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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Is that the same Mr. Obama that Biden was so impressed with because he was articulate and clean? But Trump’s the racist, right?
    2 points
  2. How?? He stunk up the country. We could have ran on auto pilot when Mr Obama left.
    2 points
  3. Reagan

    I can't believe....

    This is why there aren't any pro-Trump, republican people on the Jan 6 committee because stuff like this would be talked about.
    2 points
  4. Yep. I lived in Mexico in my mid to late 20s. I worked along side these people there as well as here in the states when I worked in the masonry business. They don’t mind manual labor and sweat. They also know what it’s like to live under a corrupt govt.
    2 points
  5. Amendment approved: The Legislative Council approved an amendment to the reclassification and realignment policy as it relates to the conference placement of UIL member charter schools. The language will allow UIL staff the option to place charter schools as much as one conference above the conference for which their enrollment qualifies In short, UIL now has the option to force charter schools like Faith Family to play at least one classification up from their enrollment size.
    2 points
  6. The biggest problem we have in this country presently is not the politicians (they can be voted out in an honest election) it’s the voters that willfully voted for what we have now, either not caring what was fixing to happen or had no clue it was fixing to happen, or simply just couldn’t get past their hurt little feelings. You just can’t do anything about low information voters, sadly.
    2 points
  7. [Hidden Content] I know one of these kids parents.
    1 point
  8. Special election in South Texas, R Mayra Flores wins. District is 84% hispanics & went +13 for Biden in 2020. [Hidden Content] I heard this is the second largest Hispanic District in the country.
    1 point
  9. I am talking about the Jan 6th insurrection.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Hold that L in 2024 as well
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Your delusional if you think he will win in 2024😂😂😂😂😂. Your also delusional if you think the election was rigged. He lost because people were good and damn tired of his mess. I know die hard Republicans who voted against him in 2020. Folks who were 56 years old who have never voted Democrat before voted Democrat in 2020.
    1 point
  14. Trump ruined the country before he left. He is by far the worst president this country has seen since the position was made.
    1 point
  15. LumRaiderFan

    I can't believe....

    I wish she would take INMAGAWETRUST with her.
    1 point
  16. I only responded because YOU ASKED about 2018 (only). If you somehow want to gloat about all the destruction of America the DIMS have caused lately, that's your problem and its a deep one. Personally I don't look back, I look forward. Better days for the USA is ahead. The trash is about to be swept out.
    1 point
  17. What are you talking about? Those are amazing recruiting tools. 🙄😂
    1 point
  18. Unwoke

    I can't believe....

    It is relevant to the poster I was addressing on this thread which is not you.
    1 point
  19. Unwoke

    I can't believe....

    Are you referring to the summer of Love via the left wing nut jobs torching federal buildings, businesses and actually killing people?
    1 point
  20. @5GallonBucket you may be right. Hispanics may be the group that saves us. I’ve wonder when/if this would happen. Everything pointed to it. For the most part hispanics are hard working, family oriented folks with a Christian base. Essentially everything the Democratic Party abhors. We often joke about it but you have to wonder, will the Dems begin to rethink their border wall stance? If so, you’ll hear a loud burst of laughter from Evadale. No problem! Just me enjoying the irony of ironies. 😂😂😂👽👽🤣👽👽😂😂😂
    1 point
  21. Freedom of choice….. unless I disagree.
    1 point
  22. I said a while back wouldn’t it be funny if Hispanics voted “R”. Actually, these are the Hispanics who were already here. They don’t want the illegals here either.
    1 point
  23. I know you guys are against the shot clock, but I’m all for it. Even if it was something like a minute, just to force SOME action to prevent total stall ball. That would still be more than enough time for your fundamentally slow offenses to eat clock and get a shot off.
    1 point
  24. In a World of Propaganda, Truth is always a Conspiracy.
    1 point
  25. UIL has rejected the proposal of not allowing freshmen to play varsity sports. They also took no action on shot clock proposal so no shot clock in the near future.
    1 point
  26. When you hit a man, you've officially stepped off into a man's world. If you're lucky he doesn't clean your plow. If he does, you had it coming. Too many girls are taught that it's "ok" to hit boys because they can't hit you back.
    1 point
  27. An average of 350 people are killed with rifles of any type each year. That is not bad shooting, it is all rifle homicides. There are about 9,000 gun murders each year. If you could remove every single rifle from every single person‘s hand in the United States, you were at the most take away 4% of the murders. That is only assuming that the person simply won’t go to a shotgun or handgun. You know that is BS because if a person can’t get his hand on a rifle, he would just go to another firearm. I can only think of one school shooting with a rifle had anything to do with it what really made a difference. That was an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old in Arkansas about 30 years ago where they stayed away from the school and pulled the fire alarm and shot people as they came out from long range. Just like the Luby‘s in Killeen, Texas and the Virginia Tech shooter, it was all handguns. They are actually easier to conceal, much easier to carry large quantities of ammo and up close where most of the shootings happen, just as deadly and usually faster. To put it in a nutshell, this is an attempt to band raffles when rifles are not the problem. Had this shooter going into the same classroom in Uvalde with a 9 mm handgun, he could have killed just as many children, just as fast. What will restricting AR15‘s due to that? Absolutely nothing. Klebold and Harris went into Columbine HS in the first well known HS mass shooting and they were under age to buy handguns yet they had handguns. How could that be, it wasn’t legal??? Anyone that cannot see this as getting a foot in the door to try to get guns away from private citizens, is not paying much attention. I guess this is the reality or logic in some people’s minds. I kid has severe mental problems and says I’m going to go shoot up a school. He finds out that he cannot get his hands on a rifle but he can get his hands on a pistol. He then gives up on his plans because he does not want to kill 30 children with a handgun.
    1 point
  28. Hopefully yall aren't betting individuals I've said it numerous times a member on smoaky told me bout this site so I joined... I'm assuming the dude was black and didn't tote the parties jock like yall so we must be the same person! LMMFAO, wouldn't expect some Ole dudes from the GQP to know any different
    1 point
  29. Knox34

    District Predictions

    That came across as harsh. Whitmire is a really, really good coach and Buna should have not allowed him to leave.
    1 point

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