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  1. I kind of like the way he thinks but some of his statements are absolutely incorrect in Texas. There is no mandatory arrest in Texas for trespassing and most other crimes and you cannot demand that charges be filed. I mean you can say the words I demand it but there’s no obligation for an officer to do it. He says to get a pitbull attorney and file a lawsuit however that lawsuit has already been settled by the US Supreme Court. Unless there’s a specific state law requiring officers to act, they are under no statutory or constitutional obligation to do so. (See Castle Rock v Gonzalez) I do agree that if you demand someone leave your property and if they do not, you can ask to file charges and they “may” be arrested at the scene which means that it is at the discretion of the officer. I do not agree that you can demand the charges be filed and sue the police if they refuse to make an arrest. There simply is no such law in Texas of a mandatory arrest except in extreme limited circumstances (violation of a protective order) and I suspect in most other states. There are only a couple of circumstances in Texas where the police are even required to make a report. Absolutely contact an attorney if you feel that this is incorrect however I’m fairly certain of my understanding of Texas law and United States Supreme Court case law. Your mileage may vary….
    3 points
  2. I don’t think you’re missing a thing, very divisive. One more reason (as if I needed another) to never watch the nfl.
    2 points
  3. The United States Constitution, which created this country we now have (as a follow-up to the Articles of Confederation) , was enacted for the very reason to not have states united. That was the entire point of the articles and ultimately the Constitution.
    2 points
  4. I can’t tell you how many times that has happened. Lol. Only once have I abandoned the stringer. Make sure it has a float, is down tide and is no less than 20-25 feet long and can be detached quickly.
    2 points
  5. I’ll tell what I’m missing, the 2021 football season, just like I did the 2020 season. I do miss football.
    1 point
  6. I guess they're trying to make sure that the NBA doesn't destroy itself alone. "Here's the deal... we have tons of these black players "protesting" and pissing off the customers because they're disrespecting the national anthem. To show how much we care, we'll play a NEW anthem just for the black players that are disrespecting the actual anthem! It's a win-win!"
    1 point
  7. From the article: The NFL allowed social justice phrases like "End Racism" to be painted in the back of teams’ end zones, and players were able to honor victims of systemic racism and police violence last year. How is that reporting? That is not a factual and proven statement. That is subjective at best, and is simply not true. If you question my thoughts on this subject please refer to the thread regarding “Systemic racism” that I started.
    1 point
  8. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  9. You should really be more sensitive. 😂
    1 point
  10. As I stated above. wasn’t just in Georgia
    1 point
  11. They would have to wear one if they venture down in the Fred river bottom. Lol
    1 point
  12. SmashMouth

    Critical race?

    So, sorry it took so long to get back to this. This one is really multifaceted, but yes, sex sells. Most of these women, to quote @PAMFAM10are eye candy. They are not being hired because it’s the “right thing to do” (which I’m not sold that it is), they’re hired because the largest demographic is a group of testosterone filled, sexy women loving, American males (of all colors) who like to look at these women. They are virtually no different than the ring girls at a boxing match other than they get to talk and get to be fully clothed (form fitting and sexy please). There are a few exceptions (did someone say Michelle Tafoya), but she’s not in the majority. Honestly, I’d rather have a guy that played the game, that understands what it’s like to have your ribs broken as a TE when getting hung out to dry on a drag across the middle to pick up 4 yards for a 1st down. It’s not a gender thing. It’s not a racial thing. It’s “who is best qualified to convey that play” thing. Just like I wouldn’t want Troy and Joe calling a Women’s softball championship. So here we are in the world of commercial wokism. Coca Cola could give a rat’s arse about racial equality or equity. But right now that sells. ESPN decides to join in along with all the others and promote racial equality…only because they think it will help their brand and their bottom line. Where were these people even 10 years ago? Well, it wasn’t selling 10 years ago. And if it’s not selling 10 years from now, you won’t see it then either. Finally, by forcing this so-called “equality/equity”, these companies are turning blacks into a side show. It’s wrong and for the wrong reason. I love listening to players (like Charles Barkley), who played the game, commentating an NBA game. Not because they’re black or white or male, but because they’re the best ones to do it.
    1 point
  13. Ty Cobb

    Divine Intervention?

    This is the type of good news we’ve been waiting for. A mural for a criminal has been destroyed by Mother Nature. 🤣🙏 I can already see the headlines from the media, “Racist Mother Nature destroys mural.” “Must be Trump’s fault”
    1 point
  14. Had a bad scrape on my shin from a bicycle wreck when I was a kid. The wound would not heal…..loose scab with infection. Dad took the family to the beach. Played in the water for hours like kids do. Came home, and in a couple days, that shin was healing the right way. I’m sure it was the salt water that did the trick. Not sure what would happen today. Stopped wade fishing ever since something under the water bumped me. Don’t know what it was, but it wasn’t small. Also, my BIL had a shark attack his specks he had on his stringer.
    1 point
  15. PAMFAM10

    Critical race?

    You know what If my using of the word Karen offended anyone I apologize and will no longer use the word while debating.
    1 point
  16. I think he chose to play college football instead but Daniel Marsh could have certainly played college basketball. I have gotten out of touch with the Hardin basketball community but I have to believe there are still Reecsanos and Randolphs over there as well
    1 point
  17. You freaking IDIOTS are still going on about this huh
    1 point
  18. It won’t be just the anthems, their message will be throughout the game in the form of commercials.
    0 points

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