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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2024 in all areas

  1. The most common one I see is comparing Trump to Hitler (i.e., one of the worst human beings to ever walk the earth). Likewise, I remember seeing all kinds of posts, emails, etc. opining that Obama might be the anti-Christ when he was in office (hard to get worse than Hitler but this one certainly is). When a crazy person hears this craziness, it is not a leap for them to believe they are playing hero by ridding the earth of Hitler incarnate or the anti-Christ, etc. I would guess this is what people are talking about extreme rhetoric. At some point, words matter and people need to really be responsible when speaking or, as is often the case with social media, sharing. And both of these old guys running aren’t doing the best job of leading by example either.
    5 points
  2. I know I’ll get blasted for saying this, but the finger-pointing is what escalates this and these types of events. People feel they can ONLY be on one side and the “other” side is to be hated. This is THE United States of America. Let’s come together, pray for this man and pray for OUR country. See through the smoke screens, wade through disinformation and let’s be Americans and fight against tyranny, socialism, Marxism and things contrary to our independence. Okay, I’m stepping off my soapbox.
    4 points
  3. This is a reflection of the setx political board and US politics as we clearly want it republicans/ democrats are the devil who want to take away your freedom and slowly kill off your family that’s exactly how both sides describe the other. If you honestly believe that stupid tired dangerous narrative. Then why not kill the opposition before they kill you. This is the political atmosphere for many. Many wish Biden/trump dead or any d/r dead because they don’t just hold different views on how to make America great they’re purposely trying to destroy America. What is any true American to do about that? What difference it makes if this wacko was republican or democrat. Did it matter what party John Wilkes booth or Lee Harvey was affiliated with? Most Americans this age choose to be stupid choose to believe that it’s Republican vs democrats. And this what we get a nation full of idiots. And it seems we beyond repair. We was smaller than an inch away from total chaos to a civil war. Do you love your country enough to tone down the rhetoric? Of course not.
    3 points
  4. I can’t get away from something being off either. Bullets isn’t wrong about the polling numbers. Elections are won in the middle and the only person worse with the middle right now than Trump is Biden. Biden won’t voluntarily step aside despite the Dems trying to push him aside. You’re telling me a building across from the staging area wasn’t secured and a guy crawling around on a roof visible from the ground was missed by trained rooftop snipers? I’m about the furthest thing from a conspiracy theorist because the simplest explanation is often the correct one. But some young nut job pulling this off isn’t the simplest one here imo. Something stinks to high heaven.
    3 points
  5. I miss Ashly Elam, no one covered HS sports like he did.
    3 points
  6. Things like this don't just happen by chance
    2 points
  7. FIVE DAYS AGO JOE BIDEN TOLD DONORS: “It’s Time To Put Trump In The Bullseye”! If Trump caused Jan 6, then Biden caused this! [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  8. The irony here is that the dems best chance of keeping the presidency is if trump runs. If he’d been killed today the republicans could’ve replaced him with just about anybody and stomped a mud hole in Biden.
    2 points
  9. Mariners lose today. Rangers move up to 5 back and the Astros stay @ 1.
    1 point
  10. I have absolutely zero respect for Donald but this ain’t how you go about things! It’s only going to get worse, IMO all this hate started when Obama won… the day Biden and Donald aren’t on the ballot will be a great day for me!!!
    1 point
  11. "It's time to put Trump in the bullseye" -- Joe Biden at a rally, just days before the assination attempt.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I leaned away from it being organized after watching the video. ANYBODY who planned this a) wouldn’t be using an AR platform and b) wouldn’t have missed. The story that I saw was that the shooter clambered up with his rifle, people were shouting, and he took his shot. He wasn’t chilling up there on the roof. It also looked like the SS sniper spotted him, rose up, then was surprised by how quickly the shooting began-he got back on his scope and plugged the shooter. I suspect that the shooter didn’t have time to set up his shot because he’d been spotted-and instead let loose a series of half-aimed shots. All of the evidence about this screams “untrained, poorly equipped, lone wolf.” To me, anyways.
    1 point
  14. I know that I lean toward the conservative side, and I know that I do not necessarily discount conspiracies. However, if you are sitting around and waiting on the government to spoon feed you the answers you are part of the problem. Awaiting the FBI to tell me this wasn’t a political assassination attempt, or that it was is pointless. Be a free thinker. Look at what is out there and decide for yourself. President Trump is very fortunate that he was not struck by a bullet that missed by mere centimeters from being fatal. Do not let the media inflame you and stay informed.
    1 point
  15. Great post…. I’ve thought about this a lot over time. My opinion? Hard times. Either caused by an economic collapse or a war. You can give up on the education system helping-all educators and administrators are required to attend a four year indoctrination in the way of an aptly named “liberal arts degree.” The left has done an incredible job of taking over the education of our kids and utilizing that to their advantage. If the situation gets so bad that people feel like their only hope is through God, we have a chance. Or if an event or series of events that make 9/11 seem insignificant by comparison. There’s nothing like a common enemy to unite us all as Americans. I just don’t know if we survive an onslaught.
    1 point
  16. Not that my validation matters, but I agree with you. My two-cents added is what and how do we change this mindset? Patriotism is not taught in schools anymore. As a kid we used to learn all of the songs of the armed force branches. We were encouraged to be patriotic. Now, kids are taught to literally hate this country. We (USA) have a past, and it is not always pretty. However, we (USA) have done so much for this planet and our citizens. We (USA) have moved away from God. Go to church on Sunday, pray as a family, and pray for our leaders. Problems are there, let’s work to find solutions.
    1 point
  17. So now you’re a democrat? lol lol lol
    1 point
  18. Just saw a video he made. “My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks. I hate Republicans. I hate Trump…” Definitely not a Republican. Guy’s definitely a whack job though. Spurred on by left vitriolic hatred. He never mentioned hating Biden or any other Democrat though. Hmmm.
    1 point
  19. People in the crowd saw the perp on the roof and yelled at the SS that he was up there and had a gun. They did nothing until after he fired. Total setup.
    1 point
  20. Nope. I’ve seen his picture. Definitely a Republican. Pasty skin, bad haircut, likely a Virgin. Definitely one of y’all.
    1 point
  21. [Hidden Content] The registered Republican part was probably to appease the snowflakes. From the article: When Crooks was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote.
    1 point
  22. PA is a closed primary state. He had to register as R to vote against Trump in the primary.
    1 point
  23. My guess is that the shooter would have done the same thing if Biden came to his town.
    1 point
  24. Well, well, well, a 20 year old “registered” republican doesn’t throw up any red flags. Nah, not at all. Some people can’t think past their nose. 2 years in the party makes him a well seeded republican. Lmao
    1 point
  25. Counter-sniper cover should have seen the perp. No excuse.
    1 point
  26. Priceless!
    1 point
  27. Ford, Reagan, GW Bush (car bomb plot), Trump. Sorry it took so long. Had ribs on the pit.
    1 point
  28. Same with the Astros. Players stepping up and contributing. I’m very pleased and amazed. Nothing is 100% in sports, but I’m a firm believer in “put me in coach” (John Fogerty). Mariners lost last night so the Rangers picked up a game. [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  29. The VP easy’s family was slave owners, why don’t we hear about that? lol
    1 point
  30. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana was one of several Republicans on Saturday who blamed Democrats for telling the public what’s at stake during the upcoming election. He tweeted, “For weeks Democrat leaders have been fueling ludicrous hysteria that Donald Trump winning re-election would be the end of democracy in America. Clearly we’ve seen far left lunatics act on violent rhetoric in the past. This incendiary rhetoric must stop.” AMEN.
    1 point
  31. They’ve had a rough year, underperforming, and dealing with a crazy amount of injuries. That said, they’re good enough to make a run, and if they don’t they’ve got a lot of trade pieces while still keeping that solid core intact
    1 point
  32. He fell off 😀
    1 point
  33. Biden has been shown riding a bike.
    1 point
  34. Just heard Biden is claiming it was him that got shot? 🤷‍♂️😏
    1 point
  35. Keep us out of this
    1 point
  36. Could’ve been a Sasquatch on a unicorn, too.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Stay off of the web for a couple of days. It’ll be reported as a Muslim, BLM member, Antifa, and probably illegal before the actual identity is released.
    1 point
  39. I have known Jimmy for over 30 years but never worked for him. I have worked dignitary security with him. I have never known him to be anything but a professional police officer but certainly working for him may not be the same. Through my many contacts with BPD, I have never heard his name brought as a problem. I also know that working with city council issues myself, their agendas and police goals are not always the same. About 20 years ago I was speaking with another sergeant about officers assigned per shift and complaining about poor response times due to staffing allocations per shift (I believe called a watch at BPD like 3rd watch). Not in hiring more officers but simply shifting manpower around. I learned a valuable lesson during that discussion. The other sergeant who was junior to me said something like, “You were looking at it as providing police service in a timely manner. The City Council is looking at it as an money issue”. He was correct. There was a chance that once or twice a week they might have to pay a couple of hours overtime due to a serious call coming in late in the shift. I was looking at it as providing a service to the citizens and they were looking at it as possibly costing $200 more per week out of a $21 million annual budget. Our goals and their goals don’t always match. They will say that they do though.
    1 point
  40. A couple of questions: 1) Why the need to go “outside”? A good department is one that raises and encourages those with leadership/management capabilities. BPD routinely sends people to LEMIT/LCC (Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas / Leadership Command College, SPI (Southern Police Institute), and the FBI/NA (National Academy). Each of these exposes leaders to current law enforcement trends and practices. 2) BPD needs a change - why? The department serves the needs of the community, works to be involved in the community and is transparent during officer-involved incidents. 3) Beaumont has a high crime rate, therefore we need a change. BPD successfully works these scenes and has a higher than average clearance rate. The department does it’s job, and is constantly working to address high crime areas and community concerns. It is a slap in the face to every member of the department to look outside and promote the idea that a “fresh” perspective is needed. The 260 sworn officers of BPD dedicate themselves to the safety of the citizens, whether that be emergency operations, routine patrol or specialized units (traffic, SWAT, etc). Deputy Chief Plunkett is ready, capable and eager to lead the department into the future. I know him and I trust him to lead my two sons and brother (who are members of the department). I retired from BPD, and my father worked there. I had a great-grandfather who was killed in the line of duty as a Beaumont officer in 1925. I know the department and still work daily as a state officer assigned to a federal task force that works hand in hand with BPD. I was raised in Beaumont and know how hard those guys work and care about the city of Beaumont.
    1 point
  41. Smith with his 2nd 2run HR of the day! 4-1 Champs up.
    0 points

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