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  1. Wasn't a problem when it was the Supreme Court. From the article... “Nina Jankowicz has been subjected to unjustified and vile personal attacks and physical threats,” a DHS spokesperson told The Post in a statement.
    2 points
  2. Come on, man. there is no two sides to this. If they were arguing about spending money to change it to something like Alex Durley Stadium then there would be two sides. This is nothing but a spiteful move to shove Thomas back in the face of the people who vocally opposed the school board and Thomas and that brought to light all of the corruption that got the district taken over to begin with.
    2 points
  3. Just now getting to this topic. I feel like I’ve explained this severs times. The detractors have selective comprehension. But I’ll just make this whole thing simple. There’s this and that talk about wasted money. Where was this same outrage when it was initially changed from the Thomas Center to Memorial Stadium? I mean, that money could have been used to educate our children. But no one is ready to have that conversation. At this point, I can actually see both sides of this argument. One side just wants this whole debate to be over with. The other want the detractors to know that they see through the smoke screen and want to prove a point. Actually, I’m ok with either decision…
    2 points
  4. LumRaiderFan

    Movie 2000 Mules

    The parachute doesn’t seem to be opening.
    2 points
  5. Yes, he was a success. Coach Smith is a great guy and coach.
    2 points

    NBA Playoffs 2022

    NBA twitter is a complete cesspool lol can't take anything seriously on there.
    2 points
  7. The folks just need to move the name at West Brook's on campus stadium to the newer stadium. Alex Durley is very deserving of having his name on that stadium for all to see. Or name it Jerry Levias Stadium. He is more deserving than Dr. Thomas. Another would be to combine the name, call it Durley-Levias Stadium.
    2 points
  8. 1 point
  9. I agree with what you're saying with the exception of these two points. 1. Changing from Thomas was removing the name of a disgraced former leader from a place of honor in the community... at least in the eyes of the detractors, anyways. Nobody on either side has expressed that "Memorial" is somehow not fitting or improper as a name. 2. A private donor paid to have the name changed... the school didn't pay for that. In fact, Corey Crenshaw claims that the school will not only be responsible for the cost of renaming the stadium back to Thomas (unless a donor for that side shows up), but also responsible for reimbursing the original donor from the last renaming. Unless somebody steps up to foot the bill, BISD is voting to pay double to rename the Stadium after Dr. Thomas. I guess my questions are: How can people who don't want to see Dr. Thomas's name up there be racist if they're offering up other possible candidates to be honored who are also black? AND Can you give any reasons why Dr. Thomas should be honored in spite of what been proven to be a remarkably bad period of leadership? Do you recognize the hypocrisy of demanding that schools and streets be renamed and even statues be torn down in this very city because it offends the black community, but then the black community is seemingly determined to name this stadium after a guy who has a ton of skeletons that no closet can hold? Nobody is ready for that conversation, either.
    1 point
  10. Scary Poppins is now free to pursue her dream job of crappy lounge singer.
    1 point
  11. Insurrection if it's conservatives, peaceful protest if it's liberals.
    1 point
  12. whsalum

    Coaches on the Move

    I think it was like a 3 way tie wasn’t it? I think I remember a multiple play in type scenario. Kountze was really YOUNG and is on the verge of having something special, EC graduated 1 player. For this hire to make Buna the favorite it would have to be a tremendous upgrade which I don’t know much about coach Wilson . Whitmire was good one but the guys in EC and Kountze are special.
    1 point
  13. Reminds me of the video recently posted of SCJ Clarence Thomas talking about learning to live with other cultures and how to make life long friendships with people who may have opposing views. This is going the complete opposite direction. If one never interacts with people from another race, culture, or sex(?). How could they ever be expected to care about any of them? If we do not learn from history... you know the rest.
    1 point
  14. He did a great job for the Bulldogs, good luck to Coach Smith and the Bruins.
    1 point
  15. bullets13

    NBA Playoffs 2022

    Hey look, Butler just did once what Luka does 5 games out of 6!
    1 point
  16. Graduation is gonna hurt this year. I think we are losing like 7 starters lol but all 6/7 signed yesterday to play baseball at the next level. The other one is headed to Colorado State to run track.
    1 point
  17. Woj said Big Al probably won't play until the series goes back to Boston. Normally I would argue that Miami is also missing a key player in Lowry, but I just don't think he has a lot left in the tank to really affect a playoff series right now even when healthy.
    1 point
  18. 5GallonBucket

    Movie 2000 Mules

    Do away with mail in ballots. We don’t have this issue. pretty easy fix
    1 point
  19. But, we are led to believe he received 83M votes. Yea, right. The Dems and Fauci pulled off the greatest con job in American history.
    1 point
  20. Stattrax

    PNG's Spring Practice!

    Well, it’s time for the non rah rah post!! I have watched some scrimmages, and I will say this. I love the energy, and I love the fact they are getting coached up. The few moves Joseph made are interesting, mainly because Loftin at NG was done rather quickly, which shows me he has done some homework. I actually told his mom before it was made, he needed to be at NG, and it happened quick. The CB coming back that was suspended last year is a big help as well. He is the fastest kid on the defensive side of the ball. Am i expecting miracles? No. I do think we will see improvement. I also like Landon on defense as well, he brings swag. I think the hope, would be to sneak in as a 2 seed best case, and go in the playoffs an underdog and sneak up on teams. Tommy is getting a fresh start as well with BF gone, and if he can stay healthy he will have a good season at RB. Only time will tell, I think our non district games will help us out a lot. We are undersized in several positions, but I think the main goal is to tackle and do some fundamental stuff well, that we haven’t done in years. I’m not sure if we are going to be better record wise, but i do think you will see a better effort all around, versus years past. For the outsides, a lot of people had lost faith in BF, so I think a change will help motivate, and bring a new energy, as we seen in the inter squad scrimmages.
    1 point
  21. Butler is tough, but im taking Luka over Butler everyday.
    1 point
  22. Unwoke

    Movie 2000 Mules

    Dinesh just produced documentary he did do any of the investigative work. The evidence is there. Go watch the documentary an open up your parachute mind. Your refuting evidence that you haven’t even seen. Lol….Typical liberal. You believed the Russia Russia Russia Hoax with out any evidence an here you are not believing a documentary with evidence. 😂 [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  23. LumRaiderFan

    Ad Hominem

    The left will never get behind a Republican, ever! John McCain was the darling of the Democrats UNTIL he ran for President and they savaged him, democrats and the media. And don’t blame it on Palin, simply not true. The middle of the road R&D approved candidate is a myth, doesn’t exist. Not sure what I would compromise on with the Democrats anyway, how many babies to allow killed, how many guns to be able to own, how high to jack taxes up, how many pipelines to shut down, how much money to send Iran or how much military equipment to give the Taliban, how many embassy attacks to lie about. Hard to compromise with socialist fools. And by the way, I don’t care for Trump either.
    1 point
  24. Well, you could start with the fact that they haven’t had single white board member vote to name (or rename) the stadium after Dr. Thomas. The thing is this. I can’t recall a single time that a district anywhere has named ANYTHING after a sitting super. Ever. Then you add in the fact that he was the highest paid super in the state… think about places like Dallas, Houston, etc…. This guy from Beaumont was out-earning all of them. Then you add in the indisputable fact that the district was hopelessly corrupt and required the state to take over operations. The fact that his administration was a corrupt disgrace where numerous fellow administrators were imprisoned for corruption that occurred on Dr Thomas’s watch and ultimately led to state intervention says the guy probably doesn’t deserve the honor. And if he cared about the children of Beaumont at all, he would drop a letter to the Enterprise saying “it’s an honor, but no thanks.” So having said all of that to say, since there’s obviously nothing to honor about Dr Thomas’s time at the helm of BISD, why do black trustees keep trying to rename the stadium if not because of animus which is likely racial in nature?
    1 point
  25. We are becoming more cultured every day. Thanks for the heads up, and proud of them.
    1 point
  26. Unwoke

    Movie 2000 Mules

    2000 Mules will be playing in Beaumont theaters this Friday. I plan to go see it. If anyone else wants to open their mind like a parachute😂, I recommend for you to go see it. Although I still don’t think Cardinalbacker has approved the sources that were used to put this documentary together so keep that in mind. Lol
    1 point
  27. He's probably too busy trying to get Briles to Kelly Catholic. 🙄
    1 point
  28. bullets13

    NBA Playoffs 2022

    I hope they get Brunson back. He's perfect alongside Luka because he's willing to take a secondary role when on the floor with Luka, but capable of running the offense when Luka is on the bench.
    1 point
  29. tvc184

    CRT Hoopla

    Also, therein lies part of the problem, the history of the west African slave trade. The Africans were sold by other Africans. The Europeans had the relatively new technology to sail across the world. That opened to trade routes all over the world in the Columbian era. That ability is what brought tomatoes and corn to the world from the Americas and horses to the Americas from Europe and possibly Asia. (Which is why cultural appropriation today is such a silly argument) At that time, what did sub Sahara Africans have to sell or trade? Hmmm… other Africans perhaps? Basically Africans were captured by other Africans and sold as a product. Blacks in Africa captured other Blacks and held them for slaves themselves and started selling them when there was found to be a profit in them. So how much history in this country today is taught that African slaves in the Americas were sold by other Africans basically like cattle? Without those Africans capturing and selling their own race of people, there would be virtually no history of slaves in America. Who is more responsible, the buyer or the seller? Does the author take that into consideration or just celebrating July 4? So does everyone look at good and bad history or is that only relegated to White Europeans….. who don’t deny or make excuses for the horrible practice of slavery? I have read of holocaust deniers. I have never heard of American slave deniers.
    1 point
  30. His offers are from the high level camps he has attended.
    1 point
  31. Hagar

    CRT Hoopla

    So because some folks, white Europeans and black Africans, were slave traders, and mostly white farmers used black slaves, every white person should feel guilty. How cognizant are you with history? Start naming all the ethnic groups that were never involved or used slaves. Whites, Blacks, Yellows, Browns and Reds have all had slaves (or there any other colors?). That being the case, why in your opinion are whites the only group that should carry the burden of guilt? If it’ll make you feel better, hit your own head with a hammer, but stay away from my head.
    1 point
  32. Englebert

    CRT Hoopla

    I have a few questions for you. How many White people said that you will not own other people in my state? How many White people came together in unity to pass legislation to end the practice? Answer this question before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many White people have given the ultimate sacrifice to free slaves? How many White people have fought to their last breath to end the oppression? We actually have a name for that battle. Do you know what it is? Name that war before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many White people have sacrificed their own advancement and that of their children to end inequality? We have a name for it. Martin Luther King was prominent, but how much success would he have had without the prominence of White people? Name that movement before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many laws have been passed by the majority (White people) to give the oppressed trillions of dollars? Answer this before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many rulings by courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States, have permitted/stayed the practice of blatant discriminatory practices to benefit the Black man? Answer this question before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many trillions of hard earned tax dollars has the Government (Fed, State, Local) confiscated from mostly the majority (White taxpayers) to be unfairly redistributed to the Black man in the name of equality? Answer this before you preach from your high hobby horse. How many White owned corporations have taken their profits to contribute to "urban" (you know the translation) causes in the name of equality? Answer this before you preach from your high hobby horse. I purposely worded some of these questions in the form of (perceived) anger to watch you attempt to formulate a personal attack in deflection to the criticism. I would love to see how someone espousing this pathetic mindset can defend himself when faced with reality, but you will not respond. You can't respond. You actually tried to use your parents name to take a cheap shot at me in a different thread. I thought that was as pathetic as it gets...until this post.
    1 point
  33. Those coin tosses have to feel somewhat like this
    1 point
  34. baddog

    Get Woke About It!

    I haven’t seen a question worth answering. UT Alum asked me to list “ONE” policy of Trump’s that benefitted all Americans. I gave several and asked him to list one of Biden’s. That conversation ended quicker than a cat could lick it’s ass. Like Englebert asked……when was the 1st insurrection? I guess you didn’t see the videos I saw, since you watch CNN, you know, the lousiest TV news channel ever.
    1 point
  35. We didn’t need police officers in school…..we had coaches with paddles…..
    1 point
  36. Knox34

    Coaches on the Move

    Never heard of him. They should throw the book at Mitchell. He's a proven program rehabilitator. I am still hearing DJ Wilson and his aggressive 2-3.
    1 point
  37. UT alum

    CRT Hoopla

    No compassion here.
    0 points

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