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  1. I don’t understand the bickering. Yes the left will use this, just as much as the right would have if this was a undocumented immigrant. We are not politicians we don’t get paid to push idiocy. So why do we do it? Like TVC said if someone really wants to pull this off they will gun or no gun armed teachers or not. forget political favoritism. These are kids we are talking about. And Our elected officials will shout out agenda driven talking points. We deserve better as a nation.
    7 points
  2. And how many laws & new regulations were passed because of 9/11? It's almost like something changed and we haven't had another 9/11 since.
    3 points
  3. Just for my knowledge. Can you tell me your opinion on what's the end goal for Republicans?
    3 points
  4. Obviously this was the act of one mentally deranged person.... The blame lies there. Having said all of that, gun owners need to be more responsible. I literally got all of mine out of the house when my boys were teenagers. We had a few instances that caused me just enough concern that I didn't want to live with myself if they did something stupid/harmful to themselves or anybody else. Keep them locked up. Don't sell a gun to anybody that you don't know. Buying a gun is a life-long commitment... If individual sellers did a better job of a)locking up their firearms and b)not selling them to people that they don't know, we'd all be in a better place. I predict that we're going to see where this kid had tons and tons of warning signs, but his family just ignored them. At least that's what it seems like in most of these cases. I was all for prosecuting the parents of that last kid (in florida, I think) that shot up his school after his "cool" parents gave him a gun. Or the guy that shot Dimebag after his mom got him a pistol to celebrate him doing a good job of taking his anti-psychotic meds. The second amendment isn't just a right... it's a responsibility.
    3 points
  5. Pure evil. This can not be prevented but it can potentially be deterred with preventative measures.
    3 points
  6. I am far from an expert in law enforcement or active shooter safety protocols, but common sense tells me that rule #1 should be for the officers to stop a potential threat from entering the school at all costs if they are in position to do so. All the accounts I've read say that the officers engaged with the shooter outside of the school, but he was somehow still able to go inside and kill all those kids after the confrontation.
    2 points
  7. The problem is this... your online posting about abortion, climate change, election results, or reparations could also be considered in whether or not you get to own a firearm depending on who's in power at the moment.
    2 points
  8. I wouldn't argue with a gun safety class but it will not stop these animals from doing this.
    2 points
  9. I completely agree with armed teachers if they are willing. But….. Twenty armed police on campus can’t stop a person that has time to plan. It was not an elementary school but the deadliest school shooting in US history (not the most in a mass murder which was not with firearms) was Virginia Tech. They had their own police department which responded within moments. The attacker, since he had time to plan, eliminated the threat of the police for long enough to do his killing. The fix was about $5 worth of chain and a padlock. And what weapons? AR15? AK47? No, a .22 pistol and a 9mm with the.22 being little more than a tiny bullet generally used to target practice. Harden the schools, arm the teachers but realize you cannot stop a dedicated attacker who can choose the time, location, means, etc. Unless you take away all guns, you cannot stop shootings, period. Even if you could, you couldn’t stop a mass murder, only the means.
    2 points
  10. You can’t legislate the hate in an individual’s heart. It’s a heart problem, not a gun problem. There’s armed Air Marshals on flights, we need armed school teachers in our schools. Teachers should be given that freedom to arm themselves. If teachers don’t want arm themselves they should be given that freedom too.
    2 points
  11. Prayers to the families.
    2 points
  12. He should have suffered too,1 fingernail at a time…he’s a disgusting mess that deserves some of what he dished!
    2 points
  13. The left seems to be going straight to gun control and passing laws before letting the parents mourn. I hope I’m wrong but it’s almost like they didn’t get enough traction on Roe versus Wade, they are going to attempt to capitalize on this tragedy
    2 points
  14. Hmmm i wonder if we have the same thoughts
    2 points
  15. Prayers for all involved, except the shooter. God forgive me but I’m glad he’s dead. 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏 [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  16. This was truly very sad and heartbreaking all around. My prayers go out to all families involved. I’m glad the shooter was put out of his misery. And on another note, I feel that the Buffalo shooter should’ve gotten blown away as well. He was peaceful taken away…
    2 points
  17. There is no compromise in my opinion. It certainly isn’t a gun problem. You could attempt to completely confiscate all guns but then the 2A goes out the window. A person or two could kill or maim 100 children in a couple of minutes having never possessed a firearm. We have created a society that is now allowed to create such people. Can you ever put crap back in the horse once it’s out? Crazy people have always been around. Just look at 1927, almost 100 years ago, as an example. The difference is not that it could or hasn’t happened in the past but we have taken the reins off the horse and let him go free.
    2 points
  18. Just heard there are new voting procedures for the upcoming elections. This new, modern, safer, more secure system might cause some of you young folks some problems. It’s called a paper ballot. You’ll have to use a pen or pencil to fill it out. No more old, cumbersome, outdated voting machines. Since I’ve always, for 55 years voted on paper, I’m a pro, so feel free to ask me for advice if you feel intimidated. 😂😂😂🤣🤣👽🤣🤣😂😂😂
    1 point
  19. So why this exhibition of insanity? Here’s my two cents worth. I’ll run a timeline. American Christianity peaked in the 50’s (the good old days). Then leveled off for two decades before starting its decline in the late 70’s. What preceded/started the decline? As baddog pointed out, in 1962 they took prayer out of school. Then in 1973 came Roe vs Wade. I heard Rush, and others saying how abortion would cheapen life. In my ignorance I gave that an eye-roll. Now I see how right they were (and wrong I was). So with Christianity declining and life cheapen by abortion, we started our downhill trek. Many had no moral compass. We were set up for a perfect storm. All we needed, like the weather, was a trigger mechanism. Along comes Covid and the lockdown, which sent many spiraling out of control. Add to that the Far Left who can’t recognize a woman from a man - think men can get pregnant - and encourage young children to question/change their genders. Then overwhelming lawlessness in our big cities and voila, you’ve got plenty of trigger mechanisms. The result being mayhem and evil prevail. To picture it, imagine a weight scale. The plate on the right is good and the plate on the left is evil. In the 50’s the right plate is fullest and pulls down raising the left side. As the above mentioned timeline plays out, weight is taken from the right & added to the left. Now the left side is so heavy the current result is situations like Uvalde & Buffalo. That’s my opinion. You may agree or disagree, but you won’t change my mind.
    1 point
  20. I think it was during the Obama administration that many conservative organizations tried to get 501(c)(3) non-profit tax exemptions and were repeatedly denied but when looking into it, similar liberal groups were easily certified.
    1 point
  21. With the right coaching Sabine Pass could be a powerhouse per somebody on this site, they'd have 7 years to do it.
    1 point
  22. He posted on Facebook that he was going to shoot and kill his grandmother - he did He posted he was going to shoot the school - he did Could this have stopped had their been a background on his social media? Could have.
    1 point
  23. Sugarbear

    Buna coach

    This is a problem for even the most "elite" school districts in Texas. Who wants to be a teacher these days and deal with Karen and her perfect child And all the social issues? [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  24. Hawks18

    Buna coach

    From what I’ve heard they are already short on coached so we will see how it goes.
    1 point
  25. Which ones are those?
    1 point
  26. DAMN ! Mr. Johnson's resume is as good as it comes. Who wouldn't want their young men having a man of his stature involved in their life?!?
    1 point
  27. These are the two that "true socialist democrats" seem to attack all the time.
    1 point
  28. I am going. I will try to update here if anyone is interested.
    1 point
  29. That’s what I’m saying, he applied at numerous spots in setx. I’m sure he got on somewhere,
    1 point
  30. As well as planes? I'm not sure I understand your rebuttal. So you'd agree that putting laws and regulations in place have helped stop planes crashing into buildings because they cannot fly themselves?
    1 point
  31. Box1

    Coaches on the Move

    Mckinney was his name, special player as well. Most think they would've beat Thorndale that year if he was at 100%, hurt his knee earlier in the playoffs and wasn't close to the same.
    1 point
  32. 😂😂😂🤣🤣👽🤣🤣😂😂😂 Touche, lol.
    1 point
  33. I find it interesting Allen is not included, nor is Highland Park or Argyle. I would think they are easily more attractive than Mart or Cuero or Judson.
    1 point
  34. I had mentioned this previously. What is the deadliest school attack in United States history? It was almost 100 years ago, in 1927. How many firearms were used? None. A 55 year old man lost a school board election and was angry at the world. He used dynamite and killed 38 children at school. He sat back and waited until rescuers rushed in to help, then he drove a pick up truck loaded with dynamite into the people and detonated that, killing and injuring more. Counting the perpetrator who committed suicide in the explosion, there are 48 dead and 53 injured. It is 101 casualties at a school where no firearms were used. That was in Bath, Michigan. How do you stop an attacker who can choose his target and has time to plan? About three years ago I asked some high school students about the same thing because of another similar incident at the time. What happens at the local high school if they put a policeman at every door or where entry is allowed with a metal detector? Would that stop an incident? Can we lock the school down and make sure no one gets in with a weapon? Sure!!! Okay, would that stop a shooting at the school? Certainly!! So I asked them, in this lockdown and safe school what happens when the final bell rings? The answer was that within about two or three minutes, 1900 students pour out of the school. Of those, about 500 gather at the bus stop. So for my next scenario, I have a semi-automatic rifle with plenty of ammo and a suppressor. If I am 100 yards away concealed, how many children can I shoot before they even realize what is happening? Dozens? Which way would they run not knowing where the shots are coming from? This has already happened in 1998 in what was the second deadliest school shooting in US history before Columbine a year later. In Arkansas and 11--year-olds and a 13-year-old child took some weapons and waited for a fire drill at school. They were small and not nearly prepared but they shot 15 people and I believe five of them died. Because they were too young to be sentenced as adults, they stayed in prison until they were 21 and released. I believe one is alive today and one was killed in a car crash about 15 years ago. Of course they did not have suppressed weapons and we’re not shooting into a crowd of kids at a bus stop. I could go further, a lot further but do you get the point? And to be sure I am not against safety measures. You might as well make it at least tough and have someone put some thought process into it rather than on a whim, walking into a school and start shooting. You cannot stop a dedicated attacker however. How much money and circumstances are you willing to spend to save that single life? We could pass a federal law requiring governors on all vehicles to restrict speed to 45 miles an hour and we would reduce highway deaths by about 30,000 people a year. How much money should we spend annually to save 30,000 people?
    1 point
  35. He is a great man!!! I'd fight for Joe. Be glad you have a president who has your back. You need to go burn your Trump signs sir. He is over😂😂😂😂. I bet your the type to your signs all over your pick up truck and internet hunt for local rally sites. Sorry bro, there won't be another Republican in office for a while. Im also confident your governor AKA "Hot Wheels" won't get voted back in either.
    1 point
  36. Some form of security at every entrance of the school.. even parking lot Metal detectors Any red flags or rumors of planning this stuff should be taken seriously and not thrown under the rug Arm teachers Just a start
    1 point
  37. There’s a lot you don’t get. Carry on.
    1 point
  38. The blame should go to the person pulling the trigger. I was in New York last week and on the way home I was talking with the family about how safe the subway was. Everybody was extremely friendlyThe blame should go to the person pulling the trigger. I was in New York last week and on the way home I was talking with the family about how safe the subway to work. Everyone we met was extremely friendly. A few days ago a person was randomly shot and killed in a subway train unprovoked according to the media. New York is one of the strictest gun law states in the country….more laws are not going to work…..blame the person
    1 point
  39. an interesting pov of why Morris didn't work out at Allen [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  40. Really sad,should’ve made him suffer some before plugging him!
    1 point
  41. Kountzer

    District Predictions

    When Dallas Madison had to forfeit a championship in 2013 that was around the time the Dallas Madison player was charged with murdering another player in a fight over a game controller. Mobley was coaching Madison then. I am sure the fight/death and the forfeiture were all tied in together.
    1 point
  42. All day , Every day. I’ve never seen a mass shooting at a Gun Show….Just Sayin
    1 point
  43. This right here i could write a whole lot on this matter given what I see and deal with on a daily basis. A huge difference in my childhood vs the last 20-25 years of children. im sure you could as well given your experience. i know exactly how we have gotten to this point but I’m not going to express it here. it’s a terrible feeling to send my kids off to school just like those parents in uvalde knowing something like this could happen all because of some misled teenager……. prayers to all those involved.
    1 point
  44. So what's the compromise to fix this? Until something of substance is agreed upon by both sides, this won't end. We have some intelligent people here. What are your thoughts? (For full disclosure, I'm avidly pro-2nd Amendment, but I do not own guns for reasons I won't disclose...)
    1 point
  45. bullets13

    Huffman is Open

    yes. But Toby gets 9, because he's Toby.
    1 point
  46. "7 years" is the new "Toby" here I guess.
    1 point
  47. Couldn't have caught it earlier in season. This could only be done after the fact. Coach has to sit out first 7 district games and he is on 3 years probation. Think this is his 2nd time for a reprimand, not sure.
    1 point
  48. can't never could & won't never will
    1 point
  49. Exactly... Seeing @KF89 step up for baseball season makes me wish I had more time to do the same. Maybe those of us who can, should attempt to do our own school. I'll reach out to our new staff and put together a preview for my WOS Mustangs next week. It's worth a try.
    1 point
  50. 1 point

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