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Your Attention, Please
WOSdrummer99 and 4 others reacted to bullets13 for a topic
InMAGAweTrust has been permanently banned. The continual insults and derailing of threads got to be too much. I bring this up because several of you guys have engaged in similar behaviors recently. The one saving grace for y'all is that it almost always involves him, and more times than not is in response to his initial insult. we're going to have a friendly board, even if we disagree sometimes. There are plenty of ways to debate without being downright insulting and talking about people's personal lives. There's plenty of you on here that I've gotten into it with at times, but there's a certain amount of respect involved. Let's keep it that way. Thanks in advance. Comments are locked to avoid this from becoming a bashing thread. Don't want anyone to have to join him.5 points -
Fight At Beaumont West Brook
5GallonBucket and one other reacted to bullets13 for a topic
I currently work for one that does. Coincidentally (or not), our behavior is excellent. Also, due to our male principal being promoted, it appears I will be our school's dispenser of justice next school year.2 points -
An update on the Fraudulent Election.
Boyz N Da Hood and one other reacted to Unwoke for a topic
Great interview of the investigator and founder of True the Vote about the behind the scenes making of 2000 miles. A must Watch.2 points -
Fight At Beaumont West Brook
Sugarbear and one other reacted to CardinalBacker for a topic
It's the parents. I saw a post recently where Silsbee Parents were INCENSED that their kids wouldn't be allowed to have the cellphones in class because Mama NEEDS to be able to reach Johnny, and there isn't a any old school that's gonna tell her child any different. I'm of the opinion that is the instance where administration should dis-enroll Johnny and let Mama get down to homeschoolin'. You know, "I don't beat my child and I'll sue the pants off anyone that dares to harm a hair on his head." There's something about getting drug out into the hall at a young age and trying to hide hot tears when you rejoin your classmates that will alleviate 95% of the behavioral problems that we have in classes today.2 points -
NBA Playoffs 2022
navydawg31 and one other reacted to BEARCPA for a topic
Very happy I was wrong here2 points -
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WOSdrummer99 and one other reacted to tvc184 for a topic
Because if every job paid enough money to support a family, inflation would result. That means all minimum jobs would have to quadruple if a family of 4 with one income. So a guy gets married and his wife stays home with 2 children. That requires about $32 an hour now. That is not counting states like California, New York and New Jersey. That would be more like $40 an hour minimum. Start paying stockers at the local supermarket $32 an hour as well as the person waiting the counter at Whataburger and see what happens to inflation. If McDonald’s had 5 employees working at that rate, they would have to take in almost $1,500 in sales just to pay the salaries for an 8 hour shift …. without a single benefit. Toss in the cost of food, electricity, water and sewer, etc., and if they aren’t selling $3,000 in an 8 hour shift, they are going to go under. That comes up to the cashier ringing up a sale of at least $6.25 every minute for eight hours. That is not to make a profit, that is to break even. So unless there are about 40 people standing at the counter for the next eight hours waiting to order, they aren’t going to make it. I could do a lot more math but every job should not be and was never intended to be a living wage throughout history. Yes, a living wage for every job is a myth. Of course you could have 3 single guys moving into an apartment together and they each would only need to make about $8 an hour each. I doubt that is what anyone thinks about when discussing living wages.2 points -
Liberty edges Bridge City
Bobcat1 reacted to Separation Scientist for a topic
For those unaware, there was a great series this weekend at GCM with defending champ Liberty meeting up with Bridge City. BC took game 1, then Liberty took game 2. In the 3rd game BC led the whole way up until the very last out as Liberty survived. I have a ton of respect for BC. They gave powerhouse Liberty all they wanted, and except for an error in the 7th BC would have won. Congrats to both!1 point -
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LumRaiderFan reacted to Boyz N Da Hood for a topic
Republicans would never cut their own throat1 point -
Fight At Beaumont West Brook
5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth for a topic
I would say not a coincidence. I got more butt whippins as a kid than I passed out as a parent, but a well-timed swat to the posterior definitely made an “impression” on me as well as my kids down the road.1 point -
NBA Playoffs 2022
navydawg31 reacted to BEARCPA for a topic
Thats why I wrote what I did in the parentheses lol1 point -
1 point
Fight At Beaumont West Brook
WOSdrummer99 reacted to SmashMouth for a topic
I have to say AMEN on that.1 point -
NBA Playoffs 2022
Mr. Buddy Garrity reacted to BEARCPA for a topic
I actually don't think there are very many rational people that would argue this (besides Celtics/Tatum and Warriors/Curry fans).1 point -
And Flower Mound did it with distance runners. I don't know if I've ever seen a team win state in track with distance. They had a possibility to score 58 points in the three distance races...and they did that. 1,2,3 in the 3200m and 1600m plus 1st in the 800. They also won HJ but the 58 they scored in distance was enough to win.1 point
Westerberg to Salado
BEARCPA reacted to Cougar14.2 for a topic
Absolutely not if we're the ones doing it. You always want to try to better the financial outlook for you and your family whenever possible. On the flip side if I was an administrator or tax payer I would feel somewhat slighted that we had to compensate TW and his family the way we did, yet he never seemed overly invested in the outcomes. I do think the hire was a net plus overall for BH if for nothing more than saving the district from having to look at those uniforms every week.1 point -
1 point
Mom and dad would tell the teachers that if I were to get pops at school they were to know - soooooo they could give me more pops when I got home. Double jeopardy did not exist.1 point
Tarkington Open
bullets13 reacted to oldschool2 for a topic
Or you didn't care.. which.. let's be honest, who really cares about the dealings of junior high success other than the kids or parents of those kids. I'm not trying to be ugly or anything. I just know that in reality, the successes/failures of the junior high doesn't always equate to what will happen in high school.1 point -
Tarkington Open
Mr. Buddy Garrity reacted to oldschool2 for a topic
That's not a new concept. If we're being honest, who would blame either of them? Nobody. Matter of fact.. it's happened at Hardin before.1 point -
NBA Playoffs 2022
Mr. Buddy Garrity reacted to navydawg31 for a topic
I wonder where Ayton plays at next year?1 point -
Trump’s Truth Social to Launch “Non-Woke” Streaming Competitor to Netflix!
InMAGAWeTrust reacted to Englebert for a topic
You are now back in the lead for the most illogical reading of a situation. I mean, this one was just golden. I find it practically impossible for anyone with at least three functioning brain cells to come up with that analysis. Good job. And you get awarded bonus points for attempting a mundane swipe at screen names. And you get awarded more bonus points for attempting this ploy over and over after it has failed to garner any attention. That is true Liberal logic at it's lowest. When hardcore Liberals say your post is weak, you know you've got a winner in your quest for the championship. Congratulations. 45thSucks has his work cut out for him now. Glad to see y'all are both back on here. You two seem to feed off each other. That means more entertainment for the board.1 point -
Trump’s Truth Social to Launch “Non-Woke” Streaming Competitor to Netflix!
InMAGAWeTrust reacted to Englebert for a topic
Now you're cooking. Incessant whining about your ability to succeed followed by a personal attack that is unsubstantiated and basically pulled out of thin air. That is as stupid as it gets. Good job. The natural Liberal in you is back, although your brethren might not be happy with your admission that you actually work for a living. Your fellow Liberals would also be furious at you for saying you don't rely on government, but lucky for you they recognized the fact that you pulled that out of the same place you pulled your other contentions. You have redeemed yourself and leapt back into a tie with InMagaMan (who seems to have left the board right before you reappeared). Way to give the people what they want.1 point -
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Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust for a topic
I personally know quite a few die hard trumpers who constantly rail against socialism.. but literally live off the government lol.. I’m not mad at them, because obviously living off the government and being poor isn’t exactly living the high life, but sometimes I can’t help but chuckle at the irony of it all1 point -
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Hagar reacted to 5GallonBucket for a topic
They would have to do them if we stopped handing them money….either that or starve.1 point -
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LumRaiderFan reacted to Boyz N Da Hood for a topic
If you vote red chances are slim, that's all they do! At least most of the ones I know do Ppl complain cause they come across the border and do the jobs lazy Americans don't want to do... more power to em1 point -
1 point
Trump’s Truth Social to Launch “Non-Woke” Streaming Competitor to Netflix!
InMAGAWeTrust reacted to Englebert for a topic
Wow. Doubling down on the stupidity after taking the lead. You know you are gambling doing this. You might have said something that contained a slight bit of intelligence. But being the consummate professional you are, I guess you knew you could rely on your natural ability to refrain from any sensible nuggets from infiltrating your post. You have now moved further in the lead for "Dumbest Poster on the Board". 45thMan better respond with a very, very stupid post because your lead is now almost insurmountable.1 point -
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Boyz N Da Hood reacted to InMAGAWeTrust for a topic
Spot on. The outsourcing of decently paying jobs is the obvious eventual result of capitalism. Consumers get cheap products, and corporate shareholders benefit from increased profits. I go back and forth on being sympathetic to the people here who are struggling financially, after for so many years y’all have used the whole “pull up your bootstraps and WORK” retort. Personally, I pulled up my bootstraps and WORKED rather than sitting around complaining and crying about immigrants, black people, liberals, the media, etc1 point -
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LumRaiderFan reacted to Hagar for a topic
Sure, I’d say no appreciable inflation since Carter. Point is, Biden is killing the lower and middle class financially. And especially those on fixed incomes, like myself. He can lie his way out of a lot of things because of the biased media and uninformed voters, but most Americans are well aware of the inflation. Were I him, I’d concentrate the majority of my power/efforts to alleviate it. How you may ask. I’m no economist but common sense tells me the core problem is the price of gas/diesel. Do everything possible to lower those and other prices will go down significantly. But here’s where he overplays his hand. He and his cohorts know that, but to force green energy, which we’re in no way ready for, he won’t do it. He lets us suffer to appease the AOC’s in the Party. In plain language, to avoid alienating what he sees as his base, he lets the majority of America and Americans do without. Btw, no amount of liberal rhetoric will change my mind on that. The evidence Imo is overwhelming.1 point -
NBA Playoffs 2022
navydawg31 reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity for a topic
Celtics blowout the Fighting Bambi's at home in game-7 109-81. Shot 40% from 3 and hit over 20 of em again. On to the ECFs vs Miami starting Tuesday in a rematch from the 2020 Bubble Playoffs. I got us in 6, gonna be another tough series. 8 wins down, 8 more to go. Now time to root on the Mavs in their game-7 tonight.1 point -
Exposed: Media Hypocrisy in Their Lopsided Coverage of Two Mass Murders!
5GallonBucket reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
Did you have anything worthy to add?1 point -
The living wage on all jobs is a myth. The moment that all jobs become a living wage, the lower paying jobs will no longer have a living wage.1 point
Tarkington Open
PlayActionPass reacted to 2wedge for a topic
His name is Brady Barrier and he is Head Coach Ned Barrier's son. He is incredibly talented, already bigger and more skilled than any QB Hardin has seen in a while. I know this is probably going to generate some comments from the peanut gallery, but he is going to be a very special player and has a chance to be big time. Not asking you to believe me today, but I'll be available to discuss more in depth in 3 years or so when everyone else knows.1 point -
Jasper vs Taylor
j_dog reacted to Dirty_but_Dazzling for a topic
Taylor scores 3 runs in the top of 7th to win the ballgame 4-2. Thank you Lady Dawgs for the District championship and a great season! Jasper is PROUD of you!1 point -
This Board Needs....
5GallonBucket reacted to TxHoops for a topic
A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little gray hair he had left. Amazing, he thought as he flew down I-94, pushing the pedal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, What am I doing? I'm too old for this, and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival. Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The old gentleman paused. Then he said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a state trooper. I thought you were bringing her back." "Have a good day, sir," replied the trooper.1 point -
Frito Lay creates Cracker Jill to honor Women Sports
WOSdrummer99 reacted to mat for a topic
To solve the gender confusion some may have, you may now purchase Cracker Jacks and Cracker Jills with or without nuts. 🤓1 point -
Westerberg to Salado
TrojanMoJo reacted to navydawg31 for a topic
Imo if he always wanted to coach his hometown team all he had to do was put it out there that he wanted too and they would have forced whoever out to bring him in…1 point -
Fight At Beaumont West Brook
thetragichippy reacted to tvc184 for a topic
A couple of generations ago we were told that corporal punishment was not the answer. Over 5,000 years of human history of raising children was all wrong. What they need is being put in timeout, on campus suspension, have their cell phones taken away for 30 minutes, etc. That way they will not learn violence and will not use violence against other people. They will only learn to be pacifist. It has worked out so well……0 points