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  1. Someone big mad they got called out
    3 points
  2. Must have been living in a 3rd world country šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø
    2 points
  3. Lots of insults in this thread from both sides... if we can't debate/converse without them, warnings will be issued. I saw them last night, but didn't have time to deal with it, and it looks like another moderator has been busy in the thread already. You don't have to call someone a name to be abusive or insulting (although there's been plenty of that as well). If you have any questions, please refer back to the following forum rules: 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented.
    2 points
  4. What does that even mean? ā€œWe the peopleā€ are given the chance to fix it every two years and we abdicate our authority to corporate money-financed propaganda on both sides. If youā€™re talking some sort of armed populist uprising, youā€™ve gotten a hold of some bad acid or something.
    2 points
  5. Without a doubt both parties try to discredit each other. But never in the history of American politics has a politician indulged in the insane, delusional ranting and raving that he's been up to for the last couple of years. You can throw all of the frivolous lawsuits in as well. Never has a politician on either side tried to install hundreds of handpicked politicians throughout the country in every race imaginable, while working to discredit their opponents of the same party. And then when that didn't work out, cue more insane speeches, online posts, etc. You're right that I don't like the guy, but I've voted for him twice. That doesn't mean that his behavior isn't extremely alarming, especially since there's a good possibility that he'll be the republican nominee for president in 2024.
    2 points
  6. oldschool2

    Vidor is open !!

    players > coaching. Way more often than not. players + coaching + level of competition = wins. Missing any of the 3 is likely detrimental. Let's stay on Lumberton. A couple years ago they won the district championship in basketball. Their coach was unanimous COY for the district. Not so much as a sniff the next year... or since. What happened? Same exact coach. Still Lumberton kids. Oooohh.. that's right. They had a 6'6 D1 signee on the team. Funny how kids make coaches successful. Disclaimer: I know Coach Mitchell personally and think he does a fantastic job. But... it takes players to have success. I'm positive you'll ignore the example I just gave and the endless others.. but it doesn't change anything.
    2 points
  7. JSnipes

    Trump Running in 2024

    So what would voting look like if we removed names and parties from people? They spoke on their beliefs and their agenda's but we couldn't see their faces. Their history of what they have and haven't supported was shown next to their candidacy (we know a great majority of people aren't going to try and research this). I bet we would find different people in offices all over the country. Too many people vote on parties, or for a name, or against a name, etc. A lot of people vote for a certain party because that's what their parents voted for. I would be willing to be it people really took a neutral approach from the beginning...we would see different results in a lot of elections.
    2 points
  8. oldschool2

    Vidor is open !!

    It's not JUST about wins and losses. I know it's the nature of the business but sometimes it shouldn't be. Sometimes it truly is an unfavorable district/classification, in which the season would be completely different if not the case. Sometimes strong senior classes graduate. Sometimes good athletes decide not to play for whatever reason. Sometimes rival teams get a transfer or more. Or... sometimes you just don't have the horses. The best trainer in the world won't win a horse race with a donkey. None of that is the fault of the coach, yet that's who gets the blame every time. I agree it's on their shoulders but all factors should be considered.
    2 points
  9. oldschool2

    Vidor is open !!

    I'm sure it's closer to never. I'd bet that they don't even meet with any of these coaches that they so openly ridicule behind a computer screen.
    2 points
  10. NHSBulldogFan

    Vidor is open !!

    Last time Vidor was in 5A (6A now) was 1995...they were in the same district as the Baytown Lee and Sterling, North Shore, Beaumont Central and West Brook, TJ, and PN-G
    2 points
  11. Trump knows exactly how the dims are stacking the deck against the American people with their liberal/woke/communist ideology. I applaud anyone who fights that tooth and nail. People have died fighting communism for all of us and we reward that (in their memory) by electing them into our governmentā€¦ā€¦. Shameful!
    2 points
  12. I've said this very thing before.
    2 points
  13. Itā€™s unbelievable how miserable people are and unwilling to congratulate a man on job well done. Coach Mathews did a phenomenal job as AD/HC for Vidor but a few select individuals always want to talk about wins and losesā€¦ and before those people say itā€™s a sports and someone has to win and lose, you are right but sports is so much more than being about winning and losing. Sports are about teaching someone to be accountable, a team player, leadership, and so on. So before you chime in and focus solely on wins and losesā€¦. Letā€™s see your win, loss record (and little league doesnā€™t count) or if yā€™all know so much about being a AD/HC letā€™s see those applications and credentials.
    2 points
  14. Went back and read the response, did I say no business was affected by covid? I'd be a fool to say there weren't any affected Keep working those 2 jobs Twitter dude, I'll keep building mine... if you'd stay off here and Twitter you may be more successful!
    2 points
  15. orangefield and Buna will be battleing for 1&2. anahuac will be a distant 3rd anahuac lost their coach and will not be as good as they were last year.
    2 points
  16. Donald Trump WINS His Club's Golf Championship Despite Being 600 Miles Away During Tournament (msn.com) Kinda reminds me of the articles you can find about Kim Jong Il's 38-under round of 34 in his first ever round of golf.
    1 point
  17. The DAWGS second nominee of the season. Go vote for Zi ! [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  18. Your thinking isā€¦. If Surratt came to Vidor, heā€™d have Vidor hoisting the state championship in 7 yrs? Same can be said for letā€™s say BC, OF, and a few other area schoolsā€¦. Is that what you are saying? If that is was youā€™re sayingā€¦. Please let my buy a little of what you are smoking!
    1 point
  19. LOL, I don't turn on people because of their opinion's
    1 point
  20. Some people need to study history and the collapse of great empires naive with head in the sand.
    1 point
  21. Dude in the above replies, you said youā€™re in debt yourself.. And before that, that debt is bad. Low IQ voter confirmed.
    1 point
  22. Did you guys already forgot about ā€œLock her upā€ and ā€œdrain the swampā€? Selective memory strikes again Trump was supposed to be the chosen one he had 4 years and did NOTHING about the ā€œdeep stateā€, but take every opportunity to siphon money off into his and his families pockets. itā€™s ok though itā€™ll be different in 2024, just give him another chance šŸ¤”
    1 point
  23. Trust me, it may come to that one day, especially when everything gets bluer and bluer. The only thing keeping democrats from confiscating guns like they already have done in many countries is Republicans, and they are slowly taking over. You don't really think that Democrats are wanting to go after guns because they care about people do you? I may be on bad acid but at least I'm not drinking the blue Kool-Aid, which is much more dangerous.
    1 point
  24. oldschool2

    Vidor is open !!

    I guess I should be specific. When I say wins.. I mean deep win. Successful playoff runs. Etc. Of course it's possible to win a lot of games with bad players and good coaching... if the schedule is weak. Just like good players and good coaches can have mediocre/poor seasons if the schedule isn't conducive for success. And bad coaches can have a heck of a run with good enough players and a weak schedule. Each of those scenarios play out literally every year. Make no mistake, there are more bad coaches winning with good players than there is good coaches winning with bad players. Will someone please freaking address my Bill Belichick example?.. Jeez. His record WITHOUT Tom Brady is less than .500. WITH Tom Brady he has like 9 super bowl appearances in two decades.
    1 point
  25. CardinalBacker

    Vidor is open !!

    Heck, I'd move to Vidor if I could afford it... I mean, I can afford the house, I just don't have enough money for the old boats, appliances, junk cars, and other things you need out front to fit in over there.
    1 point
  26. I didn't. We moved there when the kids were younger. There's no better place to raise kids in Orange County. Or on the Planet of Earth, for that matter.
    1 point
  27. BigEnosBurdette

    Vidor is open !!

    Comment of the year šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
    1 point
  28. Reagan

    Vidor is open !!

    I will some-what agree. Any sport, except football, you have to have the talent. Basketball, track, baseball golf, on that, I'll agree.
    1 point
  29. oldschool2

    Vidor is open !!

    I'm not exactly familiar to the circumstance to which you're referring. But.. my post that you replied to happens so often that I'm comfortable saying it's definitely the norm. Yes, I know there may be exceptions. There are always are.
    1 point
  30. Reagan

    Vidor is open !!

    It looks like your accurate portrayal of the present philosophy of Vidor football on this forum has got a quite of few people here confused!
    1 point
  31. Are you saying the democrats don't try and actually ruin anyone that opposes them? Remember Kavanaugh, Thomas, I could go on and on. I'm not talking about simply calling them bad names and making mean tweets (which I won't defend) but I'm talking about LITERALLY trying to destroy lives with KNOWINGLY false information. Also, don't forget the Russia Collusion crap was also KNOWINGLY made up lies that Hillary Clinton herself was very aware of, actually hired folks to create it. Your dislike of Trump is skewing you ability to see this is nothing new.
    1 point
  32. 96 thru 99 season
    1 point
  33. KF89

    Vidor is open !!

    Rarely see or hear them at school board meetings either......šŸ¤
    1 point
  34. KF89

    Vidor is open !!

    Most of the coach critics were\are trash youth league coaches & too embarrased to put their record or real name out here.šŸ˜Ž
    1 point
  35. Kountzer

    Silsbee vs Bridge City

    I consider Cypress to be NW Houston or Harris County proper. Central NW Houston is closer in. It would be acres homes, Inwood. NW Park, etc.
    1 point
  36. There is plenty who go to church on wednesdays. But we put God on the back burner and everything else comes first unfortunately.
    1 point
  37. How many timesā€¦. ā€¦.. and how many stories? After the Rodney King incident and everybody wanting the video the police, we faced it also. This was in days before body cams and certainly there were no cell phone cameras. It either had to be a VHS or the VHS-C. I pulled a guy over on a traffic stop and unfortunately it was right next where his buddies were on a porch about 30 feet away. It was probably around 1995-ish. The driverā€™s friends came off of the porch and got too close for me to safely conduct my traffic stop. So I had to split my time watching the driver and his friends who were then a threat to me. That simply wasnā€™t going to happen. I could have called all available units and would have probably had a substantial response in short order. Butā€¦ I told them that they needed to back away and let me conduct my business (their actions by law could have resulted in up to 6 months in jail). The response was, we have the right to video, make sure you donā€™t do something wrong blah blah blahā€¦.. My answer was, I was going to conduct my traffic stop no matter what else happened. It was likely going to end up in a citation or maybe a warning. I was not going to do it with them standing over my shoulder and interfering. So they had two options. I calmly told them that I saw they were on the porch about 30 feet away. They could stand on the porch and video everything they wished and in fact, it would be in a better position to be elevated. Then if I did anything wrong, they would have the video and they could also be witnesses. The other option was that I could call over the entire shift and we could handle it that way. Not only did they choose to get back on the porch, they were actually agreeable to it. One of them made some kind of comment like, that makes sense. So they all got on the porch, got their video and I finished my traffic stop in drove away. I think the fact that I was not confrontational with them by pointing my finger and yelling to ā€œget back!ā€, etc. and explained the issue, they were very agreeable. I have seen plenty of police videos where the officer(s) was legally correct but a different tactic ā€œmightā€ have (it doesnā€™t always work) yielded a different result. In fairness, I didnā€™t start out with that wisdom. It took about 3 years before I started figuring out when to change tactics. Now, they teach a required class in ā€œde-escalationā€. About 35 years ago we called that ā€œexperienceā€.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. They starting to figure things out.
    1 point
  40. Hes just grasping at straws at this point. None of his replies make sense. Another TrumpTard in his natural element
    1 point
  41. ā€¦ itā€™s clear YOU DONT Stick to your day job twitter man šŸ¤˜šŸ¼šŸ¤˜šŸ¼
    1 point
  42. .. come on man. if your cost of debt is lower than your cap rate, or lower than what you can get a return on elsewhere, then itā€™s accretive to tack on leverage and absolutely the smart thing to do if youā€™re in a strong financial position Youā€™re doubling down on making yourself look (even more) stupid. Stop while you can
    1 point
  43. And the fool that was so concerned about Guam tipping over, is still in office. That says a lot about his constituents.
    1 point
  44. ā€¦ umm, you think people buy commercial real estate in cash? Youve shown time and time again youā€™re absolutely clueless. Like the debt and deficit topic where you repeatedly used the terms interchangeably. Stick to your day job twitter man šŸ¤˜šŸ¼
    1 point
  45. bullets13

    Trump Running in 2024

    Trump is starting to lose it. The stuff he says just gets crazier and crazier. I really am starting to think that his end goal is to be a dictator. He's that arrogant and self-absorbed.
    1 point
  46. Sportsfan479

    Vidor is open !!

    It sure does make the most sense out of the options Iā€™ve heard
    1 point
  47. I'm as conservative as they come and after the first debate in 2020, I had to really fight with myself as to whether or not I'd just stay home. He doesn't deserve to be the President. Watch the first couple of minutes of this clip from 2007. See if you can tell what's missing from US Politics today.
    1 point
  48. Like I've said many times before matthews is NOT just there because of his wins and losses and nor is coach peevey. Its the character of the program. The effort. The spirit. The lessons you're teaching the young kids. As far as character and effort goes. You'll be hard to find many better than coach Matthews.
    1 point
  49. It is a stupid law. At the very least the penalty should be radically reduced. I could go into much more examples if needed but as an example: An 18 year old guy graduated last year. He is still 18 and gets his first job on the maintenance crew at the high school. He mows grass, helps unload trucks with office supplies, etc. A 19 year old girl is a senior at the high school. They are attracted to each other and start having a relationship. By Texas law the 19 year old girl is a victim. The 18 year old boy? He has committed a 2nd degree felony. What are other examples of 2nd degree felonies? A guy gets drunk, causes an accident and kills a 10 year old child or a guy finds out that his wife is cheating on him so in a sudden rage of passion, he shoots and kills his wife. I could give others but two different homicides should get the point across. That is the equivalent the 18 year old guy is facingā€¦ 20 years in prison. Why? Because of his place of employment. Had the same guy found a new job across the street from the high school doing the exact same thing but 50 feet away, it is two consenting adults. A 17 year old girl in high school could have a relationship with a 50 year old man (or woman) who works at the store across the street from the school and it is completely legal. Again it is between two consenting adults. So an 18 year old having a sexual relationship with consent with a 19 year old is a felony but a 50 year old having a sexual relationship with consent with a 17 year old isnā€™t. Letā€™s refresh our memories of the class of felony. The 18 year old having a 19 year old girlfriend is the equivalent of a drunk driver killing a child. Someone please explain the rationale. If you want such a law to stop potential corruption like a teacher doctoring grades, absolutely. Write a law that says it convicted the teacher is terminated and loses his/her license to teach for lifetime. If they want to attach a criminal penalty to the teacher who has already lost a career, make it a misdemeanor like a B with 180 days maximum or an A with a year maximum. Why the 20 year maximum felony for a relationship with two consenting adults? And thenā€¦ if the same 18 year old guy and the same 19 year old girl start the relationship the day after she graduates ORā€¦. she is still in school but it is in a college where he works and she attends, it is no crime. There are laws if the student is 16. That would be sexual assault of a child. By all means, prosecute him/her. But an 18 year old student and a 19 year old teacherā€™s aide? Ridiculous.
    1 point

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