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  1. Seems the Left suddenly can define “woman” again.
    3 points
  2. Good thing H.J. hired Bass then, winning a state title from the 4th seed in district every year will make him even more elite then Scott Surratt
    2 points
  3. You have a way with words that I've always admired brother. Im gonna pencil u in for speech writer. And @Hagar can be my minister of truth, because ^that^ was it. Thank you both.
    2 points
  4. I'm familiar with history. What line should we have stopped at? When black guys were allowed to marry white women? When we couldn't beat up people for being gay anymore? Our history is littered with conservatives badly treating whole groups of people for personal gain, or due to religious beliefs, so don't give me a bunch of "standing up for what is right" nonsense. Both sides of the aisle have some very undesirable traits and unflattering history. It's always funny when the right claims to have the backbone to "stand up straight" and "do what's right" while actively trying to take politics back to a time when the right treated people very badly. Both sides are a bunch of hypocrites.
    2 points
  5. for the most part, I'm very good with it. The left does a ton of insane stuff these days, and I don't like the direction they're going, but that doesn't change how I feel about many topics. There's a lot of stuff that used to be considered liberal that is now considered reasonable by anyone who isn't an ultra-conservative Christian. The woke ultra-left has taken things too far, but i have zero issue with homosexuals getting married, people being treated fairly despite their race/ethnicity, men not being able to tune up their wives without repercussion when they "get out of line", adults being able to decide who they want to be, and women being able to make decisions in regards to their body, which are all things that weren't happening 50 years ago. Look at how bad things had to get on the left before people were willing to swing their votes back to the right. Immediately pushing legislation that'll take us back to the 70s on social issues is not a winning plan.
    2 points
  6. I also read where some(?) are calling on legal challenges to same-sex marriages. I'm a little afraid that an outright assault on what most voters consider "rights" is going to be no different than what we see with "woke-ism" that has bogged down the Dems. Long story short, we've got way bigger fish to fry than imposing our religious views on everybody else.
    2 points
  7. I am hoping for a positive ruling on “shall not be infringed”. Talk about head exploding….
    2 points
  8. No coin flip... The #1 seed gets to dictate for the 1st round only whether or not it will be a series or a 1 gamer... Guess Livingston did not like the match up after their #1... Vidor is deep in arms.
    2 points
  9. That would mean he has about a 1 million dollar home. Lol. And like you said he’s whining. Lol . Down size or shut up. Shut up an pay your fair share….Come on Man! 😂
    2 points
  10. If it turns out to be true, TVC pretty much nailed it a week or two ago. Personally I’m surprised, but I also think this decision could definitely stall the “red wave” that’s been predicted this November. This is an issue that could motivate otherwise apathetic liberal voters to the polls. If they ever figure out who leaked the draft, my guess is that they’ll be a liberal.
    2 points
  11. So what’s up? I haven’t spouted any gems of wisdom lately. Tonight I’ll talk about religion, which for me is Christianity. I became an “official” Christian (baptized) at 30. My wife of 8 years at the time, had joined/baptized into the Catholic Church some 5 years earlier. She was raised in Church of Christ, but was not enamored with it, nor was I as I visited it with her. No reflection on it, just not for us. I believe in Catholicism, but not as the “one and only”. As a Priest once said in his Homily, “the important thing is to be a good Christian. If there’s a stumbling Block for you in Catholicism, try one of the Protestant denominations” (a great Homily that I wish other Priest & Protestant Preachers would embrace). Anyway, back to religion. It’s been a great support for me as I’ve traveled through life. What do atheist fall back on when confronted with life’s great obstacles? There’s nothing that I’m aware of, while I can fall back on my Lord and Savior. He (they’ve) been, and still are, a comfort to me. When put in perspective, God’s sacrifice of his Son is hard to believe. Again, as one Priest said, we’re little more than pissants to God, yet he put his son through suffering for our salvation. Why? Because as unworthy as we are, he loves us. I’m thankful for his love. For Jesus’ sacrifice. When I say the Lord’s Prayer, I impose my forgiveness of others. When we pray, we shouldn’t just say the words but mean what we’re praying. I hope I haven’t offended anyone with my post here. Not my intention. I only wanted to share my thoughts and why I’m happy to be a Christian. I hope some of you share my love, and get the comfort I get from it. God Bless all of you. I consider you friends in Christ.
    2 points
  12. But what if the new coach decides we need a defense? I'm hearing it's looking better already.
    2 points

    TyAnthony Smith

    No, actually I am the linebackers coach for Jasper.
    2 points
  14. A leaked draft……hmmmm. From what I understand, this is the first time something like this has been leaked. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  15. [Hidden Content] I don't know if anything about this has already been posted I apologize if so. That said, my thoughts and prayers are and will continue to be for this young man.
    1 point
  16. I don't think this is going to effect either side much. I think more people are concerned about inflation and gas prices more than having the government set rules on abortion. All the ruling will do is give it back to the states.......PLUS.....this was the SC, not Republican or Democrats.....Does this really make someone vote for the opposite party because of a SC ruling? Is it a big secret majority of republicans are against abortion? I hope the SC makes a statement the leak will be investigated and the ruling is being chambered indefinitely until further notice. My humble take
    1 point
  17. Why does this zap us back to the 70s? This reverses nothing else but this decision. The world has changed a lot, over time, why not zap back further? Truth is, we should not make this a political issue…….Dem vs. Rep…….Liberal vs. Conservative. This is entirely a moral issue. Notice I did not say religious, although some religious beliefs will affect people’s decision. It is still a moral issue….Right vs. Wrong. We all have a sense of morality. No one should be able to legislate the murder of an innocent fetus in the name of women’s “rights”. She has the right to say “no”.
    1 point
  18. Don't shoot the messenger, just re-stating some posts that the gauge of success that separates the average coaches from the elite head football coaches when a school makes a new hire. Being a great person, having many coaching friends, loved by all & a nice guy looks good on a resume but winning state titles is what turns boys into real men😬
    1 point
  19. Hagar

    Hagar’s Ramblings

    I’m honored (I think, lol).
    1 point
  20. WOSdrummer99

    Tarkington Open

    Once upon a time... a coach got a historically talented and winning team without experience? As long as @Reagan is not his boss, your friend will be in the right place when he gets there. Trust the process.
    1 point
  21. Ah, that makes more sense!!! I do remember now that there was a person on the Tarkington thread who kept gauging coaching success on strictly overall records and state titles. That's my bad, sometimes sarcasm is hard to read...
    1 point
  22. I'm fairly certain he's taking a good-natured shot at the same person I am in my previous comment.
    1 point
  23. Just going by the resident expert's rubric of success. The rubric is only pass/fail, and you must win a state championship in 7 years or you have failed.
    1 point
  24. 7 years to join the elite, or become a failure for all time
    1 point
  25. 5 votes to end 5 decades of darkness.
    1 point
  26. I’ve always believed people vote with there pocket books first, an up to this point the average American voter is getting crushed financially with this regime. I believe abortion issue could push even more republicans to polls as well. Unfortunately if the massive voter fraud isn’t fixed it’s not going to make a difference.
    1 point
  27. It's been 50 years. Our country is infinitely more liberal than it was 50 years ago, including moderate and republican voters. This move is likely going to amount to political disaster for the right. right when the republican party is poised to take back power in a big way you're galvanizing the left, and once again pushing those "stupid moderate" voters back to the left.
    1 point
  28. The left started this mess with passing abortion in the first place…..this is just going back to how it was and how it should be.
    1 point
  29. I definitely think it was leaked to gain an edge in the november elections like you say, but it's not going to help the right. the right is on pace to make huge gains, and pushing this at this time is more likely to derail that to some degree. The left is currently beat down and despondent over how poorly Biden and Harris have done. There's infighting like crazy in the democratic party. And now you've just messed with the one issue that will instantly galvanize the left and bring them all back together. It's dumb. As both sides always do, the right is interpreting disgust and apathy towards the left as an endorsement to push policies far right, which (as normally happens to both sides) will help steady the ship for the left.
    1 point
  30. SmashMouth

    Hagar’s Ramblings

    A deep heartfelt thanks for your post. It serves as a reminder to me (and hopefully others) of the gifts we’ve been given through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and our responsibility to share Him with others. Thank you.
    1 point
  31. Bulldogs92

    Forum groupings

    That's exactly right. Maybe there shouldn't be years assigned to the forums anymore. We're all smart enough to figure things out...I think. 😂
    1 point
  32. B.H.- Jace Martinez hits go ahead grand slam in top of the 7th with score tied 2-2 to put B.H. up & claim 2nd seed with the win.
    1 point
  33. I kinda figured you were a renter in CaneyHead. Are you just now figuring out that you are just renting your property from the county? You never really own it. 🙄 Inflation is taxation without legislation. Artificially inflated housing prices drives up taxes. It’s legalized theft. Just a big Ponzi scheme. We should have a housing bubble burst in the near future imo.
    1 point
  34. [Hidden Content] Seems like it’s hit the Big News.
    1 point
  35. Winners Offense: Khegian Heckaman, Hamshire-Fannett Defense: Leighton Foster, Newton
    1 point
  36. Why do you think property taxes are so high? Is it because we have to pay for _____________ (fill in the blank). Take as much space and time as you need to articulate your position of anger. Please expound on your use of "hillbilly school districts" when spewing your vitriol. Name some of those schools you think are syphoning too much money so we can compare with the "non-hillbilly schools".
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. oldschool2

    Tarkington Open

    A coach told me one time that he'd rather get fired for cheating than fired for losing.
    1 point
  39. whsalum

    Coaches on the Move

    Great Read “ King Cotton”.
    1 point
  40. Actually met up with some people from Buna yesterday and asked about the situation. They showed me some Facebook post from parents and talked about fans always yelling at him during the game. Don’t think it was small town politics that ran him out. But if admin didn’t remove those fans during the game, I doubt they did anything to try to keep him. The fact that school board members are posting about the job on here, maybe there were some politics going on that they didn’t know about. Girls basketball coach went to orangefield and now boys basketball is leaving. Both were successful and both wanted to stay there for their entire coaching career. Both leaving raises questions and concerns for the program. Good luck to the coach going forward.
    1 point
  41. Kountze vs Huntington Waiting on umps. Whomever is in charge of the music needs to retire.
    1 point
  42. oldschool2

    Tarkington Open

    Now we're going to discuss the differences between debating and arguing? Unbelievable.. By the way, I can assure you that I'm not taking anything personal. I'm not the one using exclamation points in my posts.. as if your emotion will make your point stronger. It won't. You should be happy.. I've long since become bored with this debate/argument (whatever you wanna call it). You think that a coach is only elite because of championships. I don't. You think an elite coach (according to your definition) can win anywhere and with anyone. I don't. Signing out of this circus.
    1 point
  43. oldschool2

    Tarkington Open

    You're actually proving my point... that because of fluctuating talent in every opponent (even one's own school), due to graduations, injuries, etc. can and will impact the results of a season. How many coaches out there could have had a state championship if not for losing kids for whatever reason and/or reclassification? Or visa versa. Tell the guy I'm arguing with that there are other factors at play.. other than who the coach is.
    1 point
  44. oldschool2

    Tarkington Open

    No.. the debate is whether or not an "elite coach" can make a school like Tarkington (with zero relative success in their past) into an elite program. Then the debate turned into what makes a coach an elite coach. Your opinion, as stated multiple times, is that having won a state title or more makes you an elite coach. It is argued by me.. and everyone else in this thread.. that it takes much more than just being a good coach to win a state title. It is also argued that not Art Briles.. nor Scott Surrat.. nor Buchanan.. nor Tom Westerberg could go to Tarkington and win a state title in the relative future without a substantial influx of above average ability. I'd bet every dollar I have that they couldn't go there at the same time and win it all within 6 years with the kids Tarkington ISD has right now. Will they get tremendously better? No question.. Will they improve? Without a doubt? But I'll bet on Tarkington's football history over those coaches' histories every time. It makes no difference to me what your opinion is regarding that. If a person believes that ANY coach can go to ANY school with ANY level of talent and win a state championship then they're an idiot. If you fall into that category.. it is what it is. Now for the Westerberg comment. He won 3 consecutive state titles with the most prolific high school quarterback that the state of Texas has ever had, along with countless other very highly skilled football players, plus the best overall support staff that money could buy (at the high school level), plus arguably one of the biggest pools of players to choose from in the country, and finally the nicest high school facilities in the state of Texas (at that time). Someone commented above that there were around 50 D1 football players from Allen during his coaching tenure.. Know what? Maybe he should've won a state championship every year that he was there. And the fact that he didn't .. might mean that he's not as good a coach as you're arguing. If it was only about coaching.. then the same exact coach would have the same exact results every year. Every single year.
    1 point
  45. Matthew328

    Tarkington Open

    Westerberg took over at Allen at the perfect time.....they were growing at an incredible rate and talent was arriving by the boatload as Allen became the largest school in the country...he's a very good coach and he had a very good staff with multiple head coaches on there.....but like I said very good coaches still cant win with mediocre talent (ie Barbers Hill)
    1 point

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