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  1. Dumb crap like this is the reason that moderates won't vote Republican. If you really believe that Republicans can just usurp the election process and install whoever they want, you obviously weren't paying attention during Government class as a senior. I'll also guarantee that if by some stupid chance we DID have a Congress foolish enough to try, you'd have a civil war on your hands. The level of stupidity here is mind-blowing.
    5 points
  2. So the team we beat in the state title game has 3 all state players and we only have 2. Makes tons of sense to me…
    3 points
  3. Just because you “have the votes” doesn’t mean you should do it. That’s what happened the first time that trump was impeached. Is Biden a terrible President? No doubt. Is he reasonably guilty of any “high crimes or misdemeanors?” Not by any evidence I’ve seen. Americans don’t want more of the same crap. They dont want more partisan rancor and endless hearings in the House. The worst thing that the Rs could do is to start some stupid Impeachment just because “they have the votes.” “But Trump could be the Speaker of the House.” It would never happen, even if it’s what Rudy, Marjorie, the Pillow Man, and a bunch of red-hatted fools get chubbies dreaming of.
    3 points
  4. Yea, that’s it, moderates never vote for dumb stuff. lol
    3 points
  5. you've been (ineffectively) beating this dead horse for months. PNG DOES NOT have the talent to win a state championship in 5A, HAS NOT HAD the talent to win it in 5A, and WILL NOT be getting the talent to win a state championship in 5A. Bellichek isn't winning a state championship if he comes down from New England to coach them. Nobody is blaming the kids or the coach. It's reality. Now lets get back on topic.
    2 points
  6. bullets13

    Tarkington Open

    I just read this whole thread, and there was literally one comment on the very first page like the ones you're describing that was completely out of line, and that poster had already received a warning from another moderator. The problem with threads like this is that some people can't handle any negativity about their communities and programs. This thread contains a lot of truths surrounding the shortcomings ofTarkington football (which would also hold true to several other struggling programs in the area, including my alma mater), and some folks get defensive and don't want to hear it. Apart from the one comment about inbreeding, for which the poster had already received a warning (I went back and just deleted the post), there's very little on here that criticizes the community or the school beyond issues pertaining to the football field. I couldn't find a single post about an individual player or coach that was out of line, and just the one about the community as a whole that crossed the line. Tarkington has averaged about 2 wins a year for the last decade. Honest talk about the program, and what they've done (and haven't done) to improve that is not "downgrading the kids and community".
    2 points
  7. Sure. But I don't think you'll see many SC wins brought about by a combination of school spirit and nice facilities. Because that's about all PNG has working for them these days.
    2 points
  8. Just out of curiosity, who were the better candidates? From my understanding, it was only a handful of guys interviewed and Colbert Sr was the second finalist. Franks had a change of heart and turn the job down. I don't know if dude is a good coach or not, but I know he's better than the previous coach. He didn't lose thirty games in a row. Hopefully Colbert Sr will get a staff that will work with him and not against him like the saboteurs that's been coaching there for all these years.
    2 points
  9. 89Falcon

    Tarkington Open

    Also, the new coach has done just as well as Vance. Vance did not win the title every year he was at LH.
    2 points
  10. PrairieMan

    Tarkington Open

    idk, I would say your question is a very fair one. I think it's situational dependent but I will give you my take it on it. First of all, I don't know the actual numbers but from the outside looking in Tarkington, doesn't have the money or isn't willing to pay well compared to other schools. Handcuff that with either the inability or unwillingness to invest in athletic facilities and that's a start as to why coaches who have any success would not want to stay long. I mean just the mention of spending money on just a fieldhouse to upgrade the dilapidated one that's probably been there since my father was in school there, certainly was there when i was there and that's been a while, and people lose their minds. I mean 30-45 miles down the road, assistants are making close to or more than the AD/HC of the entire program. Considering just the normal headaches and additional responsibilities that comes with, who would want to deal with that for long unless you have some sort of ties to the area, school, etc??? The other scenario is you finally get a guy from the area to coach. Whether he does well or not, there is situational issues that have to be dealt with. People that you know well have kids in your program and you have to look those friends in the eye and tell them their kids don't deserve to start or worse don't belong on the team. People that you know don't like the play you picked or whatever and are now hollering from the stands, calling for your head because you didn't make the "right" decisions in their mind. I mean that's happening no matter where you go or who you are but it's likely a different feel when it's people you go to church with on Sunday or were at their house a couple weeks ago sharing your favorite beverages. Now you're getting paid less money, fighting the issues of less talent as a whole and having to look these people in the face day to day. Finally, the last and worst situation which doesn't typically include any success is you hire a guy from somewhere else who comes in with a big stick that's going to shake things up. Comes in and wants to clean things up but starts rubbing everyone the wrong way and nobody knows who you are you. You start running kids off because their attitude isn't right or they aren't putting forth the effort. One or two of those kids have some talent but because of the small town, they've always been catered to and they aren't used to somebody holding them accountable so they leave. Then the program in general can't compete so you lose a few other good players and now everyone is calling for your head because nobody knows you and you "ruined" their kids senior or junior year. Nobody wants to go through a rebuilding year or two or three in high school. 99% of these kids will never play a down after high school so no parents of or kids that are seniors want to be a part of decimation of a program even if it does benefit the future of the program. They can't look past the fact their high school kids career was a total waste. I mean what can we say we can't all be superstars like everyone on these forums. From all the high and mighty comments on this page, I'm sure everyone here played college or pro ball. Most were probably the best players to ever come through their program, just ask them........so I'm sure it's hard to relate to these issues.
    2 points
  11. Down goes Arizona! Yes!!!!!! UofH advances!
    2 points
  12. bullets13

    Tarkington Open

    It’s all good. You’re free to express your feelings (within the rules), just as they are.
    1 point
  13. PrairieMan

    Tarkington Open

    bullets13, Calling Tarkington's kids or the people that live there names doesn't bother me. I'm not a part of the "offended" crowd. What gets me is the people on here that think or run their mouths like they truly know anything about the team or community. People that think that a certain coach was "run off" when they don't have a clue. I love how the group consensus is that ALL of Tarkington thinks their kids are D1 kids or that Tarkington parents are running coaches off in general. First off, every school and I mean EVERY from Chester to Duncanville has that one parent or set of parents that think the coach there is doing a horrible job. They could have won state last year, but wouldn't have lost that 1 game during the season if their kid would have played more downs, minutes, innings, etc. Even the guy that supposedly worked with Snelson in the 90's using him as the rarest example possible to prove that Tarkington parents from then didn't have a clue. I was around then and if there was anybody there that said that, I never heard it. The one thing I can tell you is I believe that was one of his early gigs and although I haven't had the chance to talk to him in forever, I promise you that the 2022 parents and kids could not handle a 90's Coach Snelson. He's a great man and I have nothing but respect for him, but I guarantee you even back then he rubbed somebody the wrong way and they were popping off at the mouth. If you guys want to have a discussion about things that are wrong at Tarkington, no problem, I'm in line to air my grievances as I've already done. But doesn't mean I going to sit idly by and watch some dude run his mouth about how they will never win and that they better schedule whatever school to ever get a victory just so he can get his jab in, then you are mistaken. I'm going to defend it EVERY time when it comes to that kind of thoughtless chatter (post).
    1 point
  14. HA! You wanted to know the legally of this. I proved it. Then you go off in a silly direction. SMH!
    1 point
  15. might be time to find another hobby. again, where is your source for this nonsense idea. I know you did not come up with this "brilliant" plan on your own.
    1 point
  16. I like educating: Let's start with this: Speaker does not have to be a member of the House. Trump installed. Legal so far. [Hidden Content] Now, do I have to prove that we can impeach the President and VP? No. Good! Next is the tricky part. We need 2/3 of the Senate for removal. The third, or second after the VP, in line for the Presidency is the Speaker: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  17. no-look

    March Madness Thread

    I will sell my bracket cheap if anyone is interested.
    1 point
  18. AKA- i'm totally okay with republicans making a mockery of political process and democracy to usurp power, but if the left does it then it's time for a war. the right likes to claim superiority over the left when it comes to behavior, but then tries to justify crap like this with examples from the left.
    1 point
  19. In the case of this subject and situation, I feel it would be grossly detrimental to the Republican Party and the country as a whole.
    1 point
  20. Just because this last PNG coach couldn't win a Title, why blame the kids? This last guy had one of the best QB's in PNG history, and probably the state, and couldn't do anything with it. Just saying!
    1 point
  21. bullets13

    Tarkington Open

    I thought this was a great post until you poured all this salt on it.
    1 point
  22. I think that Trump would easily have won in 2020 partly because of the first Impeachment if he'd have just not been willfully repulsive to anybody but his most loyal followers. The second impeachment was rightful in regards to having grounds.... the timing issue is a completely different story. As we're now looking down the barrel of another failed Trump Presidential campaign, I think Rs might regret not voting along with Romney in the Senate for the second Impeachment before it's all over. The people who keep squawking "yeah, but no mean tweets, huh?" have failed to grasp what happened in 2020. There was no election fraud. It's been conclusively proven that it never happened. Anybody who still believes that the election was stolen is literally a flat earther. More people hated Trump than liked Biden. That hasn't changed. If you had to ask the people who voted against Trump if they'd take him back now that gas prices are high, inflation is amok, and the whole shebang looks like it is coming off of the rails, every single one of those 81 million voters would say "no, eff that guy." They still hate him (understandably so) and nothing will change that.
    1 point
  23. Right about the time that Dustin Long was getting smoked by Reggie McNeal at A&M. You can't coach athleticism.
    1 point
  24. Kreeland Avery Estacado Tony Wagner Glenn Bishop Stafford David Montano JJ Boling Van Alstyne Russell Best TJ Caldwell Oak Cliff Faith Family Brandon Thomas Daylon Dickerson Kaufman Matt McLaughlin Christopher Evans Center Hiram Harrison Randon Fontenette Brazosport T. Pittman Josh Goings Salado Joe Brown Jared Harris Silsbee Joe Sigler Kemper Jones Canyon Travis Schulte Jaelyn Lee Paris Billy Steed Kenneth Lewis Washington Vincent Grayson Devin Lewis Dallas Carter Lyndon Love Quran McKinney Yates Greg Wise Dre’lon Miller Silsbee Joe Sigler TJ Newton Burkburnett Danny Nix Matthew Soto Somerset Bryan Penna Devin Styles Boerne Kimble McHone Brandon Walker Oak Cliff Faith Family Brandon Thomas Ernest Young WF Hirschi Donald Hedge
    1 point
  25. It's National Peacock Day. I'm definitely taking Saint Peter's over Purdue now. 😁
    1 point
  26. In no one’s dreams would this ever happen. I know you were just posing a “What if”, so let’s just leave it at that…
    1 point
  27. I can’t speak for anyone else, but here’s my thoughts… there were better applicants imo. They went with this guy. I don’t know much about him except…. His record was horrible at his last HC job at Westbury. I know he’s a Beaumont guy. And I know he didn’t have much talent at Westbury, but apparently, the AD thinks that he can utilize Beaumont’s talents. This is like deja vu. I’ve typed this same paragraph before…. Right after Graham got hired. Pretty much mirrors that same situation. I just hope the circumstances are different. Maybe this guy can go get who he wants and not use the tired recycled coaches. overall, I’m completely on the fence and will take the wait and see approach…
    1 point
  28. Update 3/25/2022 Brody Atwood, Vidor, Sr. - 2 Reagan Weibilinger, Vidor, Sr. - 2 Trace Shirley, Tarkington, Jr. - 2 Gunner Johnson, LCM, Sr. - 2 Kameryn Henderson, OF, Sr. - 2 Kolbie Sowell, OF, Sr. - 2 Daigan Venable, Vidor, Fr. - 1 Jarrett Odom, Vidor, Jr. - 1 Landon Bailey, Vidor, Jr. - 1 Toby Marse, Buna, Soph. - 1 Cash Glaze, Silsbee, Jr. - 1 Kyle Micheal, OF, So. - 1 Seth Ross, Jasper, Sr. - 1 Brock Lackey, Jasper, Jr. - 1 Micah Kendrick, Jasper, Jr. - 1 Clay Primeaux, Tarkington, Jr. - 1 Ashton Landry, LCM, Sr. - 1
    1 point
  29. No to be the QB/Pass Game Coordinator
    1 point
  30. This is correct. Franks turned it down. Colbert the new HC.
    1 point
  31. Why wait? lol [Hidden Content] Sharing Tools (Premium
    1 point

    March Madness Thread

    Refs have been awful in college basketball the last few years. They’re not just bad, they’re inconsistently bad, so teams aren’t able to get a feel for how the game will be called. But yeah those last two fouls on Holmgren were very bad calls.
    1 point
  33. TxHoops

    Coaches on the Move

    Whatchu talking about Willis? I’ll have you know Chester is the Duke of Northwest Tyler County basketball.
    1 point
  34. Can’t believe Texas Tech made it farther then Texas after Texas stole their coach lol
    1 point
  35. And look what it gets you….so whose the dumb one now?
    1 point
  36. Well you know how it goes, some communities can be bashed, others cannot. Barbers Hill has had so much garbage spewed at it, its ridiculous. Haters gonna hate. In a similar vein, coaches are not supposed to be bashed here, per the site rules, but Art Briles is routinely beaten to a bloody pulp and no intervention happens. See, IT ALL DEPENDS.
    1 point
  37. Proof that if you identify as a liberal Democrat, you have serious mental issues. Some, more than others!
    1 point
  38. Ha! Yea, that's usually the case. Easily triggered. LOL. But the hard part would be getting the 2/3's needed for removal. We could, no doubt, get both impeached. If it looks like we had the votes for removal, then we proceed. If not, then we don't. Pretty easy decision. That's why I ended with "how bad does it have to get before something like this becomes reality?" If things are REALLY bad then maybe we get a few Dem Senators? Would be interesting to see play out.
    1 point
  39. Fevertree

    SB Halftime

    Billy F. Gibbons
    1 point
  40. was about to say, united should have 3.
    1 point
  41. I’m ready for Trump to come back and Hillary prosecuted…but simply going away will work. Trump going away is the reason we’re in this mess.
    1 point
  42. Vidor’s Marching Band just returned from Disney an fortunately there were no WOKE PIRATES that were offended by their performance. 🏴‍☠️ Keep doing your thing PNG!
    1 point
  43. Unwoke

    EV’s and Gas Engines

    I was robbed at a gas station in Beaumont last night. After my hands stopped trembling..I managed to call the cops and they were quick to respond and calmed me down..... My money is gone.. the police asked me if I knew who did it..I said yes.. it was pump number 9…
    1 point
  44. The Dems have once again done something tuq.
    1 point
  45. I agree with you 110%....My statement was in reference to the process in acquiring his replacement. LoL the powers that be @ Bisd would turn down/eliminate B.F. solely because he'd be the long time needed solution at that facility/BU....Solution not wanted just a flash in the pan quick fix. Who's fooling who ?.......One side of town Hoops other side of town football. With the current Admin it will remain that way. The Plan...jmo
    1 point
  46. PNG identifies as the Indians….problem solved.
    1 point
  47. They seem to name everything they are involved in as “Indian”. They may “prefer” another term but that hardly makes it racist or derogatory. If I had to choose I would probably prefer to be called white instead of caucasian which sounds like a mountain range but my preference doesn’t make either racist. My favorite example is a “Native American” protest group formed in 1968 to fight for their rights and named it… American Indian Movement. [Hidden Content] I think much of the claims are by people looking to be offended. Many times it is not from Indians but people looking to show their sensitivity by claiming racism for another group. Of course much of the accusation from Indians isn’t racism but now “cultural appropriation”. When Blacks straighten their hair, is that European cultural appropriation? Colored contacts? Did Abba or the British rock invasion appropriate American rock which was appropriated from Black blues? Should Eminem quit entertaining because his rap was appropriated from hip hop? This 250 year melting pot called America sometimes seems to want to go back to segregation or a feeling of “please notice me!”. I could care less if PNG changes their name. Back when I was school some of us Nederlanders called them PNG River Rats so I think them “forced” (politically, not legally) might be seem wrong but somewhat humorous. But obviously the choice is theirs. They didn’t choose the mascot out of any racism or intent to capitalize on a culture. They didn’t nor do they need permission. in my opinion…..
    1 point
  48. 89Falcon

    Tarkington Open

    Is Tarkington forecasting to be an affluent area of the North Austin Hill Country? If so, you might be right.
    1 point
  49. Eagles12

    Tarkington Open

    I make Mark Newton tell me no. Then I call Mark Newton again and make him tell me no twice before I move on to the next candidate.
    1 point
  50. Sma. I think it's funny that someone from LC-M is giving advice to WO-S about what they should and shouldn't do. I was talking to a WO-S ex just yesterday and the Mustang mile came up. He said sure it was a beast, but that was why they are running in the 4th quarter, not jogging. No doubt the Bears had a great season in 2021 but since you were born full grown last year you don't have a clue. If they would take off the gloves and quit worrying about the Joneses, whom they cannot beat with or without recruiting, they might be competitive every year instead of every ten.
    1 point

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