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  1. Not only donated your time you give kids ride feed them and has always been honest what you do for the kids is awesome keep going
    4 points
  2. Cougar14.2

    Crosby vs Aledo

    There’s an argument for Reginald Samples or Phil Danaher to currently be the best coaches in THSF. Probably 650 career wins but 0 state titles between them. You don’t think those guys are elite but somebody like Tom Westerberg, who’s only finished above 3rd place once in his time at BH I believe, is for his work at Allen which consisted of multiple state titles? Go tell another high school coach that Kirk Martin and Glen West aren’t elite for what they did at Manvel and Brenham. How do you know Crosby’s coach isn’t elite too? He’s going to be coaching for a title in his 28th career game, Tim Buchanan didn’t coach for a title until his 73rd career game at Aledo.
    3 points
  3. Hmmm... 🤔 That’s something, you boys want to match up FFA and Welding programs. We’ll throw them V’s up all in your face!
    3 points
  4. Congratulations President Elect Biden and soon to be President Biden! With that said, I’m going to need some help from my Democratic Liberal friends: 1. Can I borrow the #NotMyPresident hashtag or is that reserved for President Trump? 2. Who do I contact to see if Republicans are boycotting the Inauguration, like the Democrats did for President Trump? 3. Do I have to accept the election results, or can I cry for four years, claiming election interference? 4. Am I entitled to see Biden’s tax returns to learn how his income jumped dramatically in one year (I mean, we all know how and why. Just show the proof.)? 5. Am I allowed to trash anything that Biden says, without repercussion, because I’m just expressing myself? 6. Is there a sign-up somewhere for riots, do organizers call me, or how does that work, since I didn’t get my way? 7. Are businesses targeted because they supported Biden, or do I just pick a business that has something I want to take home? 8. Were the thousands of businesses that boarded up for fear of riots, for Conservatives or Liberals? If they were for Conservatives, did I miss the riots already??? 9. Where are the safe spaces at? Is there a map or something? I may need to go cry for a little while (because of how stupid our country has become). 10. Does all the free stuff your party has promised, just come or do I have to quit my job first? 11. What is the address you guys have been sending all that extra tax money to, since you think people aren’t paying enough in taxes? I’m sure you have been voluntarily sending in more than required... 12. When my 401K crashes, will the President Elect make up for that in give-a-ways, or am I just screwed? 13. Since Socialism is what you just voted in, if my neighbor has something I want, do I just take it or do I have to let him know I’m taking it (Personally, I have had my eye on the brand NEW Mercedes SUV, a couple of doors down ... Biden sign in yard.). 14. When gas gets unaffordable, is there an EBT card for that? 15. I have seen the gatherings of Conservatives protesting the election results, but something is wrong, nothing is getting destroyed. Did you guys go to a class for that, or could you provide some pointers on how to do it right, please? 16. The Conservative gatherings were dubbed super spreader events, yet the protests and now election gatherings by Liberals, are not. Did you guys secretly come out with the vaccine? 17. Funny how the CDC has come up with a vaccine, soon after you were pronounced the President Elect. Can you, all your family, and colleagues take it first, to ensure it works? 18. So, now you are the President Elect and soon to be President Biden, Is every death now on you, or is it President Trump's responsibility, just at your convenience? 19. During Biden's State of the Union Address, is Nancy going to tear up the speech on national television, or does she only do that with President Trump? I’m sorry for all the questions, this is all new to me. I want to make sure I get it right!
    2 points
  5. None- that wasnt the point I was trying to make. However, electing someone based on business acumen ( assuming that is the sole reason for being elected) is, in my opinion, no worse than electing someone based upon how well spoken they are..
    2 points
  6. But Dove, in the liberal world, shouldnt all of this therapy be "free"
    2 points
  7. I’ll take Pop to beat Son. It’s crazy that this was supposed to be the season opener before Covid cancelled it. But here we are. Still surprised SLC knocked off Duncanville and did so without their coach.
    2 points
  8. D3zii

    Crosby vs Aledo

    Same thing I was thinking as an outsider looking in, They beat two undefeated and 3 state ranked teams.
    2 points
  9. CCRed

    Crosby vs Aledo

    I’ve been going to Crosby games faithfully for 44 years. Needless to say, I’m a little pumped up after last night. I hope they don’t limit the number of tickets sold, or I’ll be “storming” the stadium to gain access.
    2 points
  10. HurricaneCal

    Crosby vs Aledo

    God, Family, Team
    1 point
  11. Steve, we need to start the investigations now. And when the Republicans gain the House in two years then we can impeach him. The Dems did it becuase they had the numbers. If that's the new rule, then lets play!
    1 point
  12. If the unarmed woman/amen who was shot and killed would have been black, then the Capitol police would be the savages. Go figure.
    1 point
  13. CCRed

    Crosby vs Aledo

    Nah, you’re here supporting Crosby and we appreciate it. Maybe I can get a Code Red shirt for you.
    1 point
  14. Whatever, Leon.
    1 point
  15. I agree about Trump shooting himself in the foot. He let his mouth overload his ass, and it cost the Republicans and the country dearly.
    1 point
  16. Cougar14.2

    Crosby vs Aledo

    1. FBM - If they play their best game they’re going to beat all those other teams more times than they’ll lost to them. 2. Huntsville - I think they’re tied with with FBM defensively. FBM hands down has the better offense so I put them ahead. 3. LH - They scored a lot of points on Crosby with that offense but I’d imagine they could only get half that on FBM or Huntsville. The way FBM held Calallen to 17 points in that semifinal game a few years ago lets me know their staff can defend that style offense. They would score the same 60 Crosby did offensively. The Bobino brothers would just smother the entire inside against LH so I think it’s an even worse matchup for them. 4. Texas High - several 5A teams down here would beat them
    1 point
  17. 6'6 He is a little shorter than jace Jones
    1 point
  18. AledoAlumni

    Crosby vs Aledo

    I think that game was important for us. Gave our kids confidence they could play with anyone in D2.
    1 point
  19. AledoAlumni

    Crosby vs Aledo

    I'm most impressed with our game against Cedar Hill. We were down by 3 with about 4 minutes left and had the opportunity to go win the game. Our Sophomore QB threw an int and then a couple plays later they scored to make it a 10 point game. But we had em!
    1 point
  20. BMTSoulja1

    Crosby vs Aledo

    Just solely looking at Crosby beating state ranked opponents in FB Marshall and Huntsville. Those were huge wins for that up and coming program. I was thoroughly impressed. Now I haven’t did much research on Aledo’s path to this point. Feel free to share that information.
    1 point
  21. AledoAlumni

    Crosby vs Aledo

    I dont think anyone from any classification has had a more difficult road. If they have I havent seen it.
    1 point
  22. Let me start by saying congrats to Crosby on making yalls 2nd state final! Yall have had a very impressive playoff run. Good luck on Friday!
    1 point
  23. D3zii

    Crosby vs Aledo

    Everyone keeps talking about the coaching like Aledo doesnt have athletes to go with that...2021 #10 player in Texas (Early) Bama commit, 2022 #13 player in Texas (Allen Jr) LSU commit. They have athletes as well as coaching.. But anything can happen between the lines, Pulling for you Crosby. It will be tough but all you can do is go out there, give it your all and let the chips fall where they may. Win or lose the season has been a thrill
    1 point
  24. HurricaneCal

    Crosby vs Aledo

    Those DFW teams have a huge advantage when it comes to travel. It would be interesting if the COOGS can jump right on em and make the game a dogfight just like they have the past few weeks. I just hope the travel, playing at Jerrysworld, and the aura of Aledo isn’t too much. It would’ve been nice to have had a game at NRG during this run. There’s just something about this team though and I’ll be there pulling for them. 5, 4, 3, 7, and up next is 2. Never seen a run like it!
    1 point
  25. This is why he was hated on both sides and why he appealed to level headed Americans. Now the money grabbers/spenders can extort as much as they want.
    1 point
  26. I really wish President Trump would have won, for many reasons, but none more than to see what/who he could have exposed. There are a bunch of sorry politicians in dc!!!
    1 point
  27. Todd(dad) is at Austin Westlake Riley at Southlake Carroll
    1 point
  28. I’m just a guy who has donated my time to helping kids in summer ball for many years. We send about 8-10 kids to college (almost all D1) every year. And as a result, I’ve gotten to know and talk to college coaches often when they call to ask about a particular kid (like this afternoon). But THEY offer kids, not me. You seem confused about the process but I’m always happy to help 😃
    1 point
  29. I agree wholeheartedly with that order.
    1 point
  30. Southlake Carroll wins 34-27 Father vs Son for the 6a D1 Championship next week. Momma Dodge is going to have an interesting week.
    1 point
  31. [Hidden Content] Coach Mitchell states it here, it’s a no brainer
    1 point
  32. Donahoe best I’ve seen. Followed by Jarvis and then Shawn. My personal opinion
    1 point
  33. No. Beat Summer Creek 80-77
    1 point
  34. This performance was way out of the norm for the bulldogs. It’s a long season and bad nights happen. The Bulldogs will get back right!
    1 point
  35. Then you don't know HJ basketball history very well.
    1 point
  36. Cougar14.2

    Crosby vs Aledo

    Well Eazy, you’ve been on us all year. Even when we played your boys. I fully respect your decision to jump off the wagon before we go into the fire. Looks like it’s going to be nothing but the kamikazes from here on out🛩
    1 point
  37. I saw this with most of the Crosby team, they were seeking out the players who were overcome with grief and consoling them. I am very impressed with this team and it's sportsmanship....GO CROSBY COUGARS!!!
    1 point
  38. Yes he did. He made a couple of mental errors. He just needs to throw the ball out of bounds. He has to think smart. Probabilities.
    1 point
  39. biaplayer

    Crosby vs Aledo

    Good luck to Crosby incredible playoff run. Only one thing left to do Knock off Aledo. This wont be an easy task but anything can happen. Win or lose they have had one hell of a season.
    1 point
  40. Eazy

    Crosby vs Aledo

    After an incredible run of defeating 4 straight undefeated teams, Crosby gets a break and plays a 12-1 team. No seriously, after this amazing run for Crosby, including two OT thrillers, I cant imagine they have enough left in the tank to match Aledo.
    1 point
  41. Taking Crosby.
    1 point
  42. What?? I thought Livingston was a top 1-3 team in that district. Where is our resident Lion fan to explain?
    1 point
  43. Yeah, I'd vote Cruz. I did in the primary in '16 over Trump.
    1 point
  44. MElaine looks like a man. The wig that she wears is hideous
    1 point
  45. hitman009

    Liberty Hill vs Crosby

    I always find it funny how Coaches that have a winning history talk about how they don't have many "Players/Athletes". That it is all the program.... If they were doing well in just one sport I would agree but don't let him fool you.... they got DUDES!!! In the last 2 years basketball went 62-15 (Reg quarter-finalist/ State runner up) and baseball 43 - 7 (season cut short.. ranked #2, and Regional Finalist) with out having Athletes... sorry don't buy it... sounds great in a interview though..
    1 point
  46. Soccer? Really? That’s what you're gonna come back with? I’ll bet YOU didn’t know that our cross country team won state one time, did you? So there! Stop playing around.... or our one-act-play team will act y’all right off of the stage.
    1 point
  47. I am just going to throw this out there, congrats to Coach Crouch on a long career where he built relationships with kids and helped them to become men, after as many years as he coached and was in the school system I hope he enjoys his retirement. Congrats to Coach on retiring
    1 point
  48. Man, we sure got some fence riders on this forum. They can never be wrong. I mean, what is more important in life than to always be right on a political forum? Hate one side then be inclusive with same side you just got through calling names with terms like “we” and “us”. Some of us have EVERYTHING figured out but alas, are riding in the same boat.
    1 point

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