, the presidency and they already have control of the Supreme Court. They now have free run to pass laws, appoint judges and set up more anti-Christian platforms. BLM and Antifa have carte-blanche with a ready-made host. Anti-Cop rhetoric will be even worse (if that’s possible) under this trifecta of criminally-sympathetic “politicians”. I’m glad I live where I live because we will just duck and cover. The gloom being felt across half the country is palpable. The only bright spot that we must cling to is the battle has been won. God sits on the throne and we are only strangers in this life passing through.
    3 points
  2. I’m serious.... that’s a big part of what has gotten us to where we are today. If you want to know what happened on Earth today, you can choose whether you’d like the far-left view of events (cnn, msnbc, or the major news outlets) or you can catch a right wing take on the days events over on fox or newsmax. If you REALLY want an unbiased news source, you have to check one out of Europe. That’s a shame. Last night all of the talking heads on CBS, (not guests, these were their hosts) were calling for Trump to be impeached or removed from office using the 25th Amendment as he isn’t fit to lead, is a danger to the country, etc... They literally are the PR wing of the Democrat party, and they should not be. Just tell us what happened, I can form my own opinions, thank you.
    3 points
  3. There has never been a group this far left, though. The policies they are sure to pass in the next four years will be detrimental to our country.
    3 points
  4. On her birthday, no less! Congratulations! Coach Lawson has a gem coming to Durham.
    2 points
  5. I said insurrection worked for the Radical Left Movement and you just said When did Democrats attempt an insurrection? So you think Democrats are the Radical Left? Freudian Slip??? 😳 LMAO!!!! You can’t make this stuff up folks.
    2 points
  6. That really makes me sick too. Both sides were touting how it was a travesty that legislators lives were at risk. What about the people they work for! Everyone on here...Left, Right or Center should be pissed about that.
    2 points
  7. I am just going to throw this out there, congrats to Coach Crouch on a long career where he built relationships with kids and helped them to become men, after as many years as he coached and was in the school system I hope he enjoys his retirement. Congrats to Coach on retiring
    2 points
  8. Oh hell naw!! We all agreeing too much!!! This will not work. We will lose readers.
    2 points
  9. Obama did a great job. He’s made it to where my health insurance and healthcare cost is much greater than my mortgage.
    2 points
  10. baddog

    Early results are in...

    First of all, let me preface this by saying that what happened yesterday was terrible. They should have kept it in the streets and protested all they wanted. I wonder if any on the left will deny this photo evidence. I’m not saying that it was all antifa, but when you have a mob mentality, all it takes is one or two to set it off. Check this out.....
    2 points
  11. It worked for the radical left movement.
    2 points
  12. I see Mr McClure had 42 & 16 last night. Friday will be interesting. It is really tough to handle the waves of pressure that Silsbee throws at you for an entire game. I expect Brock will perform admirably, much like I hear Boudreaux from BC did last night against the Tigers. When you have seasoned, 3 and 4 year starters, it certainly helps. This game will be the one to watch. Regardless, I think this is the 1-2 matchup most of us expected at the beginning of the season. Hope both teams have a competitive, healthy game.
    2 points
  13. Is it too early for "Silsbee is playing dirty and the refs aren't calling it" post to be made yet?
    2 points
  14. After calling the game and seeing them in person courtside. This team is really, really, good. They have it all, Size, Athletic, with a calm demeanor. No panic at all from this team in the 3 games I've seen. They have a quiet confidence that I think will help in the long run.
    2 points
  15. I couldn't agree more. I was just typing something similar when I saw this. I'm not saying what happened yesterday is ok, but I have no sympathy towards those sorry politicians. They didn't care one bit about the common man that they work for or for the police that they are trying to defund, but since they were scared yesterday it's terrorism and they need those police.
    1 point
  16. Ain’t it funny how it is considered terrorism when members of congress are surrounded, but people watching while their stores and businesses are being looted and burned down, those perpetrators are considered peaceful and have a right to do it?
    1 point
  17. Until COVID came along a year before election. That was convenient for the Dems. Helped push mail-in balloting to the forefront, the reason Trump lost.
    1 point
  18. baddog

    Early results are in...

    .....but those peaceful protests were in memory of George Floyd (yeah right), even the ones looting WalMart taking the full racks of de-activated gift cards. You know, those intelligent peaceful protestors.
    1 point
  19. Ty Cobb


    You are probably correct, but I will get an increase in pay at work for having it. Might as well take advantage of this tragedy.
    1 point
  20. Congrats to Deweyville. You deserve it and need it.
    1 point
  21. Silsbee 10+ 💨🏘😁
    1 point
  22. PAMFAM10

    Early results are in...

    I agree thugs
    1 point
  23. There's no difference between the guys in Washington yesterday and the people who were at riots back in the early summer. I've got no problem with calling them a mob, rioters, looters, thugs, etc.... it's what they were-both times.
    1 point
  24. Congratulations Coach, to you and your staff.
    1 point
  25. Yeah. I would bump it up to a 7 even.
    1 point
  26. Spot on with the bolder comment especially. Thank you. I was about to post almost the EXACT same message. People, by and large, are sheep. If there is only a shepherd going to the left and a shepherd going to the right then that’s where the sheep will go. That’s our media, our politicians and our own fault.
    1 point
  27. You do have to admit the media’s duplicity in all of this. I’ve been watching the talking heads all afternoon calling this reprehensible, a mob, rioters, terrorism, an embarrassment, etc.... and they’re exactly right. I just wonder where all of that strong language was this summer when crowds were stomping store owners to death, burning police stations, looting stores, destroying cop cars, etc.... those people were “mostly peaceful protestors.” Literally... crowds in BLM plaza there in Washington were “protestors” in all of that smoke and tear gas, but yesterday they were “rioters” and “Trump” supporters. There needs to be an unbiased media source.
    1 point
  28. Just received my quarterly retirement savings account statement, and it had probably the best quarter ever. Thank you President Trump!!!! I’m sure this new regime, voted in by the braindead, will make that completely vanish. They think no one, but themselves, should be able to amass any wealth. It will be used to distribute to the lazy asses that want to suck off of the government’s teat. It’s to late America, the socialist party is here!! Hope the braindead enjoy!!!!
    1 point
  29. See, Silsbee is already playing dirty and the refs aren't calling it. Lumberton in a close one, less than 10 points.
    1 point
  30. Jasper played them in either the regional finals or State Semis several years back. LH offense is the best Slot-T I have ever seen by far. Jasper had no answer for them. Jasper was just too athletic for LH and scored 3 TDs in about 4 offense plays to start the game. It came down to the last drive of the game for the win. Kind sense it might be another one of those type of games. LH will get their points and I am sure Crosby will too. Fewest turnover or maybe even who has the ball last might decide this game.
    1 point
  31. WOSgrad

    Newton vs Woodville.

    Not a problem. If you don't see a score, there is where you want to look. I can't guarantee that it will be there, but there is a good chance it will be if we have it.
    1 point
  32. There's an easy formula for frustrating and beating Silsbee this year. Simply get a lead (any kind of lead) then slow the game down and run your half court offense. Only take good shots or attempt lay ups. Take a good minute off the clock each time if you really want to frustrate some Tigers. Run all of this through McClure, and maybe the Raiders will pull this one out. Sounds simple enough in theory. Whether or not Lumberton has the personnel to pull this off remains to be seen. We start two freshman and two sophomores, so we are very young. We also have a lot of improving to do. I hope we approach this game like it's a win or go home playoff game Friday night.
    1 point
  33. stevenash

    Early results are in...

    He's B A C K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  34. It’s a pendulum.... it’s just swinging away from trump towards the left... if it swings violently left, it’ll go even further right the next time. I’ve watched both sides lose all three branches several times in my lifetime. We (on the right) might not enjoy the next few years, but the America voters are fickle and this era, too, will pass.
    1 point
  35. I'm picking Silsbee in the upset.
    1 point
  36. NetCat

    Early results are in...

    👌, just making sure. It's all good.
    1 point
  37. Agreed, This is quote from Liberty Hill Coach Jerry Vance who started using the slot-t in the mid 2000’s who won a couple of State Championships. “We don’t have great big kids. There isn’t a lot of 4.4-speed at Liberty Hill,” Vance said. “What we do lends itself to the average high school kid. It’s not about being bigger or taller or even faster. What we do is about execution. We do what works for us.” And if that sounds like a complaint, it isn’t. “I’d struggle to coach the elite kids. I do better with the workmanlike football player with us running an unselfish system on offense and defense. We don’t need a back to carry the ball 30 times for us to win a game,” Vance said. “If we’re willing to work hard, we’ll be successful. It isn’t about the individual. It never has been. That’s why we win.” Liberty Hill was the perfect fit — a workman-like rural town on Highway 281 between Georgetown and Burnet. The Panthers suffered through a long-spell of losing before Vance’s arrival from a previous stop as a coordinator at San Marcos High School. “I’m not a rah-rah guy. If I need to get you excited for a game, you’re doing the wrong thing. We don’t have 1,000 jersey combinations or anything like that,” Vance said. “Liberty Hill ended up being the perfect place for me, as a coach and for my family. It felt like the right fit when we took the job and it ended up being the perfect situation. I was fortunate, no doubt about it.”
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Teresa Weatherspoon from Pineland wasn't too bad either!
    1 point
  40. Don't forget Silsbee's Brandi McCain. Played several years in WNBA.
    1 point
  41. This is what Cardinalbacker is celebrating today. What a Fool. A one party system. It’s called a dictatorship. “We got the trifecta. Take no prisoners. Burn them to the ground. Pack the courts. End the filibuster. Make DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam all states” They blatantly are trying to steal an election. Don’t think they want try to do the above. You may be good with what they want to do to this country but I along with millions more are not good with it. Your TDS has blinded you, please get help.
    1 point
  42. Basketball playoffs are more than a couple of weeks away, but I understand your excitement.
    1 point
  43. D3zii

    Herman fired

    exactly.. Everyone who watched college ball knew Washington was in shambles
    1 point
  44. That's a lot of whining from someone complaining about whining.
    1 point
  45. You mean this guy? [Hidden Content] J. Hutton Pulitzer, (aka "Commander Pulitzer") formerly known as J. Jovan Philylaw, a failed inventor and former treasure hunter by trade? Then by all means, let's just admit that Trump won immediately? Shoot maybe he can write a book about it. [Hidden Content] That's a list of books he's published. That's whose opinion you're quoting as fact. Y'all will literally believe anything. Anything.
    1 point
  46. As opposed to putting those in a seat that are obviously more concerned about holding power and lining their pocketbooks than the fate of the nation? They’re all the same. Left, center and right. Self centered, self serving crooks.
    1 point
  47. I believe people voted for him cause they were tired of the games the left and right were playing domestically and internationally i ll never vote for a person who is okay with killing babies
    1 point

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