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Forbes: Joebama’s White House Payroll Is Most Expensive In American History!
Reagan and one other reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
$50 million bucks for a cabinet full of fools that couldn't run a lemonade stand, smh.2 points -
Critical race?
SmashMouth and one other reacted to PAMFAM10 for a topic
I argue this with a lot of folks 50/50 is not equal considering demographics. But it’s certain areans like nfl /nba where you have coaches who been assistant head coaches 10+ years and get over looked for a coach with little to no pro experience. It’s certain areans where you gotta ask why is that. Just let the best Man woman get the job. This country is great because we have many cultures that makes us us. Let’s just embrace it. I don’t believe we fully embrace it. I do a lot of hiring and I always hire the best available.2 points -
The problem is that in private business you don’t have a captive audience. You can get rid of an employee not performing. That fact alone can give you better employees since it can allow you to give them incentives (even just a pat on the back/encouragement) to be better and keep a job. You can also do a good job in hiring a good employee candidate. A teacher gets none of that. A teacher’s audience is entirely captive with very little recourse to change it. The teacher does not get to interview the students, reject them as a not good candidate, kick them out of class for being lazy, etc. A teacher shows up the first day of class and the school says, here’s your roster. A teacher who is mediocre at best gets a class of excellent students and has a great year. Another teacher who everybody in the school says is awesome ends up drawing some slugs that really don’t care. The mediocre teacher gets a bonus and the awesome teacher gets nothing. I agree that there should be some way to incentivize teachers to do a better job. Other than just an administrator’s opinion, how do you do it?2 points
Man who recorded repeated strangling of toddler accepts plea deal
5GallonBucket and one other reacted to Hagar for a topic
I’ve wondered that also - more coverage or more perverted things happening? After pondering this, I’m confident that more of it’s happening. As these things happen more & more, it creates monsters out of those that would normally live a relatively normal life. Take homosexuality. You have married men with children now claiming to be homosexual. Prior to homosexuality becoming “accepted”, these men would’ve lived out their lives as heterosexuals. The more often things happen & are reported on, it triggers ideas/responses in others. Lol, just remember, all this is just my opinion and I’m no Psychiatrist, or human behavior specialist. I am positive we need many more Asylums and Prisons.2 points -
Man who recorded repeated strangling of toddler accepts plea deal
5GallonBucket and one other reacted to Hagar for a topic
Good freaking grief. He needs to be publicly hanged. I can only hope he receives “prison justice”. Whatever happens to him there, he deserves it. 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡2 points -
Woman accused of running over George Floyd protester found not guilty of assault
LumRaiderFan and one other reacted to tvc184 for a topic
it was a very good question. I think that is one of the misconceptions in the law. The feelings of the other person are basically irrelevant. It goes by the intent of the person committing the crime, not how it was received. Like if I walked up to you in a stern voice and say, “hey we need to talk” while pointing a finger at you. That is not a threat. A person might say it is threatening in their opinion but that is not a crime. If you walked up and said the same thing to me, should I be able to place you in jail and the answer is no. Well, “I felt threatened” does not make it a crime. Now swap the scenario to the opposite direction. Let’s say I try to scare you and call you on the phone and say I’m on the way over with my shotgun, I will be there in five minutes and I’m going to kill you. Would that be a crime? In my opinion, yes. It could be harassment (often called telephone harassment or making a threat on the phone) or terroristic threat. I made a threat to kill you in fairly short order with intent to scare you. That is a crime. But what if…. Let’s say you answer on the phone, good, I have my gun and if you come at me I am going kill you. I’m not afraid of you. Legally your feelings do not matter. Just because you are not afraid, did I still commit a crime and the answer is yes. The crime was my intent to make you scared. Whether you were or not is irrelevant. That’s why, the feeling of the victim does not really matter under the law. It is the type of a mental state of the person who commits the crime that matters. If you get in a legal discussion and really want to impress your friends, tell them that it is the “mens rea” or Latin for the “guilty mind”. Also… Some crimes do not specifically mention a culpable mental state. I think public intoxication is one of those crimes where it just says that you’re in public and you’re intoxicated and you’re a danger to someone, it is a crime. It does not specifically mention your mental state. One is still required however. The law in Texas says that if no mental state is specifically mentioned in the crime, then the prosecutor must prove that you were reckless. To put an easier, if not noted, the minimum of recklessness is a requirement to be proven. The only a mental state lower is criminal negligence. So if a crime does not mention what your mental state was , then the prosecutor has to at the very least prove you were reckless. The difference between recklessness and criminal negligence in itself is interesting. In both of them you did not intend for the consequences. What happened was really an accident. But what is the difference? Criminal negligence is a complete accident but you should have known better. Maybe you ran a four way stop sign and caused an injury. What if you never saw the stop sign because you’re not paying attention as it required by law? In my opinion that is criminal negligence. You had your head up your butt. Now let’s say you ran the same stop sign but you did so intentionally. You sure did not want to get in a wreck and damage your own car so it was an accident. The act of running the stop sign however, was intentional. In both situations running a stop sign was the initial act or crime and the result in both was an accident causing injury. With one you intended to run the stop sign and the other one you negligently ran a stop sign. I call recklessness as an intentional accident. The act was intentional but the results were an accident. Another example might be let’s say you were in the woods target practicing and shooting at a tin can on top of a hill. You did not check out the area and your bullet goes over the hill and hits somebody on the other side. There was certainly no intent to cause that injury but in my opinion you’re darn sure reckless. You were reckless because you intended to fire the shot but did not intend the results. It was an intentional accident. Now let’s say you were walking through the woods with your gun off safety and your finger on the trigger. You trip and fall and your gun goes off accidentally and you hit the same person on the other side of the hill. In my opinion that is criminal negligence because you should have known better than to have your gun off safety with your finger on the trigger walking through the woods. You sure did not intend to fire the shot however your head up your butt caused someone to get shot. In fact in Texas law the only difference between murder, manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide is a culpable mental state. Clear as mud? Again, great question.2 points -
Evadale Open
RETIREDFAN1 and one other reacted to TxHoops for a topic
Look out Concordia and St Thomas! Evadale’s a coming!2 points -
1 point
Forbes: Joebama’s White House Payroll Is Most Expensive In American History!
baddog reacted to BS Wildcats for a topic
Can you imagine the uproar if this were Trump? The mealy mouths here will be just the mainstream media on this subject, quiet.1 point -
Hagar’s Ramblings
WOSdrummer99 reacted to Hagar for a topic
Okay, this is ridiculous. Just saw a commercial for Probiotics for women (for regularity). It shows women taking a poop. One says, Pooping is powerful. Another, I’m pooping on TV. May just be my age, but durn, that’s over the top. SMDH!1 point -
BISD Raise & Stipend
bullets13 reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
Agree, good points. Also, teachers have no control over how much support a kid may get at home, whether by helping with homework from parents or having a tutor brought in, which will most likely turn out better grades. Teachers can do absolutely everything they should and it still may not be reflected accurately in grade average by events out of their control.1 point -
Man who recorded repeated strangling of toddler accepts plea deal
baddog reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
[Hidden Content] I read a lot of news in the evenings and the good and bad thing about the internet is it is too easy to go down rabbit holes. I see more and more stories like the one I posted and what it brings to mind is that our world is getting darker and also that in these times we need good law enforcement officers / first responders more than ever, all while we have these lunatics on the left that want to defund law enforcement. I cannot imagine rolling up on something like this and maintaining enough composure to not beat this lowlife to death with a nightstick, another unsung quality of good cops. Warning: Disturbing article but as an admitted news junkie, I see more and more stories like this. Maybe it’s been like this forever and we just see more coverage of it but I doubt it.1 point -
Critical race?
baddog reacted to thetragichippy for a topic
Demographics in the workplace. If 76% of America is white and 15% is black and 9% other, would it be acceptable and predictable to have a company with 76 whites, 15 blacks and 9 Asian or Hispanic? I think some people expect 15% of the population to represent 50% (EQUAL) in the workforce to whites. I don't think it makes mathematical sense.1 point -
BISD Raise & Stipend
bullets13 reacted to thetragichippy for a topic
I agree you can't control outside influences....or a teenage mind sometimes....... But, how about getting a quarterly bonus for retention or based on a certain percentage of students that maintain C average or above. The more in C average or above, the more your bonus. Part of my district manager's bonus is paid on how many employees in their district bonus. A great incentive to work and train employees. That might be a good model for schools and teachers. This quarterly bonus would be in addition to a normal raise schedule.1 point -
Political Memes
Sugarbear reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
[Hidden Content] From the article: Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance hit back at Vice President Kamala Harris' latest argument against voter ID laws, Monday, reacting on "Fox & Friends" to the VP's claim that rural voters don't have the ability to make photocopies of their IDs. J.D. VANCE: We have all kinds of crazy things in small towns in the state of Ohio and across the country. We've got electricity, we've got running water, we even have soap. And it's amazing that the vice president of the United States thinks that people can't make photocopies in rural communities. I mean, it's like she thinks that if you go to a small town in this country, you've got the tractor supply store, you've got the guys with the dueling banjos and there's nothing else there. And of course, that's ridiculous. And anybody who lives in these communities or spent time in them knows that.1 point -
Critical race?
LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog for a topic
A question that will not be answered. The answer would kill his argument. Check this out…..1 point -
Woman accused of running over George Floyd protester found not guilty of assault
tvc184 reacted to thetragichippy for a topic
I really enjoy the answers you provide. Interesting stuff!1 point -
Take the money and run, just like Venezuela.1 point
Where are the Comments
LumRaiderFan reacted to baddog for a topic
Oops. Forgot Bernie Sanders who has praised Castro in the past. Bernie Sanders silent on Cuban pro-freedom uprisings after praising Fidel Castro's communist policies [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].1 point -
1 point
Critical race?
baddog reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
Regardless of the struggle you point out here, wouldn’t you still want the most qualified person get hired, regardless of color?1 point -
Could you tell me where you found it? I have tried to search for that since I first heard about Inika's story a couple of days ago to make some sense as to how a person who finishes 2nd at an track event in a clearly labeled U.S. Olympic Trials, finds herself off of the 3 women's U.S. Olympic high jump squad. I am trying to understand as this kind of shakes the thought that I had that sports like track and field were the purest form of sport. No judge or no referee really necessary. If someone started too quick, everybody knew it. If a thrower didn't stay inside the circle or the throw was out of bounds everyone knew it. The person who ran the fastest, jumped the highest or the longest or threw the longest within those clear parameters was the winner. Using a "criterion" to determine a qualifier which seems to, at least in some sense, disregard the on field results of the U.S. Olympic Trials kinda puts a kink in that.1 point
Ion know. The big three were very good no doubt. But they had a lot of good players & athletes backing them up. Depending on the year they had players like Newton, Rick Maze Jr, classmate Elton Grubb's grandson Tre Grubbs, Dontre Thomas. Trajan Harris. All he did was hit those clutch free throws against Argyle. Christopher Martin Jr. There are a few more I am missing. L Tyler. can't forget him. He is still balling at a college in Oklahoma...Michael McCain, and Kalong Barnes, who could be in the NFL Next season.1 point
Way Too Early Picks
BADSANTA reacted to AggiesAreWe for a topic
According to several local coaches, they think this group is better. Much deeper team than the Adams, McCain, Bush group. Time will tell.1 point -
I think they have a chance to be very good. Crazy you could have two different groups, that good, that close together at that size of a school. But no, although very good, not as good as that bunch.1 point
DCTF 10-4A D1 prediction.
piratevillain reacted to glassjoe for a topic
I’m not here bashing Lumberton but listen up while I bash Lumberton.1 point -
You post a lot of stuff I agree with on here, but this might be the most ignorant post you’ve ever made.1 point