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it is interesting that the author uses convoluted logic as an explanation. Logic according to the author: You didn’t fight in Revolutionary War but celebrate July 4th, it is the same as owning slaves.4 points
Kelly Hires Mike Long as new Head Coach
RETIREDFAN1 and 2 others reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity for a topic
He's probably too busy trying to get Briles to Kelly Catholic. 🙄3 points -
He got out while the getting was good. Only had 2 years left to win a state championship before he was labeled a failure forever. Quick question: if he took a team that was 0-10 the year before he arrived and went 1-8 his first year, and then 21-13 the next four years, was he a success without a state championship? He also took a program with only 11 kids coming out his first year and had 50 come out to play last season.3 points
Is it complaining or pointing out absurdity? I see a place like San Francisco and see where homeless are living in front of some of the most famous stores and crapping on the sidewalk and turning what should be a showplace city for the world, into a dump. I have never been there and never plan on going there for any reason, not even to catch a connecting flight. I do make comments from time to time about places such as San Francisco but not to complain because I honestly could not care less. It is simply an observation of the stupidity of the situation. BISD can vote to call it the “We Have It- You Don’t Stadium”. I would not complain, I would simply laugh at the continued absurdity. With the ability to name a stadium almost anything, can the BISD board of trustees come up with something other than a person with a questionable reputation? City leader, football legend, national leader, historic event??2 points
This infuriates me. I worked for BISD for 15 years, including when all of this happened. It's absolutely jaw-dropping how many people were stealing from BISD during the time of the bond, and many of them were under the direct supervision of Thomas. There were dozens of examples of fraud, theft, cronyism, etc (Report details misuse of Beaumont ISD bond funds as Thomas avoided scrutiny (beaumontenterprise.com)). Thomas also benefited from a poorly negotiated contract that saw his base salary nearly triple over the course of 10 years, making him the highest paid superintendent in the state, even though he was doing a poor job leading a fairly poor, fairly small district. The problem is that the people of color in charge weren't concerned about students and the community, only about sticking it to the white man that had held them down for so long. Calvin Walker bilked BISD for millions of dollars. The majority African American schoolboard under Butch Thomas actually voted to renew his yearly contract AFTER he'd been charged with stealing millions from the district, and had taken a plea deal where he forfeited millions of dollars that he'd stolen from BISD (BISD Board of Trustees react to Calvin Walker's mistrial | 12newsnow.com). The school board voted NOT TO SEEK TO HAVE THE MONEY HE STOLE REPAID, even though more than $2M he stole was available to them!!! (BISD renews Walker's contract, votes against more restitution information (ctinsider.com)) The district and school board chose to let the feds keep the money Walker had stolen from them rather than admitting that he had stolen from them. Here is a list of thefts and scams that the district knew about Walker committing at the time that they renewed his contract ( Calvin Walker jury selection to start in Beaumont | 12newsnow.com). My personal favorite is the $600,000 he charged BISD to cover the cost of renting bucket trucks to complete work he'd been hired to do. He did this even though he already owned bucket trucks, and did not need to rent any Under Thomas the district spent tens of thousands of dollars on copies of (low quality) books full of misinformation written by communication director Jessie Haynes (Problem with BISD book is source, not contents (beaumontenterprise.com) During Thomas' reign, the BISD Comptroller and Director of Finance were both arrested and convicted for stealing more than $4M (Former Beaumont ISD Employees Sentenced for Stealing over $4 Million | USAO-EDTX | Department of Justice). Patricia Lambert, an assistant superintendent under Thomas was convicted of theft and falsifying test scores. BISD also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for her son to print items for BISD, even though he did not have a printing business. He simply paid a real printing business to print these items and then charged BISD a marked up price (Former Beaumont ISD Assistant Superintendent Guilty of Federal Charges — FBI). As everyone knows, his leadership was so poor that the district was eventually taken over by the state (TEA announces takeover of BISD, New superintendent to be appointed | 12newsnow.com). Thomas took off before anything could stick to him. He still to this day claims that he didn't know anything about the crimes being committed under him. In my opinion if he had no idea all of this was going on, it reflects worse on him than if he was actually involved in the corruption. After all of this, thousands of BISD employees had to go through the stress of seeing if their position ended up on the RIF list, as hundreds of employees were let go in an effort to save money after BISD's finances had been run into the ground. That was one of the most terrifying times of my life, as there was considerable talk about my entire school being shut down in an effort to reduce costs for the district. I literally could go on and on, and on and on and on and on with examples of theft and mismanagement under Thomas. The naming of a stadium after him was entirely racially motivated. the sad part was that it wasn't named after him because he was African American, but instead because naming it after him made white people mad. And now here we go again. There are a dozen plus people of color who could rightfully be honored with BISD's stadium being named after them. There is also the option of finding a sponsor who'll pay for the name. Instead the board is once again putting "sticking it to the man" ahead of responsible spending and putting it's students, staff, and community first.2 points
Kelly Hires Mike Long as new Head Coach
wbfan and one other reacted to TheOutsider for a topic
I would say it's almost a lock he goes to WB. The kid said in the past publicly that's where he was going to go, not to mention he lives in Beaumont and already his head coach is now on the WB staff.2 points -
BISD Board to consider naming stadium after Carrol “Butch” Thomas
bullets13 and one other reacted to CardinalBacker for a topic
It was just a bad scene... when the allegations of impropriety started rolling in, the board moved to name the stadium after the then superintendent who would best be described as "embattled" at that point. It goes back to the Civil Rights era.... when the bond issue was passed, Thomas and others moved to eradicate all traces of the old "white" schools that were folded into BISD. It's been back and forth ever since.... and I'm sure that the school demolitions weren't the first salvo in an ongoing war. The initial naming of the stadium after Thomas was a great big middle finger at this critics, then the Board of Managers appointed after Thomas left moved to have the stadium re-named something neutral.... but it is also seen as big middle finger back at the black community. As soon as the BOM handed power back to the locally elected trustees we have now, they continuously return to the issue of re-naming the stadium after the disgraced former super. Thomas left about a year before the state had to take over. So basically the school board wants to re-re-name the stadium after a guy who either (a)rebuilt BISD and got them great new facilities or (b) name it after the guy who was in control when millions of dollars were stolen, testing fraud ran rampant, things got so bad that the state had to come and take over the district and numerous administrators went to prison.... and you'd be talking about the same guy.2 points -
Chad Morris
Mr. Buddy Garrity and one other reacted to 2wedge for a topic
Yup. Something easy. QC or consultant....something like that is my thought.2 points -
So because some folks, white Europeans and black Africans, were slave traders, and mostly white farmers used black slaves, every white person should feel guilty. How cognizant are you with history? Start naming all the ethnic groups that were never involved or used slaves. Whites, Blacks, Yellows, Browns and Reds have all had slaves (or there any other colors?). That being the case, why in your opinion are whites the only group that should carry the burden of guilt? If it’ll make you feel better, hit your own head with a hammer, but stay away from my head.2 points
Totally agree with this and with Buddy's statement about Ayton making Dallas' defense better. I'm surprised Dallas' lack of rim protection hasn't been exploited yet in the playoffs, but I'm sure Kerr will scheme something up to take advantage of it in this round. I just don't think that Ayton will be in their price range if he makes it to free agency. The Mavs have some tough choices to make this summer (and not a lot of cap flexibility) about adding a solid big man and keeping Brunson. Gun to my head I think I'd rather re-sign Brunson because having a solid secondary ball-handler/playmaker next to Luka will be key to their long term success. Solid big men that are lob threats and paint defenders can be had for a fraction of the price of offensive creators.2 points
May is mental health awareness month. If there is anyone out there that thinks this president is doing ANYTHING well I encourage them to take advantage of the opportunities present for mental health help.2 points
I have a few questions for you. How many White people said that you will not own other people in my state? How many White people came together in unity to pass legislation to end the practice? Answer this question before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many White people have given the ultimate sacrifice to free slaves? How many White people have fought to their last breath to end the oppression? We actually have a name for that battle. Do you know what it is? Name that war before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many White people have sacrificed their own advancement and that of their children to end inequality? We have a name for it. Martin Luther King was prominent, but how much success would he have had without the prominence of White people? Name that movement before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many laws have been passed by the majority (White people) to give the oppressed trillions of dollars? Answer this before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many rulings by courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States, have permitted/stayed the practice of blatant discriminatory practices to benefit the Black man? Answer this question before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many trillions of hard earned tax dollars has the Government (Fed, State, Local) confiscated from mostly the majority (White taxpayers) to be unfairly redistributed to the Black man in the name of equality? Answer this before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many White owned corporations have taken their profits to contribute to "urban" (you know the translation) causes in the name of equality? Answer this before you preach from your high hobby horse. I purposely worded some of these questions in the form of (perceived) anger to watch you attempt to formulate a personal attack in deflection to the criticism. I would love to see how someone espousing this pathetic mindset can defend himself when faced with reality, but you will not respond. You can't respond. You actually tried to use your parents name to take a cheap shot at me in a different thread. I thought that was as pathetic as it gets...until this post.2 points
Westerberg to Salado
Reagan and one other reacted to Cougar14.2 for a topic
I think TW gets somewhat slighted for having KM. He was a state title winning offensive coordinator at Garland and won his first title at Allen in '08 over a more talented FB Hightower team. KM may be the best high school QB ever to play in Texas but he wouldn't have gotten near that status had he stayed in Lewisville and played for those 2-8/1-9 Farmer teams at the time. TW benefited from KM playing for him but you also have to say KM benefited greatly from playing for TW too. Yes, the 7,000 kids at Allen gives you a much larger talent pool but it by no means dictates that you'll have the most talent. For instance, North Shore only has about 4,500 kids and is 70% Hispanic but has dwarfed Allen over the years in terms of high level prospects produced. Duncanville has about the same number of kids as North Shore but also has "limited" open enrollment meaning they can legally put together a South Dallas select team every year. Duncanville's neighbor Desoto has less than 2,800 kids and Allen can't hold a candle to the school they call Desoto U due to the amount of high level prospects they pump out on a regular basis. I'm not saying TW is the greatest coach ever, I'm just saying that some of those "advantages" that a lot of people attribute to his success aren't as much of an advantage as some people make them out to be.2 points -
CRT Hoopla
Boyz N Da Hood reacted to UT alum for a topic
Get ready, folks. I know this is gonna explode some heads, but I done said on here when I see something I perceive as racist, I’m speaking out. Following is the text of a letter I wrote to the Houston Chronicle, and was published last Saturday: All the white people who are made “uncomfortable” hearing about what our ancestors did to African Americans during our country’s history are snowflakes to the tenth magnitude. I’m going to spit if I hear another one say ”my daddy didn’t own slaves, or my granddaddy. Why should I be made to feel guilty?” I have only this to say to that convoluted self-absolving logic: Your daddy and granddaddy didn’t fight in the American Revolution either. What right have you to celebrate the Fourth of July? You had nothing to do with the the battles or the other trials concomitant to the struggle. Until we whites as a group understand that generation after generation, throughout history, have not only benefitted from the trials of the fathers, they have also unwaveringly had to pay for the sins of the fathers, not much progress will be made. It’s on us. We have to live together. To did that we must understand one another. Forbidding our children to discuss race in an educational setting is such a giant step back, such a closing of minds, it makes me fear for the world my grandchildren will inherit. For what sins will they have to pay? I close with a quote from somewhere in the past: The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it’s open.1 point -
RETIREDFAN1 reacted to Chester86 for a topic
Tyler County still has 2 teams playing. Going to be tough match-ups this week for both. Let’s go ‘Jackets!!!1 point -
Chester86 reacted to RETIREDFAN1 for a topic
Go Jackets......1 point -
BISD Board to consider naming stadium after Carrol “Butch” Thomas
bullets13 reacted to CardinalBacker for a topic
It's so dumb because the people in charge should be able to see that crap like this is the reason that so many people make a decision to relocate to Hardin/Orange/Chambers County... or even out to HJ or HF. When you make it abundantly clear from the highest levels that you are mostly uninterested in improving any aspects of the educational process, but would prefer to redress the "wrongs" of generations past, folks are going to leave... but then they'll blame "white flight" as the reason that the community/schools are abysmal when that time comes. Just look at Port Arthur...it'll tell you everything that you need to know about your future. That's the thing... I can't think of another school district in the area that is as poorly managed as BISD. There's not another community (excepting Port Arthur) that would not immediately move to run off a board/super that was determined to do something this.... out of the scope of what a board should be focused upon.1 point -
BISD Board to consider naming stadium after Carrol “Butch” Thomas
Separation Scientist reacted to CardinalBacker for a topic
I don't remember him being the highest paid employee in the state... I'd assume that the head coaches at the college level would win that award. But I distinctly remember him being the highest paid super in the state and the second highest in the whole United States. Which I don't hate on the for... but when you're clocking them dollas and then the state has to come take over the district because of mismanagement and criminal activities.... it just seems kinda dumb to be re-re-naming buildings after the guy. It's not about him, it's about who will be agitated by renaming it after him. Anybody that says any different is kidding themselves. [Hidden Content]1 point -
CRT Hoopla
baddog reacted to Separation Scientist for a topic
THEN, if you own the bad if you need to own the good. Stop hating America. If America was nearly as racist as you want to believe, why do so many non whites want to break and enter here? Stop hating America, or feel free to move to non racist Somalia or Venezuela or something.1 point -
Also, therein lies part of the problem, the history of the west African slave trade. The Africans were sold by other Africans. The Europeans had the relatively new technology to sail across the world. That opened to trade routes all over the world in the Columbian era. That ability is what brought tomatoes and corn to the world from the Americas and horses to the Americas from Europe and possibly Asia. (Which is why cultural appropriation today is such a silly argument) At that time, what did sub Sahara Africans have to sell or trade? Hmmm… other Africans perhaps? Basically Africans were captured by other Africans and sold as a product. Blacks in Africa captured other Blacks and held them for slaves themselves and started selling them when there was found to be a profit in them. So how much history in this country today is taught that African slaves in the Americas were sold by other Africans basically like cattle? Without those Africans capturing and selling their own race of people, there would be virtually no history of slaves in America. Who is more responsible, the buyer or the seller? Does the author take that into consideration or just celebrating July 4? So does everyone look at good and bad history or is that only relegated to White Europeans….. who don’t deny or make excuses for the horrible practice of slavery? I have read of holocaust deniers. I have never heard of American slave deniers.1 point
Kelly Hires Mike Long as new Head Coach
Tyler Dixson reacted to AggiesAreWe for a topic
His offers are from the high level camps he has attended.1 point -
Ad Hominem
LumRaiderFan reacted to Reagan for a topic
President Trump is the only crutch that the Commie Dems have. That's why he's still talked about. They are scared of him!1 point -
1 point
Kelly Hires Mike Long as new Head Coach
HarryDoyle reacted to TommyShep for a topic
Stud QB staying or leaving??? Can’t waste that talent if the new hire is not up to par.1 point -
He was also the highest paid superintendent in the state of Texas, and there are a lot richer districts than BISD.1 point
Trump will be the second president to serve twice but not consecutively.1 point
CRT Hoopla
LumRaiderFan reacted to Unwoke for a topic
Unfortunately I think that parachute malfunctioned a long time ago.1 point -
Ad Hominem
LumRaiderFan reacted to Boyz N Da Hood for a topic
1 point -
CRT Hoopla
Englebert reacted to LumRaiderFan for a topic
Surely he'll consider the other side, remember, his mind is like a parachute.1 point -
1 point
1 point
If they ever start prosecuting the employers, it’ll change in a hurry.1 point
Fight At Beaumont West Brook
5GallonBucket reacted to SmashMouth for a topic
I would say not a coincidence. I got more butt whippins as a kid than I passed out as a parent, but a well-timed swat to the posterior definitely made an “impression” on me as well as my kids down the road.1 point -
mrstexasfootball reacted to NoNeckNic479 for a topic
Guess we'll never know cause l-town is/was sitting on the couch1 point -
Fight At Beaumont West Brook
5GallonBucket reacted to bullets13 for a topic
I currently work for one that does. Coincidentally (or not), our behavior is excellent. Also, due to our male principal being promoted, it appears I will be our school's dispenser of justice next school year.1 point -
NBA Playoffs 2022
BEARCPA reacted to Mr. Buddy Garrity for a topic
Dallas would be better defensively with him in my opinion.1 point -
This Board Needs....
5GallonBucket reacted to TxHoops for a topic
A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little gray hair he had left. Amazing, he thought as he flew down I-94, pushing the pedal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, What am I doing? I'm too old for this, and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival. Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The old gentleman paused. Then he said, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a state trooper. I thought you were bringing her back." "Have a good day, sir," replied the trooper.1 point -
This doesn’t deserve a thread so I thought I’d post it here. It’s an Opinion from Townhall. It starts off with this: “Every week we’re greeted by something so stupid, so unbelievable done by some Democrat that you can’t help but wonder if they’ve reached their collective bottom. It’s an amazing skill if you think about it - even the most steroid-up homerun hitter has off weeks, but Democrats find new ways to up their game almost every single day. The question is are they pretending or are they really this stupid.” Now folks, that sums up my thoughts. He said it better than I could. [Hidden Content]1 point
Joe Biden is a great American President
Chester86 reacted to BS Wildcats for a topic
Hurry up 2024!!1 point