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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2022 in all areas

  1. Regional totals for PNG’s Austin Bost 6 for 11 (.545), 2 HR, 7 RBI 🔥 #409Sports
    2 points
  2. Please take the time for this video. It is an hour long but take time to listen to the first 35 minutes. It is from two veteran officers from the DFW area with some on scene active shooter response including the five officers killed in Dallas. One is an expert in breaching doors. For those who take time, let me know your thoughts after hearing it. [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  3. That is exactly what I meant but in a much shorter format. Yes the officer was heroic but he made matters worse. Like always, we will have a police heroes funeral with a 21 gun salute and Taps. Officers will come from different states to pay their respects. I have been to probably more than 50 police funerals and fired or commanded the team that fired the 21 gun (technically called 3 volley) salute. I have actually set up about 5-6 police and firefighter funerals. It is a risk that we accept. Suicide that only adds to the problem should not be part of that equation.
    2 points
  4. Utter nonsense. Accepting serious risks in the job is true. Committing suicide is not. I can play out a scenario in my mind where we could easily get through the door, several officers are going to rush in like we have been taught, (which is extremely dangerous but hey, it’s what we signed up for) and we take out the bad with a known risk of injury or death. Since I get to pick my thoughts, it is easy to assault the room. I have practiced it hundred of times and spending 10 years old swat, have actually done it few times in real life. That’s easy since I get to pick my own fantasy. What happened in this case is the big question. I have repeated this probably more than a dozen times in different forums but….. it was a steel door in a steel frame which was deadbolted. I also have read but not confirmed that the door opened outward. It would be extremely difficult to break the door in if the door opened inward and almost impossible if the door opened out right. So for any officer who makes the claim that he would simply go in, OK, how will you get in? This wasn’t a guy behind a wooden bedroom door. It was a steel reinforced door with a guy on the other side with a high power rifle with rounds that would likely go through the door and kill someone on the other side. How many minutes and how many officers are going to die by trying to get into this nearly impossible task? One officer pries on the door and a shot killed. To office re rush up to pull him away and two more move up to try to pry open the door. They are shot and go down. So now we have three officers down and two want to try to get into the room. How long does this continue and how many officers are not breaching the room, will continue to die for the sake of claiming to have tried to do something? BUT……. maybe they had the means to get in within a few seconds. Maybe the Border Patrol had explosive charges to make an explosive entry. Maybe they had some hydraulic door breaching tools so they could potentially get in quick enough. There might be a very good reason for waiting for the key to get in because that might have been the only practical means of entry. Then the question becomes, when did the key arrive? That is a lot of maybes and what ifs. Any officer that claims he would’ve gone in is doing so in the fantasy played out in his mind where he gets to set the scenario. MAYBE that was actually possible but do we know? Has anybody seen any evidence that state how the officers could have gotten in earlier? I mean you don’t have to prove it to me in a court of law, simply come out and make the claim. Let the DPS commander say we now know that the key was on scene within three minutes and the BP had the ability to make explosive entry eventually within about 10 minutes of the incident starting but we held back. Okay, now we are getting somewhere. Monday morning quarterbacks and Chairborne Rangers all know the answers, I just wish they would share them with the rest of us.
    2 points
  5. I was reading another sports forum a couple of days ago. One of the former member chairborne experts posted a video of a fire fighter going through a steel door within about five seconds. it was a demonstration on how they attack fires. I watched it and just like the police officer breacher in the video said, it takes one guy to set the Halligan tool and another guy to use a hammer to drive the wedge into the extremely narrow door gap. you simply cannot do it with your hand. As the police officer said you might have to do this several times before you could actually make entry. They’re being video that he chairborne ranger expert show, the fire fighter was able to do it in about five seconds. Why so much faster??? The simulated deadbolt that they showed was a 1/4 inch piece of wood. Yep, A firefighter broke a 1/4”x2” board and the expert said that is proof that the steel reinforced door with a 2 inch deadbolt could’ve been entered in five seconds. You can’t make this stuff up. It is amazing how far someone will come up with some completely nonsensical excuse to criticize the officers.
    1 point
  6. Michigan just got screwed out of a Super Michigan 9 Louisville 7. Bot 8 2 out. Runner on Lville batter hammers one. Pimps it bat flips. Hits top of fence. Play at 2nd called safe. Reviewed. Tagged him conclusively. He was out, but they didn’t overturn it. Terrible Next pitch 2 run double ties it Then 2 run hr 11-9 Louisville about 4 pitches later
    1 point
  7. It's all good natured humor amongst posters, give us a chance with our useless bs. No harm intended towards Hardin.
    1 point
  8. They aren't destabilizing society accidentally. It is by design.
    1 point
  9. Lmbo, you’re absolutely correct. Lock Step! They have room for nothing else. Objections? Why heck no. Discussion? No freaking way. Suggestions? Nope, unless it’s something even more ridiculous. As the editorialist for the Townhall ask, “Or they pretending, or are they really this stupid?” (I know I’m wearing this quote out, but dad gum, it’s so appropriate. Y’all bear with this senile old man. 😜).
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Texas Gavin Kash- Kelly
    1 point
  12. La Tech Cole McConnell- West Brook Logan McLeod- H-J
    1 point
  13. Congrats & Best wishes to Coach Jake Smith at Hardin!! Mr. Smith is now on the 7 year clock to win a state championship or be fired.😎
    1 point
  14. The left is all about free speech...as long as your speech is approved by them.
    1 point
  15. We’ll said….Lol
    1 point
  16. Roccaforte is from PNG. Christian Curtis is a Freshman pitcher from PNG that is at Texas A&M but had to have surgery to correct a previous surgery so he started the year but didn’t get to finish it.
    1 point
  17. I would take Friendswood with Legacy close behind. Friendswood has been rolling thru tough playoff schedule, with multiple guys stepping up in each game with clutch hits & plays to get wins. Legacy is solid team & after yesterdays game vs. Aledo down 9-1 in the 7th & put up 12 runs to beat Aledo they have alot of confidence to win it all also.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Most of these games will be on ESPN+ which is a subscription service. Stupid NCAA making dumbass decisions again. They really try not to grow college baseball. I will end up paying the $7 to watch it, but most won’t even know that it’s on.
    1 point
  20. Some folks have known but I will make it public. My time as a full time administrator/broadcaster is up. I told my wife of 33 years that when she retired from teaching that I would retire with her to the beach. She retired last May and I told her I would finish out the football and basketball seasons of this year then I would join her. (would have joined her in May but needed to stay on after the passing of our beloved admin WOSGrad). I am so ready to be a beach bum. I have enjoyed these past 17 years here on the site. I have seen it grow from just a little message board to now be considered a valuable media outlet. It truly has been a labor of love. First of all, I want to thank Jordan Wilson, the owner of this site, by inviting me on as a staff member and eventually an administrator. He trusted me with the help of running this site and allowed me to "do my thang" and start my broadcast career. It has truly been a blessing. Thanks I want to thank Todd Broussard (WOSGrad) who is looking down on us from heaven. He has been my partner in crime for all these years and is the reason this site is what it is today. He was the man!! I dearly miss my old friend and I hope that he is up there saying "job well done my friend". Thanks Todd for everything you did for me and this site. I want to thank all the staff members here. Particularly Lucas, Mack, Robert, Terry, Matthew and all of the other staff. You have helped make this the place to be as for Southeast Texas sports. Thanks for all the support over the years. Thanks to all the coaches that I have come to know and work with all these years. Thank you for your support and cooperation and your acceptance of me and SETXsports. I am truly grateful. Thanks to all the members here who really are what makes this site so great. I have become friends with several here and I cherish all the times we have spent on and off this site. God Bless all of you. I wish all and this site the very best. I will still be around some but it will be mostly from my chair on the beach with my toes in the sand holding a cold one. Thanks again to everyone and May God Bless.
    1 point

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