My wife and I were driving to East Texas last weekend and I had an old classic country station on because not much was tuning in on my radio out in the middle of nowhere. They said that Keith Whitley would be coming on after the commercial break and I got excited, saying how when I was little my dad kept a Keith Whitley cassette in his truck and I'd always listen to it when I'd visit him. My wife had never heard of him. She was a little skeptical when I told her that had he not died so young he possibly could have been as big as George Straight. Anyway, "I'm No Stranger to the Rain" comes on, and she's like "Holy crap, his voice is better than George Straight's! He sounds like a cross between George Straight and Randy Travis!" I'm just like "Yup, he was reaaaaaally good." It's a shame that he drank himself to death at the age of 33. His BAC was reportedly .477 at the time of his death. He had 3 #1 hits on his second studio album, and 2 more on his 3rd, which came out after his death. Who knows how many he would've had if he'd had a long career.