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  1. TxHoops

    I can admit I was wrong

    Indeed. WOS was transformed overnight to a mediocre team. And regardless of what some may think, that wasn’t the Jimmies and the Joes.
    4 points
  2. Just watched LBJ vs Pflugerville Weiss. The one solid win they had on the year. If I was PNG I would give LBJ a solid dose of Adams and Hebert power run game mixed in with short passes to prosperie and guarnere. With PNG big Oline they should average like 4/5 yds a carry against a speedy smallish LBJ dline. LBJ is not faster than FBM or PAM. I think United even looks faster. LBJ is good but very beatable by PNG as long as they shoot themselves in the foot with stupid mistakes or turnovers
    3 points
  3. Let’s not forget that 21-6a is likely the best football district in the state. Very well could have all 4 teams work thru the brackets and meet in regional finals.
    2 points
  4. bullets13

    Trump Running in 2024

    If Trump wins the nomination then democrats will win the election, regardless of who they trot out, just like in the last election. I'm praying that DeSantis runs and the Trump brigade realizes that DeSantis is Trump without the God complex and more conservative policy. Yes the media has destroyed Trump over the past six years, and yes they've unfairly portrayed Biden in a different way. That said, all the media had to do to destroy Trump is report the things he did and said. Anyone watching the way he acted generally developed a well-founded dislike of the guy, even folks like myself who will vote for him next election as well if he wins the nomination. I hope it doesn't come to that, and that the powers on the right will convince him to back out (unlikely since he thinks he's the king of all), or that he somehow loses the primary (I don't see this happening unless DeSantis runs, and then it's still a toss-up).
    2 points
  5. AggiesAreWe

    Area playoffs

    Lumberton Stafford game at Beaumont ISD stadium press box with a pre game meal at papadeauxs.
    2 points
  6. I believe we all know that McConnell donated Republican money to RINO Senator Murkowski in Alaska instead of the actual conservative Republican running against her. But I just found out that he also donated Republican money to Sarah Palin's "Democratic" opponent in her House race. And he also refused funding for Blake Masters in Arizona. The TDS crowd can blame Trump all they want but the losses fall right on the Republican leadership! Shameful!!
    2 points
  7. You’re correct. And while it’s not the only thing, the fact that it’s been pushed high on the Socialist agenda indicates how much it’ll help their efforts. And yes old buddy, it is a sad commentary. An extremely sad commentary. A sign of the end being near? Wouldn’t go that far, but I wouldn’t discount it out of hand either.
    2 points
  8. I almost fell out of my chair. I asked the folks I was with when the young man finished, “did we actually just have a prayer at a major college football game.” (LSU was playing Bama). And the fact that it was so shocking is a sad commentary on our society. I tend to agree with my buddy @Hagar and wonder how many of society’s ills can be traced to this absence. And while I do believe in separation of church and state (everyone should have right to choose their own religion or no religion), we are also supposed to be “one nation under God.” And a non-denominational prayer at Death Valley was unbelievably refreshing.
    2 points
  9. I will not vote for Trump in the primaries. Did I say only Trump can save us? Not sure about your comprehension skills. But, if boils down to Trump and any dip💩 Dimocrat, America really has no choice, if it wants to survive.
    2 points
  10. mat

    Trump Running in 2024

    His most recent attack on DeSantis shows he has no regard for the republican party or for that matter, what's best for the country. His only concern is for himself getting reelected. He may quite possibly kill the GOP. However, if he happens to win the nomination, I'd vote for him over Biden.
    2 points
  11. Hagar

    Trump Running in 2024

    [Hidden Content] Was an outstanding President, but I’m not sure he’s the same Trump that was. He may be giving the Dems 4 more years of control. I really hate to hear this. The hatred of him is beyond belief. Fair, no, but it is what it is.
    1 point
  12. JoeBama's worst nightmare just started! Like on the speakers told the press: We are going to give you something you are not used to -- FACTS! [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  13. Will Beta Males like you continue to vote with your feelings an elect another Democrat? No Trump worshippers on this forum, just people that vote policy and common sense over personal feelings.
    1 point
  14. Leave it all on the field tonight, that’s all you can do. Good luck and God bless. Take it to them Anahauc.
    1 point
  15. I don't know, you'll have to find one and ask them. At least be original.
    1 point
  16. It should come down to defensive stops. Either way it will be an exiting game to watch.
    1 point
  17. Not a peep out of you over the fake Russia collusion investigations and the impeach, impeach, impeach from the democrats over actual false charges. Now that it's coming down on your folks and there have actually been crimes committed, it's time to just move on and let it go. lol
    1 point
  18. LBJ should be playing 4A football but the AISD does not care about winning a state title. LBJ has less than 100 players in football program and only has about 35 on varsity and usually has to combine 9th and JV. They have played far better teams than PNG. Dallas Private school that also beat Aledo and nearly beat SOC and 6A Manor and beat 6A Weiss. LBJ does not have the numbers to make a run in 5A much less in region 3 as opposed to their weaker region 4. PNG should take them down.
    1 point
  19. SmashMouth

    Area playoffs

    Going to watch the L-Train!
    1 point
  20. I actually think biden's worst nightmare is doing a speech without a teleprompter and depends.
    1 point
  21. Thursday 11/17 DOME GYM COMP GYM All Varisty Games 8:00 Pool A 1 v 2 Kelly v BC JV 1 V 2 POOL A Buna v HF 9:15 Pool A 3 v 4 Ned v HF JV 3 V 4 POOL A Ned v BC 10:30 Pool A 5 v 6 Anahuac v Buna JV POOL B 1 V 2 LCM v OF 11:45 Pool A 1 v 4 Kelly v HF JV POOL B 3 V 4 PNG v Liberty 1:00 Pool A 5 v 2 Anahuac v BC JV 1 V 4 POOL A Buna v BC 2:15 Pool A 3 v 6 Ned V Buna Varsity POOL B 1 v 2 OF v LCM 3:30 Pool B 3 v 4 K'Ville v PNG JV 3 V 2 POOL A Ned V HF 4:45 Pool B 5 v 6 Liberty v Evadale JV POOL B 1 V 4 LCM v Liberty 6:00 Pool B 1 v 4 OF v PNG JV POOL B 3 V 2 PNG v OF 7:15 Pool B 5 v 2 Liberty v LCM Varsity POOL B 3 v 6 K'ville Evadale Friday 11/18 (DOME ALL VARSITY GAMES) COMP Central Middle School 8:00 POOL A 1 v 3 Kelly v Ned JV POOL A 1 V 3 Ned v Buna 9:15 POOL A 2 v 6 BC v Buna 1 V 3 JV POOL B LCM v PNG Freshman 10:30 POOL A 4 V 5 HF v Anahuac JV POOL A 2 V 4 HF v BC 1 v 2 Pool A OF v LCM 11:45 POOL A 2 V 3 BC v Ned 2 v 4 JV POOL B OF v Liberty 3 v 4 Pool A NED (blk) v HF 1:00 POOL A 1 V 5 Kelly v Anahuac Varsity 1 v 3 POOL B OF V K'ville Pool B 1 v 2 BC v PNG 2:15 POOL A 4 V 6 HF v Buna JV A4 V B4 Pool B 3 v 4 Liberty v Ned (white) 3:30 2 v 6 POOL B LCM v Evadale JV A3 V B3 1 v 4 Pool A OF v HF 4:45 4 v 5 POOL B PNG v Liberty JV A2 V B2 3 v 2 Pool A Ned (blk) v LCM 6:00 2 v 3 POOL B LCM v K'ville JV A1 V B1 Championship Pool B 1 v 4 BC v Ned (white) 7:15 1 v 5 POOL B OF v Liberty Varsity 4 v 6 POOL B PNG v Evadale Pool B 3 v 2 Liberty v PNG 8:30 Saturday 11/19 Dome Comp Central (Freshman) 8:00 B5 v A6 ---Game 1 (VAR) A5 v B6 ---Game 2 (VAR) Pool A 1 v 3 OF v Ned (blk) 9:15 B3 v A4 ---Game 3 (VAR) A3 v B4--- Game 4 (VAR) 1 v3 Pool B BC v Liberty 10:30 A1 v B2 ---Game 5 (VAR) B1 v A2---Game 6 (VAR) Pool A 2 v 4 LCM v HF 11:45 Winner Game 1 v Winner Game 2 Loser Game 1 v Loser Game 2 2 v 4 Pool B PNG v Ned (white) 1:00 Winner Game 3 v Winner Game 4 Loser Game 3 v Loser Game 4 2:15 Loser Game 5 v Loser Game 6 Freshman A4 v B4 3:30 Freshman A1 v B1 Championship Freshman A3 v B3 4:45 Winner 5 v Winner 6 (VAR) Championship Freshman A2 v B2
    1 point
  22. LBJ is a 4A school that the Austin ISD asked the UIL to play in 5A. They only have 35 players and far less than 1000 students about 800 and should be a top 3 4A D1 team.
    1 point
  23. The thing about it is that majority of the people running the election know if Kari wins they will not have a job and will be investigated for their corruption.
    1 point
  24. Big girl

    Trump Running in 2024

    Desantis appears to be smarter than Trump. I don't think he will have Twitter tantrums. I would prefer to have Desantis as the POTUS than Trump if the Democrats were to lose in 2024
    1 point
  25. The mere fact that one of the candidates was in charge of running the election and that there are a lot of questions, this in itself should be a reason for a redo! You know — for the sake of election integrity. You know, also, election integrity to the Democrats is like the Cross to Dracula!
    1 point
  26. It's actually an old blue Chevy.
    1 point
  27. You are totally ignoring what went on Election Day in Arizona. Disenfranchisement and Suppression of the vote on Election Day was Disgusting. 72% of Election Day voters were Republicans an as I posted on another thread it had been reported that 20 to 30% of the tabulators malfunctioned on top of hundreds of more ballots showing up in the #3 box than voters that came into vote. There’s Thousands of testimony’s of issues with trying to vote in Arizona. It’s totally ridiculous. As far as McCain, I could care less. I appreciated his service to the country as I too am a veteran. McCain was one of the main individuals pushing the Steel Dossier. He was corrupt as hell. He was not a Republican.
    1 point
  28. I second this recommendation. Some excellent Q!!
    1 point
  29. Djones8301


    Grab your copy of Da Magazine the most informative basketball magazine in the country. In it you will find district schedules, team rankings, player rankings and much more for the Greater Houston area. Copies are only $10 and if you need it mailed to you can simply cash app $djones8301 $12 that include shipping. If you want a copy DM me and I'll be sure to get yours out! Click link to see image of cover! C83FF32D-ACCC-4FAD-8166-BDCF404729D1.heic
    1 point
  30. Idk know about that but we will see I'm going to that Lumberton game so I'm see what they working with but keep in mind China springs is still in the mix
    1 point
  31. Arizona’s Election Must Be Redone: Here Are At Least Three Provable Constitutional Violations That Render the Results Uncertifiable! [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  32. AggiesAreWe

    TABC District Picks

    [Hidden Content] Districts in our coverage area 1A District 28 1. Brookeland 2. Burkeville 3. Leggett 4. Goodrich 2A District 24 1. Chireno 2. Corrigan-Camden 3. Woden 4. San Augustine District 25 1. Big Sandy 2. Evadale 3. West Hardin 4. Sabine Pass 3A District 21 1. Diboll 2. Central Heights 3. Woodville 4. Hemphill District 22 1. East Chambers 2. Orangefield 3. Kountze 4. Buna District 23 1. Crockett 2. Tarkington 3. New Waverly 4. Coldspring 4A District 19 1. Silsbee 2. LC-M 3. Lumberton 4. Jasper District 20 1. Hamshire-Fannett 2. Hardin-Jefferson 3. Huffman 4. Livingston 5A District 16 1. Lufkin 2. Kingwood Park 3. Nacogdoches 4. Huntsville District 17 1. Crosby 2. Barbers Hill 3. PA Memorial 4. Goose Creek Memorial 6A District 21 1. United 2. Atascocita 3. Summer Creek 4. West Brook
    1 point
  33. Yeah Friday looks clear. Small chance Saturday
    1 point
  34. APanthers

    Anahuac vs Franklin

    By the sound of it might aswell just give Franklin the state trophy ain’t no sense playing.
    1 point
  35. BMTSoulja1

    Beaumont ISD Football

    First of all, what I do know is that people like you will definitely name call behind a computer. So to me, it's all bark with no bite. So if you feel good calling me a bozo behind a screen name, then by all means, knock yourself out. Last time someone called me a name like that to my face, furniture started moving. Take that however you like. Secondly, I've already thoroughly explained my stance on this. If you have a hard time comprehending, then There's professionals that can help you. Lastly, judging how you got all in your feelings like you have XX chromosomes, I assume that you're probably on the staff for one of these teams or perhaps on the previous regime from BU that I mentioned before. Just sad. You really might need to re-evaluate yourself if you get all up in arms over someone's opinion that NO ONE got triggered over except you.
    1 point
  36. No doubt. I wish I knew what that was like because my school could NEVER beat Groveton. The one year we tied them (in the state quarterfinals), we lost on total yards (also had tied on penetrations and first downs). As soon as we caught them without a Horace, their little cousin Rodney Thomas filled their shoes. I can only imagine finally beating them. After I was gone, they fell off a bit and then it was Celina who bounced my alma mater in the 3rd or 4th round every year. So heck yeah Belleville should be celebrating. I don’t care who was playing or coaching, that’s a 900 lb gorilla off your back for sure
    1 point
  37. Yes they will and it will be on Texan Live.
    1 point
  38. Good for Abbott. I have said it’s an invasion all along. I only wonder why it took so long.
    1 point
  39. I promise you that didn’t hurt my feelings Lol but the same thing y’all whine about Trump hurting peoples feelings you do yourself because of your TDS. Typical Liberal Hypocrisy. You probably didn’t even bother to watch the clip about Kari Lake. She left a well paying job of being a journalist for 28 years because she couldn’t handle the hypocrisy and propaganda being spewed by the media kinda like the same nonsense you spew on this forum. Lol
    1 point
  40. Want to blow BH's balls do ya? ROTFLMAO
    1 point
  41. CardinalBacker

    Trump Running in 2024

    Trump had gotten soundly smashed in the last three election cycles…. The Rs couldn’t even flip Congress with the dip that we have in their now BECAUSE OF TRUMP. What makes you think that the fourth cycle will be a good one for Trump? “Oh, things are so bad that people will decide that only Trump can save us?” That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. People didn’t elect Biden, they fired Trump… and they aren’t gonna decide to rehire him after all.
    1 point
  42. I agree there is toxicity. And yes Trump has brought some of that on himself, but media has played a major role in that as well. Do we actually think that is gonna change with desantis or any other candidate from here on out. Liberal policies are extreme and anyone who opposes such policies will be labeled as everything negative. Media controls the narrative because to many mis informed voters are to lazy or are just that forgone to the liberal way and buy in hook line and sinker.
    1 point
  43. mat

    Trump Running in 2024

    The GOP needs to man up and decide to recreate their own identity/path and break away from the toxicity, regardless of the huge Trump following.
    1 point
  44. Unwoke

    Trump Running in 2024

    A large portion of the Republican Party needs to go anyway. The Republican Party needs a serious cleansing. And if you think the last 2 years sucked, wait an see how bad the next 2 years are going to be. Desantis may not even run in 2024.
    1 point
  45. I know what I am doing. Pregame meal at Papadeaux's and then sit up in the media area in press box at Beaumont ISD Memorial Stadium with the some TL games pulled up on my laptop.
    1 point
  46. I don’t know what WB team you watched but there ain’t no talent there either…the only way WB or BU has a chance to compete in that district is if BISD has one HS and the admin changes the way it handles athletics structurally and financially…they’re in a district with a bunch of schools/districts that actually do things the right way
    1 point
  47. fundamentals are taught dailey at WOS -- the only time I have ever seen Wos come out of the dressing room without pads on is picture day -- as soon as the pics are done they go back inside and put their pads on for practice -- they are full pads on Thursdays - when most people do walk thrus -- They come out on Friday nite in full pads for warm-up - its the little things like that T has installed in them that matters - if you take care of the little things -- BIG things happen
    1 point
  48. Tigers2010

    I can admit I was wrong

    Gotta have both to get to/win State. WOS always have good athletes, and Thompson has proven to be a great coach and run a good program. Former Allen coach with multiple 6A titles missed the playoffs with Barbers Hill, even if they made it, didn't have the athletes to make a run a 5A State. Thompson could move over to Nederland, and wouldn't be in the running for a State Championship. This question gets beat to death. You are not winning a State Title without at least a very good coach. You are also not winning State, without very good talent. The chicken and the egg have to come at the same time.
    1 point

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