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  1. What’s prevented them before this decision?
    2 points
  2. mat

    P. T. Trump

    Partially true. God is omnipresent and loves us all the same. God is not distant, we are. We are the ones that stray away or outright reject him. It is up to us to turn to him. We must ask and knock. Matthew 7:7-8 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds;and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
    2 points
  3. Chester86

    P. T. Trump

    Delusional and protagonist are words that come to mind. You see I really do not mind dissenting opinions. The problem I have with most of the posts you make is you just want to say something (opinion, law, etc.) is wrong and not offer up any solutions. The problem with America is: #1 and by far the most problematic - we have moved away from God, and #2 we are not the “UNITED” States of America anymore. Division abounds and there are forces at play that want to stir that division and increase it. People don’t talk TO each other anymore they TALK at one another. I’ll gladly talk to someone that will listen, but have no desire to be in the presence of someone who is narcissistic and only wants their opinion to be heard. I fly no Trump flag, I wear no MAGA hat, and truly wish we had another R to vote for. But you trot out Biden or Hillary and I’ll campaign for Trump with my own money.
    2 points
  4. Aledo Denton Ryan Highland Park College Station Smithson Valley Frisco Lone Star Richland Abilene A&M Consolidated Memorial🖤❤️
    1 point
  5. Chester86

    National Media

    There was a national media outlet I used to love to watch. I worked midnights for years and would come home and get caught up on all the latest headlines. The anchors were humorous, had catch phrases and presented the sports hi-lights from the previous day. They had fun segments where they would show the top 10 and not top 10 of the night or the week. New ownership took over and started pushing agendas and politics. Sports was pushed down to secondary status after indoctrination. I phased out of watching the channel altogether. Started watching again after years of being away because my favorite sporting event is exclusively on that channel. Lo and behold nothing has changed. They have complete segments dedicated to hi-lighting those on the “front-line” of social change and isolating 98% of the clientele who just wish to watch sports. They have laid off tons of long time and popular hosts. They have fired anchors for not bowing to their woke ideology. Would someone step up and finally create another sports network to compete with the woke 4-letter network? Sad!!!! Sports should be a refuge from the day to day grind. Sports should be a haven to get away from wokeness. You may now tune back to your regularly scheduled programming. I am off the soapbox.
    1 point
  6. Reagan

    P. T. Trump

    Have you noticed that it's always the libs that bring up race? For a long time now whenever a lib is losing an argument or have nothing else to say they bring up racism. Or something silly like institutional racism. LOL!
    1 point
  7. [Hidden Content] I would vote for Silsbee to have one but the other voters wouldn't come through
    1 point
  8. UT alum

    P. T. Trump

    I understand. It’s nice to talk about something else sometimes. Your last sentence implied that politicians are politicians, and that’s what they do. I was just throwing one out there who I believe adheres more to principle than power.
    1 point
  9. I didn’t know you were posting them all lol my bad
    1 point
  10. Desoto Ducanville North Shore Austin Westlake North Crowley Summer Creek SL Carrol Lake Travis Atascosita Cibilo Steele
    1 point
  11. To the casual fan, it’s all about offense. They don’t seem to notice anything about the other end of the floor. That is at all levels (NBA finals this year was a prime example). Your point is spot on with me. I was extremely impressed with the Buna girls defensively. They defended better than 90 percent of high school girls teams I’ve seen. And a huge part of that was the effort they gave. All of that tends to be directly related to coaching in my experience.
    1 point
  12. SmashMouth

    P. T. Trump

    The only thing either seeks is re-election. Please don't think Biden is "coming around" to this black folk thing. These men are politicians - driven by gain - not virtue.
    1 point
  13. thetragichippy

    P. T. Trump

    It cracks me up you believe that is somehow Trump's fault that he relied on the news, the police and a jury of 12 that CONVICTED those 5 kids of the crime. I'm sure he would not call for the execution of innocent people. Lastly, Some of the BLM rioters were thugs..... not all, but a small percent that lit the fires were.
    1 point
  14. UT alum

    P. T. Trump

    The difference between the two is that Biden continually works to overcome the institutionalized racism he was born into. Trump pushes execution for the Central Park 5, refers to BLM as a bunch of thugs, pulls the “some of my best friends are black” card many racists use, then claims no one is less racist than him. One seeks continual improvement, the other believes he’s perfect.
    1 point
  15. UT alum


    You’re right on there, Smash. The only way it will be overcome is one heart at a time. That happens with one on one or small groups meeting to hear each other. The media needs to keep the friction up to generate the money machine. I don’t look to them to solve anything.
    1 point
  16. No school in particular, just a general statement. They're all over the state.
    1 point
  17. This I agree with!! KJ will never tell you this, but it was evident. Can we just give the guy credit for a job well done, instead of bashing him behind his back? No wonder we can't keep a coach in Buna (Girola and Whitmire are both at OF now). People expect the world from them but fail to acknowledge when they have something good going. I'm sure knowing this, KJ is glad he's gone. KJ is one of my very good friends and the dude is a high-level and high-class dude who is very good at what he does. Anyone would be lucky to have him, I hope we know what we lost with him leaving
    1 point
  18. SmashMouth


    I don't consider myself to be a racist, although I think a little racism lives in all of us. I don't think the issue of racism will ever be resolved. At least not in the foreseeable future. No one really wants it to be. Between the media and the politicians, our racial divide keeps them flourishing and in business. And we are fools enough to play their game and feed their fire.
    1 point
  19. BS Wildcats

    P. T. Trump

    Especially when one of the choices has no brain!
    1 point
  20. LumRaiderFan

    P. T. Trump

    You’ll have to be more specific, he’s been sued a lot. My comment was more to your guy, who saw fit to eulogize a known KKK member. I’m not wasting my time defending anyone, bottom line is there are two choices in November and it’s a no brainer to me.
    1 point
  21. Sports10

    PN-G hires OF's Erickson

    I do think KOGT said that in the article. I’m thinking maybe he meant during the Erickson era.
    1 point
  22. UT alum


    Don’t think that qualifies, Mat. You was just po’d because the bank was closed. Would’ve been the same if you had forgotten it was Presidents Day, right?
    1 point
  23. mat

    P. T. Trump

    I read much more than I post on here. One strong observation is, the ridicule on this side is a two-way 6 Lane Highway. For all the ridicule you say you receive, just know your absence would probably be missed.
    1 point
  24. LumRaiderFan

    P. T. Trump

    Nope, all true.
    1 point
  25. Please beat Tennessee 😤
    1 point
  26. UT alum


    You know what I just snapped to? Read that on the left side of Reagan’s post. Juneteenth ain’t about that. There were no remaining slaves. They just didn’t find out in Texas for dang near two years. On June 19th a Union ship arrived in Galveston informing the people still illegally enslaved that they had been declared free by the Emancipation proclamation. The Union Army didn’t free them that day. Lincoln had freed them two years before. See what I mean about not knowing history? It can be a dangerous thing.
    1 point
  27. UT alum


    Then a special HAPPY JUNETEENTH to you, brother. I ain’t quite white as rice, but I am Caucasian. Proud to be an American, too.
    1 point
  28. The fact that he actually believes that is all I need to know
    1 point
  29. Boyz N Da Hood


    I'm proud African American
    1 point
  30. So buddy is the OC and AD and you have a head football coach interesting
    1 point
  31. bullets13


    It’s always funny to me when present day republicans start talking about what 19th century republicans did, because you’re absolutely right. Point it out and they get mad, though. And I vote Republican 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
    1 point
  32. Chester86

    P. T. Trump

    Remember when someone said they were stepping away from this forum? What a glorious 2 minutes that was. Now, if I may attempt an impression, “You knuckle-draggers are idiots and I am going to sit here and ridicule you about everything! (Tongue sticking out🤪)”.
    1 point
  33. I’ll give you an attaboy for that one, Smash.
    1 point
  34. Non of the Beaumont schools will miss playing NS either. Don’t have the luxury of the entire greater Houston area. HOWEVER. I can say Duncanville won’t miss playing y’all…. 🤷🏾‍♂️
    1 point
  35. Ill say this the 50 defense benefited WOS on how athletic they were. Not saying they couldn't run a 4-2-5 or 4-3. But they had tremendous speed from the outside. Linebackers played gap football. Maybe it was just how Coach T taught the defense. It was the best in SETX.
    1 point

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