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  1. BINGO...... Not my cup of tea, but I support safe events
    4 points
  2. I Share your sentiments. No problem with it at all. Everyone should be happy and comfortable. Just like in Galveston, there is a beach party for party goers, then there is the other beach party called 'Splash' for the LGBTQ. Apparently, both fun events. Whatever floats your boat I guess. I'm just saying, it will NEVER by my job to judge anyone, ultimately.
    4 points
  3. BMTSoulja1

    New Sub-Forum

    Excellent Idea. I think I'll be a regular on this one!
    3 points
  4. I could care less about hairstyles honestly, but I grew up in Beaumont. I'm sure some traditional people around here care, but it doesn't bother me. Anyways, folks need to realize that you can't paint a broad brush on a whole community or profession, or race. That last one being the most important.
    2 points
  5. Me too old man. Microteslas? Sounds like a lil bitty electric car.
    2 points
  6. Fantastic news, especially for us older folks who have trouble physically going to a game.
    2 points
  7. That reminds me of a joke… A couple in their 70s were watching TV late one night and the old lady told her husband, why don’t you go to the kitchen and get me some ice cream, I want chocolate. The old man got up to go but she said you’d better write it down because you have such a bad memory. He got mad at her and said old woman, you are the one with the bad memory and off he went. About 3 minutes later he yelled back at her from the kitchen, “how did you want those eggs?”. She yelled back, “I told you, over easy!!”.
    2 points
  8. baddog


    Gotta love this guy….. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  9. [Hidden Content] One of the few enumerated responsibilities given to the fed gov and they won’t do it, so the great state of Texas will step up and handle it. This administration is pathetic.
    1 point
  10. Followed by Deep in the heart of Texas and a double shot of Rare Breed, I'm in...
    1 point
  11. This is my view. Stall ball is terrible to watch, but I guess it’ll continue for now.
    1 point
  12. I think it’s just the thing of mutual happiness and excitement. They’ve been frowned upon, shunned, and discriminated against since forever. They’re just showing pride in what they believe in.
    1 point
  13. Derf Nosneb

    Global Warming Update!

    The left has done very well over the last 50 years at taking over academia, indoctrination and the total Wikipedia definition of our language By changing the verbiage of Global warming or Global cooling to "Climate change". They have enabled the so called scientific community and LSM to label "Extreme Weather conditions" the result of Climate change. If you look back at my post on June 8th, the point I was making was this. In the mid 60's growing up on Lake Huron, part of the Great Lakes which contain 20% of the worlds fresh water. We would have a lot of snow, into the 70's and through today not as much. During the beginning of this "climate change" they called it "global warming". Actually it was climate change! You see when you look back at data one would find that the areas of the Great Lakes which receive the most amount of snow is pretty consistent. It is those areas that get "lake effect snow", on a national basis think Buffalo and the snowstorms you see on tv. So we have a place in time where the Great Lakes was having more what we called NorEasters in the 60's then we do today, "climate change". Now take a look at the level of the Great Lakes. These statistics are for the Lake Huron/Michigan basin, for clarity Lake Michigan on the western side of the Mitten and Lake Huron on the eastern side of the state are the same level. As of June 11, 2021: 1" lower than May 11, 2021; 20" below the June 11, 2020 level; 14" above the average for June; 20" below the 2020 all time average high for June; and 46" above the 1964 all time average low for June. The level is projected to be at the same by July 11, 2021. The Lake Huron water level is currently 20.5 inches below it's July 2020 high water point. My point here is that if you look at long term data on the Great Lakes and speak to those who have lived on them for 50-100 years. They will tell you the lakes are Cyclical and move in cycles. That would move us to Atmospheric conditions that can and do cause the climate to change. Lets then take into consideration solar activity, I personally haven't studied it but would never discount it. Earth wobbling on axis, movement of tectonic plates, could these also be reasons the climate changes? Now lets address a comment by Reagan, "How many volcanoes have exploded in the history of the world?" Lets start with Mt Tambora in 1815; 71,000 to 250,100+ people died (regarded as having caused the Year Without a Summer, creating famines and epidemics across the Northern Hemisphere) How about Mt Laki Island in 1783 10,000+ people died (~ 25% of Iceland's population); particulate and sulfur emissions caused widespread deaths and famines throughout Europe and Africa; 23,000 British died from poisoning; (80% of sheep, 50% of cattle and 50% of horses died in Iceland) Lets not forget Mt Saint Helens in 1980. Back to Reagan, "1 volcano exploding is worst than anything man has ever done." Year Without a Summer, famines epidemics 25% of Iceland's population); particulate and sulfur emissions caused widespread deaths and famines throughout Europe and Africa; 23,000 British died from poisoning; (80% of sheep, 50% of cattle and 50% of horses died in Iceland). You are correct, MAN has never caused the death and destruction that volcanos do. Buuuuuttttt, what is, was and will be the short term and long term affects these explosions have on the "climate" of the planet. So LRF, "Can someone actually explain why global warming that the experts claim is increasing temperature by 1/2 degree C in the last 100 years is melting the ice caps when the average temperatures remain at the average posted above?" Because, as the fauxdemic has proven, if you pass a lie off long enough it becomes the truth. And those of us who question the "consensus" of the scientific community using their own data will be banned, shadow banned, de-platformed, called a denier or canceled. The only people worried about "climate change" are those who profit in money or fame from this "Global Warming" HOAX. Its climate change and it has happened everyday on this planet. A consensus of over educated, over paid, narcissistic, "schitentist" just reminds me of "bad data in means bad data out". But bad data out means no more grant monies...
    1 point
  14. BTW I don't like talking race however BH and their issue with dreadlocks is most definitely a deterrent. Especially with it being the most popular hair style for black children. All kids like to express themselves as long as it doesn't come from a negative place it should be at least considered. I look at SLC and the long bleach blond hair that they sported on their state run as an example. You could say that BH cares more about building character than winning football games but I'll call BS for one you can do both for two you don't hire TW and Asbek if you not trying to win a state title.
    1 point
  15. baddog


    I would bet so, but no matter how you mix it up, that was still a female at birth. That never changes no matter how many operations you have. Your chromosomes determine gender. So why the verbiage? Male = X&Y chromosomes Female = Y Where is the confusion? It’s all in the grand scheme of things for the liberal objectives.
    1 point
  16. Because there is always the belief, yeah all those other socialist programs failed but ours will succeed. We will do it differently. Socialism is driven by idealism. We will all have a group hug, we will all pitch in our fair share, we will all do the same thing and everything will work out great. It is the panacea to all human problems, we will just all work together. But all these idealists forget one thing. That thing is a human factor. We are all motivated but we are each individually motivated by our personal desires. No one is going to get up and work for his fellow man. We work for ourselves. That doesn’t mean we don’t help our fellow man. I would say that the capitalist American system probably donates more than the rest of the world combined and I’m talking even at the local level. Yes I know that there are doctors they volunteer their services around the world and there are missionaries who take no money and travel to poor countries to help but about 99.99% of the people work or do whatever they do to satisfy themselves. Socialism or equality depends everyone doing what today is being done by the 0.01%. That is the person that will get up and donate his time and effort for the collective. That is the basis of socialism. That is because of human nature however there are even people reading this forum who will think, yeah but that is not our version. Yes, it is your version. The people at the top will live like kings and the 99.5% of the people at the bottom will live like the people in Cuba, NK, etc., however they have convinced themselves otherwise. Under a free enterprise capitalist system there will still be those people at the top but the people in the middle and some of the people near the bottom still live comfortable lives. Many get to do vacations, family gatherings, have decent homes, decent vehicles and I’m talking even in the lower economic circles. Most of the ones in the lower economic sections can still get out if they wish. But again, there will be people reading this comment that will say either to themselves or in this form, all of that may be true but ours will be different. Again, no it won’t. It comes down to one word, freedom. The leftist who are pushing socialism do not believe that.
    1 point
  17. baddog

    Biden & Putin Summit

    There’s a Trump reference. Lmao What did Trump believe? Hagar, unfortunately, Biden is going into the meeting as a whipped pup.
    1 point
  18. Lol, 5 with 4 of them being boys. Oldest son graduated in '18, two middle ones will be a sophomore and a 7th grader next year. Also have a freakish nephew who just moved back from Las Vegas I kind of help raise that will be an 8th grader next year. Lots of football for me the near future.
    1 point
  19. Lot's of booster clubs and other organizations count on raising money at Friday night games. If you can stay home and still watch the game, most folks will stay home. Also, the majority of stadium press boxes just do not have the capacity to host multiple broadcast entities. Some will be forced out, mainly folks like us who only do audio.
    1 point
  20. The same NFL that wouldn’t allow the Dallas Cowboys to wear a decal honoring the Police Officers killed in the Dallas shooting. Watch an NFL game - not on my TV. [Hidden Content] PS; I hope Mr Mercer wins big.
    1 point
  21. Hagar

    Global Warming Update!

    One of the best places to find prehistoric animal bones is Montana. With that in mind, you have to wonder, who caused global warming back then? Could it have been flatulent dinosaurs? So who do we have to rely on for all the Man Made Global Warming data? Oh, the scientists. The same group that lied to us during the Covid pandemic. If Scientists lied about Covid, how do we then turn our world upside down based on their data now? And again I ask, if the scientists claiming there’s MMGW get the Grants ($money$), and those that refute GW don’t get the Grants ($money$), could the whole MMGW Theory be “bought”? Follow the money. It’s a tried and true method of getting to the truth. There’s already reasons (proof?) to believe that some data has been falsified by some scientists. Why falsify data if you don’t need to? Only two reasons I can think of - 1- you have an agenda, or 2- money (of course, money buys an agenda). Anyone who thinks scientists can’t be bought, I have a snow ski lodge in Evadale I’ll sell you.
    1 point
  22. How many kids you got? You’ve said the same thing for like 7 years?😂
    1 point
  23. Think this is a mistake, but oh well.
    1 point
  24. AggiesAreWe

    UIL shot clock news

    That's a good thing
    1 point
  25. no-look

    Hagar’s Ramblings

    A smith & Wesson still beats 4 Aces
    1 point
  26. Reagan

    Global Warming Update!

    It says “the disappearance of summer sea ice...” The salient point is these global alarmist don’t know what this looked like 2,000 to 3,000 years ago. Very good possibility that at some point in time in history the very exact same thing could have been happening. Meaning a normal occurrence. But, who are we to say this is bad? Humans think a lot of themselves when they actually think we can do something about Mother Nature. But — really it’s not about that, is it?! It’s about using this to control the people.
    1 point
  27. Speaking of psyche. No one mentioned anything about race. Believe it or not white kids can grow hair too😎. You’re co-worker is a smart person, I would much rather have my kids attend a school district that puts their kids to high standards than just let them do what they want.
    1 point
  28. I can't remember a kid from BH ever transferring to Crosby? If he did he didn't play. I remember the Colliers transferring to BH and they were the best players in in their respective sports in BH history. I may be missing a football guy from the 60s or 70s though? I did say TW had some kids lined up that went elsewhere or decided not to come, including one to Crosby. Kids may have not been able to play at their other schools and that was the reason they were coming to BH though? I doubt he'll have the hair issue because there just aren't that many black kids that even go to BH. The kid that got singled out was probably only one of less than 10 in his entire grade? I haven't seen a lower income apartment in Highland Park either and it doesn't seem to be an issue with them. Your sentiment permeates the BH psyche though. I was talking to one of my BH coworkers and he agreed with you, "We don't need that riff-raff with long hair walking around our hallways and we don't need that trash from some apartment complex. It's why we moved to BH to get away from all of that." So point taken.
    1 point
  29. Not saying anything bad about the Coach at all .. I’ve heard nothing but great things about him from his players and parents .. But Coach Porter is also a great guy with a good knowledge of baseball and was a Lumberton alumni .. just saying .. GOOD LUCK 🍀
    1 point
  30. What political office is Coach Seymour running for?
    1 point
  31. In truth you could probably interview most people that are from socialist, communist and dictatorship countries and you would get about the same results.
    1 point
  32. tvc184

    Hagar’s Ramblings

    That reminds me of another joke... A 60-year-old, 70-year-old and 80-year-old men were sitting around arguing one day on what age was worst to reach when getting old. The 60 year old said, I get up at 6 every morning and go to the bathroom but I stand there for several minutes but and it just trickles and almost nothing comes out. The 70 year old said, that’s nothing. I get up at 7am and have to go poop but I sit there for 20 minutes and nothing happens. The 80-year-old man said, y’all have it easy. To which the 60-year-old said, you can’t go urinate in the morning either? The 80-year-old man said, sure, at 6am it comes like a flood. The 70-year-old then said, oh so you can’t go poop either? The 80-year-old said, sure, at 7am it is like the gates open and you can’t stop it. So the 60 and 70-year-old men asked, then what’s the problem? The 80-year-old man replied, “you don’t wake up until 8”.
    1 point
  33. LumRaiderFan


    Lord, help us, we don’t even know what we are.
    0 points
  34. No shotclock.... Proposal was denied
    0 points

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