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Whatever Your Opinion Of Trump Is, This Is Hard To Disagree With!
Reagan and 3 others reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
Can’t argue with any of this. What is sad that we have such an uninformed ignorant country of voters that will simply vote against someone because they don’t like them, giving no consideration of the consequences, when many of us knew what was going to happen, because it is. I guess we’re gonna have to figure in the stupid voter dynamic from here on out when choosing a candidate. Past results don’t seem to matter.4 points -
It’s obvious the ignorant, uninformed voters went for Biden. Nobody in their right mind would vote for a person suffering from serious dementia. Btw, a dementia so bad that his fellow Democrats are already wanting to get the nuclear Football away from him. The Dem voter is a real life example of the 1984 Book that said Ignorance is Strength. That ignorance is the strength, the backbone, of the Democratic Party. They’d been inundated for four years with “Orange man bad” by the MSM. And that MSM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Left.3 points
Hull-Daisetta vs Port Aransas
Tyler Dixson and one other reacted to oldschool2 for a topic
Flatonia played HD in the second playoff game in two consecutive days. That's a fortunate event.. for HD. Was it the difference? I'm not saying that, but they literally had zero days to rest or prepare. Mumford played HD on one day's rest/preparation. They played a single digit playoff game on 2/25, then another on 2/27. That's a fortunate even.. for HD. Again, was it the difference? I'm not saying that. It definitely helps, though. HD overcame a 17 point 4th quarter deficit to win their second consecutive playoff game by 1 point. That's a fortunate event that statistically, normally doesn't happen. Calm down, Karen. I'm not saying they didn't earn the wins. Just that some things went right that normally don't and it needs to happen again. AP will be a test.2 points -
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
bullets13 and one other reacted to AggiesAreWe for a topic
Will be with them the rest of the way.2 points -
They epitomized the word team. Hated to see them beat my g’sons team, but they were a joy to watch. Then, they didn’t have height, or a star, just 5 average guys, but it appeared that all of them knew where the other four where at all times. More like a choreographed performance than normal basketball.2 points
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
BMTSoulja1 and one other reacted to EliteTiger for a topic
YATES!!! they had a 7 ft center!2 points -
This is worth the time
Yeoj and one other reacted to SmashMouth for a topic
@baddog posted this on another forum, but I thought everyone who sticks to the sports forums should see it too. It’s pretty awesome. Thanks @baddog2 points -
BigGirl -- What Do You Think Of This?!
Ty Cobb and one other reacted to 5GallonBucket for a topic
If this so called satanic bill does go into effect then there needs to be full disclosure on who the ITs are so the real God given females know. there needs to be a register just like sex offenders. just thinking about this sickens me. where the heck are all the leftist.... come on you cowards speak up.2 points -
2 points
I agree with your posts. But I will disagree with your opinion that Trump's "talking too much" made the moderate swing voters hate him. The media's 92% negative coverage (not to mention ignored accomplishments) (also not to mention social media's ban on anything negative towards Biden) made swing voters hate him. George Bush faced almost the same thing. Liberals hated the man. Same with Reagan. Liberals hated the man. Same with Romney and McCain. It will be exactly the same with the next GOP president/candidate. The liberal media will guide Liberals to hate him/her, no matter what that person does or says. I like that Trump fought back. I'm hoping the next GOP president fights back even harder against the biased (self-proclaimed) elitists who dictate what the Liberals think. If we had an unbiased media I have no doubt Trump would have won in an overwhelming landslide. I'm thinking at least 47 to 48 state win. And if you use Obama's geography, probably 54 to 55 state win.2 points
Whatever Your Opinion Of Trump Is, This Is Hard To Disagree With!
CardinalBacker and one other reacted to bullets13 for a topic
Don’t disagree with this either. What’s funny to me is that trump is ultra-moderate. He’s basically been a Democrat his whole life. I’ve never understood the steadfast devotion to him from the furthest right OR the seething hate for him from the furthest left. I don’t think he did a bad job as president. The economy improved, he took strides to improving our military and foreign policy, and if we’re honest, he didn’t really do anything that was so ultra-right that it should’ve had the left in an uproar. But he talked too much, and made too many moderate swing voters hate him. I have a very diverse group of friends, and the ones who voted blue weren’t singing Biden’s praises, they simply hated Trump.2 points -
Trump's gold statue
Big girl and one other reacted to WOSdrummer99 for a topic
The worst are the ex military that think trump is still in control until may. I told my coworker, "that man cant even control his own bladder."2 points -
Let’s go Bobcats! Seventh schmeventh! They haven’t played any horsemen yet! (bullets and AAW are probably right but I still believe Bobcats)2 points
March 10, FREEDOM
SmashMouth reacted to 5GallonBucket for a topic
I havent worn one for 99.9% of the time since this whole mess started1 point -
1 point
March 10, FREEDOM
5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth for a topic
I’ve already been celebrating my freedom for about 2 weeks. I quit wearing one. No one has uttered a word.1 point -
Common sense is alive and well in Texas. If you want to wear a mask do so. If you don’t want to wear one, don’t.1 point
March 10, FREEDOM
Chester86 reacted to 5GallonBucket for a topic
Too bad they didn’t make it starting today given Texas independence day1 point -
I knew Texas wouldn’t lag behind very long.1 point
That's because there are no regional tourneys this year. it is very unfortunate though.1 point
Alright Alright Alright... That's awesome" just don't seem right when you ain't doing it.!😁1 point
Looks like the "plans" to bring in an area HS coach have fallen through again! LOL Congrats Coach Price!1 point
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
TxHoops reacted to AggiesAreWe for a topic
I will be providing the audio for Texan Live.1 point -
Trump's gold statue
Chester86 reacted to 5GallonBucket for a topic
I can’t stand his antics. And I don’t like him doing or saying that....it’s despicable...... but that’s to a grown woman If we have to pick the lesser of two evils biden is much worse with his documented behaviors with young children But to the left children don’t mean much do they now1 point -
Trump's gold statue
5GallonBucket reacted to Englebert for a topic
Who are these people? Who do think is excusing his actions? Do people that disagree with your analysis of Trump deserve your scorn and wrath? Why do you think your simplistic analysis of Trump is beyond reproach, while disagreeing views are indications of idolatry. Do you think I should vote for a senile old man that wants to lead this country into socialism because the other guy hurt your feelings? TDS is comical, but oh so dangerous to the future of the United States.1 point -
Trump's gold statue
WOSdrummer99 reacted to Englebert for a topic
Who. Is. Worshipping. It? Does. Writing. In. This. Style. Feel. As. Stupid. To. You. As. It. Does. To. Me?1 point -
Perfect description. Very disciplined team that run their sets to perfection. They may get “out athleted” before they make it to San Antonio but they won’t beat themselves. They have one very special player who makes everyone around him better.1 point
BigGirl -- What Do You Think Of This?!
5GallonBucket reacted to Hagar for a topic
They are cowering with their heads in the sand to pretend it isn’t happening. They don’t want to know. To know would require them to reevaluate their political stance, so they blindly follow this demonically driven agenda and support it with their votes. We all have sins that need forgiven, but how they will explain supporting these people come judgement time is beyond me.1 point -
"Trump worshipers"...hyperbole at it's comical best. Embarrassing analysis don't you think? Who are these people you speak of that don't recognize Trumps faults played a part in the elections? But let's vote for a senile old man that embraces socialist edicts because the other guy hurt my feelings. Again, embarrassing.1 point
Iowa governor lifts C-19 restrictions
Chester86 reacted to 5GallonBucket for a topic
Suppose to be today @1:30 while he s speaking in Lubbock if I’m not mistaken1 point -
#15 United vs. #4 College Station
BMTSoulja1 reacted to 5GallonBucket for a topic
If BU shuts down the guard they ll get this win. And I believe they will. BU defense will be the difference in this game1 point -
1 point
Trump's gold statue
InMAGAWeTrust reacted to CardinalBacker for a topic
Isn’t it crazy how Trump worshippers don’t blame Trump’s bad behaviors for his loss, but instead blame those who weren’t willing to ignore his bad behaviors? Put blame where it belongs. If Trump “grabbed your wife/daughter by the p-word” you’d tell her that she’s just being a crybaby because Trump is doing such a good job as President. Trump was talking about you when he boasted that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in broad daylight and his supporters would still vote for him.1 point -
Whatever Your Opinion Of Trump Is, This Is Hard To Disagree With!
LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar for a topic
And not just the lies, but the omission of News of a derogatory nature concerning Biden (Democrats). Their omitting the News of Hunters laptop is a prime example. And more recently, refusing to report about Cuomo having alledged sexual harassment incidents until it’s gotten so big they had to report it. Which brings me to........why are the Dems up in arms over two alledged sexual Harassment incidents, but silent on Cuomo killing thousands of the elderly in Nursing Homes? It’s analogous to, Let’s charge this guy for shoplifting - But Judge, he robbed a bank - Not important. Good grief, are all Dem politicians demonically possessed? Never mind, I know the answer.1 point -
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
EliteTiger reacted to no-look for a topic
Silsbee by 9. 77-681 point -
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
EliteTiger reacted to BADSANTA for a topic
Tip tomorrow night. Tigers should be good a rested up.1 point -
I know of a person that was sane, analytical, thoughtful, unbiased but now honestly believes that Trump almost single-handedly ruined the United States of America. This guy thought that feelings, as preached by the media, was the true soul of America...be damned rule of law. Yes, hurt feelings would be the downfall of the greatest country this Earth has ever seen. He is willing to overlook every accomplishment by the Trump/Admin team, and almost unforgivably recognizes only personal "failures" mirroring that of the persona of satan himself...as told to him by his new god...the liberal medial. And there's a lot more like him. This is so easy. How can anyone take someone serious that can't back up their claims. Care to continue belittling people you know little about? Let's analyze you instead. Do you think you will come out looking any better than the little old lady you described?1 point
I think millions of people took a chance on Trump simply because they hated Hillary. They could see the evil in her eyes and she campaigned worse than a used car salesman. Trump was our John Wayne president. He didn’t take crap off of anyone and this attitude reeled people in. I admit that some of his tweets were childish, but hey, he could get people to listen to him without having a “Special” on tv. Trump put America first, protected his American people, had the best economy the country had ever seen, his foreign policies were second to none,......I’m sure I overlooked some things, but who would go against any of this? What made the left hate Trump is he stepped in their ant bed. Their path to socialism had a huge tree fall across it. Their money skimming schemes....Solyndra, the Paris Accord, and corruption in general. Look at the current stimulus package.....a very small percentage is associated with Covid relief. Lots of the money is being channeled to out of country projects; monies that can easily disappear and end up in someone’s bank account. Biden had absolutely no platform for people to vote for unless you call wearing masks a platform. I have never seen so much enthusiasm for the re-election of a president, so it is very difficult to believe that millions more people hated (and voted against) Trump.1 point
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
EliteTiger reacted to BADSANTA for a topic
Jones has done well at times on thr boards. We will need him from here on out to snag those boards like Charles Oakley for us.1 point -
BigGirl -- What Do You Think Of This?!
Hagar reacted to BS Wildcats for a topic
But they will continue voting Dim because their parents and grandparents did. They don’t have the ability to see that the Dims of today are not what they were. They will continue voting come hell or high water. And with today’s Dims, hell will come before the high water!!1 point -
Huffman isn’t going to beat themselves. Carthage will have a team full of athletes. Huffman will have the better basketball players. I’ll take the Falcons by 8 Huffman 70 Carthage 621 point
Whatever Your Opinion Of Trump Is, This Is Hard To Disagree With!
bullets13 reacted to CardinalBacker for a topic
Be careful.... you're using too much reason with these clowns. If you're willing to overlook all of Trump's moral and ethical flaws, he's palatable... but a lot of good people won't overlook things like that. Trump got 6 million more votes than he did 4 years ago... nothing to see here. Biden got 11 million more than Obama got four election cycles ago, and it's proof of fraud according to these fools. Just wait until they figure out that Obama got more votes than Ronald Reagan.1 point -
#15 United vs. #4 College Station
exsoftballplayer reacted to 86hawk for a topic
i was thinking about going to watch, about 45 minutes away, but will stay home and watch the HJ game.1 point -
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
EliteTiger reacted to JimThorpe for a topic
Rebounding. I'm sure the kids know better than we do, they've heard it often enough. I'm sure it's a continuing theme from the coaches. And they know that they could have dispatched Wharton a deal sooner if they could have prevented some of those second and third chance put backs in the second half. A lot of the time it's 5 guards on the floor which is a tough thing for rebounding. They've just got to dig deep and find it.1 point -
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
dj reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity for a topic
He was soft. If Loftin was still in HS he would've bullyed him.1 point -
BMT United vs Hendrickson Predictions
dj reacted to BMTSoulja1 for a topic
No. I think BU played a really good Manvel team. This same team looked good when we scrimmaged them before the season. I also think we allowed them to dictate the pace. I think also that we learned a lesson and will push the tempo against this team and won’t let this be a low scoring game.1 point -
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
exsoftballplayer reacted to BMTSoulja1 for a topic
Umm. Silsbee will beat this team by double digits, just based in Silsbee players having more ‘swag’ than them. 😁😁1 point -
Silsbee vs Waco Connally Predictions Tuesday Madisonville
exsoftballplayer reacted to AggiesAreWe for a topic
Connally has the size and strength inside to give Silsbee lot's of problems. Rebounding will be a priority. Silsbee's guard play will have to dictate the tempo. Silsbee will also need to hit FT's.1 point -
Fairfield 72 Huntington 25/FINAL
exsoftballplayer reacted to bullets13 for a topic
It’s gotta suck having a nice season, making a decent run in the 3A playoffs, and then running into the defending 4A state champs1 point -
Part Time Texan Ted Cruz Escapes To Cancun.. While Millions Are Helpless
TxHoops reacted to WOSdrummer99 for a topic
5 pages of pointless posts. Does anyone in DC do their job? I think most taxpayers can agree that it's a big fat NO. Why must everything be politicized? To create more division.1 point