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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2021 in all areas

  1. It is my personal opinion that she is simply selfish. Not because she is turning her back on the flag, which is political. The question I asked and I think I have the answer was, why does she want to represent a country and a flag what she appears to hate so much? She wants to take the bow. She wants everyone to look at her and her accomplishment. That is fine on an individual stage however in the Olympics, you were representing your country, period. Look at George Foreman, raised about 90 miles from us in Houston. He was raised in the fifth Ward which didn’t have the best reputation. Before he was born, the ward was called the bloody fifth. Wikipedia says that George foreman claimed he had a “troubled youth”. He dropped out of school at 15 years old and became a mugger. So he was probably committing felonies and robbing people for his money. When he was 16 Foreman saw an add for the Job Corps and signed up. He made the decision to change his life. He gained a couple of working skills and got his GED. He later took up boxing. Most people at least roughly probably know his story. But….. this troubled youth from a bad neighborhood went on to represent his country in the Olympics. When he won his final match in the Olympics that allowed him to win the gold medal, he walked around the ring waving the same American flag that this girl is turning her back on. In a later interview he said I wish I would’ve had two flags. Look at Chloe Kim. Her parents came from South Korea and the winter Olympics were in South Korea. When she blew away the competition to win the gold medal, is she protest? Did she hold up the flag of South Korea where she was at and that was her heritage and where her parents were from? No. She immediately held up the American flag which was probably bigger than she was. So yes, Berry wants the stage of the Olympics and wants everyone to look at her. That is understandable but she is still there to represent her country and she does not wish to do so. She needs to drop out of the Olympics and stick with professional athletics what she can take that individual bow if that is what she so desires.
    4 points
  2. [Hidden Content] Ban her from representing USA for life
    3 points
  3. mat

    This Board Needs....

    A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that thekind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending onwhere she is in her menstrual cycle.For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged andmasculine features.However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, shetends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and aspear lodged in his chest.
    3 points
  4. My personal experiences with the growing problem of the homeless. I know personally that most of these vagrants are so by choice. I have a few people I went to school with so I personally know their situations. Why work when you can panhandle and make our like a ‘fat rat’? Heck, some are regular people and play homeless just to get extra dough. I personally know some are just straight up alcoholics or drug addicts. Again, my personally experiences. I know everyone’s situation is different. But it seems like ESPECIALLY NOW with the job market booming as the pandemic dwindles down (tons of jobs hiring with decent pay), folks would have no problem getting jobs. Getting a job would be the first step to get out of your messed up situation. Just my two sense, for whatever it’s worth…
    3 points
  5. I’ll say it since nobody’s considering it.. there’s a certain time when it’s no longer legal for teachers to get out of their current contract. For some schools.. that date may be passed. Since he left so late, it’s likely going to cause the next AD/HC to be stuck with the football coaching staff that’s there. I know a lot of times they like to bring their own coordinators. Plus more. I mean.. it’s practically July. Food for thought.. that might deter some.
    2 points
  6. Family reasons may play into it, but Hodges leaving is clearly tied to the drama that ended with the HD principal leaving for Liberty. I’m curious if Ned Barrier might be interested in this one. His wife was just hired as the principal at HD elem and he has a lot of history in the community. He would be a slam dunk hire and since he’s not the AD at Hardin, it should come with a healthy pay bump. Not to mention, have you seen his soon to be 8th grade son? That boy is going to be special. He’d look good in red and black. The community of HD needs this right now. It’s fractured. The barrier family could begin to repair the damage done recently and being new life to the high school. I like Bird just fine, but if HD had a shot at Barrier, a proven HC (see Brazos), then they have to take it.
    2 points
  7. She won’t get the opportunity to do this again. She placed 3rd in the trials here, so she probably won’t place in the Olympics at all.
    2 points
  8. Reagan

    He's Baaaack!!

    Warning alert: Snowflake triggered!!
    2 points
  9. Low life piece of…. She has a right to protest anything she wishes but I believe the Olympic committee should have the right to kick her off the team and should. If she does not like what America stands for along with the flag that represents it, why is she going to the Olympics to represent the USA? Hey, if you don’t want to represent, fine with me. Go somewhere else.
    2 points
  10. tvc184

    Hagar’s Ramblings

    I have a couple of good ones but they break the rules of the forum.
    2 points
  11. If FB is banning you, it either stands for Wimpy Liberal Bastard or is some sort of positive reference to Donald Trump.
    2 points
  12. Yea.....That is crazy, ....that tells me it was one hell of a crash and probably no seat belt
    1 point
  13. Da Hodges era was average, he definitely wasn’t Coach Finney or Coach Copeland from the past. Hodgy wasn’t a players coach at all, but he held players accountable and always did da right thing. Dis HD team has 2-3 seasons of being real good, loads of young talent. Da new HC will be very successful starting off.
    1 point
  14. Ned Barrier @ Hardin and Randy Birdwell @ Jasper were the first two names that popped in my head. Maybe the HD legend Joe Allen Slack comes back for a second time….. All I know is that if all the drama and heartburn with Hodges didn’t run off too many key players, HD will not be challenged in district. And yes, that includes Deweyville. I have zero doubt that someone will inherit a district championship team at HD. They’ll finish somewhere between 7-3 and 10-0 in the regular season barring major injuries.
    1 point
  15. baddog


    Well, that’s a step up.
    1 point
  16. Black people are corporations now? Interesting
    1 point
  17. There's obviously something coach knows or has seen to make him feel like they're the right fit? Years past maybe you would've questioned a hire like this in Crosby but I think coach gets the benefit of the doubt after getting us to the finals in only his second year. I'm with you though. If I had to guess I would say it's because the talent relative to the classification will be better at Crosby versus where they came from.
    1 point
  18. Yes, in general Lovejoy is not mentioned often. They have not accomplished that much compared to those other schools. There have been really good one hit wonder teams here in DFW, Lovejoy is in that category for the time being. If they keep making region finals and having great seasons then they could make a name for themselves. But they have a lot of work to do before they are a household name. *For what its worth they are beast in volleyball. Probably more well known around the state for their volleyball program than football.
    1 point
  19. If you or I are in a company uniform and protest "XXXXX(fill in the blank), it is very likely we will be terminated because we do not represent the company views, and that makes PERFECT sense. If you can protest white supremacy at work, why can't I protest that all violent criminals get the death penalty by public hanging at work? When you represent someone other than yourself, you should represent them like they want.......and even Obama, Hillary or Clinton did not disrespect the flag or the anthem in public......
    1 point
  20. This type of stuff triggers snowflakes. But to the rest of us it's just common sense to want election integrity! [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  21. Why is it always black people protesting for greater gifts from the public treasury?
    1 point
  22. I think it’s great that she protested. It’s her right. Besides that, I would not let her represent the US team by turning her back on the US flag. Perhaps she should go to the team where she respects their country and flag instead. Although, I’m sure that doesn’t exist. While her freedom of speech is a precious right, representing her country in the Olympics is not.
    1 point
  23. 1. Nobody has said that she (or anyone) could not protest any way she wishes. 2. This might sound like a strange concept but don’t old white people have the same right to protest or express their opinion? Just like I have seen it said from the opposite side of the aisle many times, words and actions have consequences. Recently a police officer made a video mocking LeBron James. He was terminated. I suspect some of the same people supporting this woman were the ones calling for his termination. He was on a team and this woman is on the team. They both represent someone. It would be mighty hypocritical to believe that officer should be terminated for a joke against a public figure but the woman representing the country turn her back on the flag of that country.
    1 point
  24. To think of all the Americans who have shed their blood willingly to provide a blanket of freedom for people to sleep under. Then have seemingly an entire generation and movement be embarrassed to have that flag wave over them as they spew hatred, bigotry and misplaced anger toward it. It is beyond mortifying to think of where we are as a country. This movement of socialism, entitlement and anti-American sentiment has been allowed and encouraged to fester and we are reaping the apathy in all phases of our society.
    1 point
  25. See WOSdrummer99’s response for official committee status.
    1 point
  26. 5GallonBucket

    Critical race?

    Like I’m gonna believe some pictures that ve been cut and pasted. the people on the bottom are in the wrong. What happened then was wrong.....we ve came a long way since then, but seems now people want to go back to that.
    1 point
  27. Yes, I have seen it face-to-face for almost 40 years. As with any situation there are probably 100 different answers as to why people are in that position. But… for the most part I believe it is from drug abuse and mental illness. A lot of that mental illness might be from drug abuse so they kind of go hand-in-hand. Because of the length of time I dealt with it, I saw a couple of generations of people grow up. I saw a lot of people get their brains fried on drugs and even if they got off at them later, I believe the damage was done. So did the mental illness at an early age make them turn to drugs or did the drug use cause the mental illness later in life? I don’t know. There is certainly a percentage they just made poor or lazy choices in life. They might be a high school dropout that lived with mama and daddy until they passed away or kicked them out, etc. Then they have nowhere to turn and for some reason have no desire to better themselves. Let’s face it, they are all kinds of people in the world and some people are just not motivated to do anything except breathe. Is that in itself a form of mental illness? In someways I still worry about being homeless. I say in retirement, I just want a roof over my head and some food. Anything else is extra. But I always think if worst came to worst and my life savings and all the years I have worked for a pension and Social Security, if it went away would I simply stand on the side of the road with a cup in my hand hoping for a handout? I don’t think so but hopefully I will never find out. In my opinion, most homelessness is caused by mental illness or drug abuse or some combination of both. I believe there is certainly a percentage that simply made poor choices in life. Maybe they have a criminal record and no job skills and now at 40 - 60 years old are basically unemployable. Even if they wanted to, could they make a livable wage?
    1 point
  28. At least they’re not blaming it all on swamp gas, lol. Seriously, the one significant thing, as I understand it, they’re admitting they can’t explain it all away. In the past, their 🐂💩 would cause a dead man to roll his eyes.
    1 point
  29. You have to keep them below the knee. No official decision from the committee on which colors are acceptable yet. Although I feel an announcement could happen any day.
    1 point
  30. Yes it is. Thank you for starting the conversation. Sometimes good things come from social media. Maybe I can reconnect with him and share his story.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I would safely say it’s in the 90% range that it’s from poor choices....plain and simple.
    1 point
  33. My previous post expressed the same thoughts. And after a renewed interest, I found his facebook page. Wearing a company shirt and holding 2 young children. I'm glad to see that.
    1 point
  34. The first thing on a Google search said Women’s League of Burma. I can see where that got someone in trouble….
    1 point
  35. whsalum

    UIL shot clock news

    Or take it to the corner and run out the clock. There have been some storied finishes at the state tournament
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Tigers94

    TABC showcase

    Pretty cool 2024 rankings. Harris will probably be #1 by years end.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I just got off of the phone with Coach Hodges and he is indeed stepping down as both head football coach and athletic director. He will be taking a job as a position coach at Odessa Permian High School. Coach told me that that this move has absolutely nothing to do with anything regarding Hull-Daisetta. He has loved his time there and promises that this year's team will be an extremely competitive group. In fact, he promised the superintendent that he would stay to supervise S&C workouts until a new coach comes aboard to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. Coach informed me that family reasons dictated this move. Both his daughter and his son will be attending college in West Texas and he had been searching for opportunities for a while to coach in that area in order to be close to them. Plus, as a having grown up in Boerne and gone to college at Angelo State, he always considered that part of the state home. Another benefit he stated is that as position coach, he will not be behind an administrative desk as much which he admitted had been a bit of a grind. Good luck at a very storied program, Coach!
    1 point
  40. The UIL is just like the NCAA in terms of consistency. Article lays it out perfectly. At the district level you’re left with rival coaches, who may be swayed by how good or bad the team receiving the transfer is, deciding eligibility of a player. At the state level you’re left with the UIL making a judgement decision on why a player may have moved from one parent’s house to another. In what other instance would you allow someone who knows nothing about the situation to tell you why YOUR child came to live with you? As long as the parents don’t implicitly state the child moved for athletic purposes then whatever reason they give should suffice and therefore grant the kid immediate eligibility. The schools that have it figured out have it so figured out that the policing of other schools creates even more of an advantage for them.
    1 point

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