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  1. Shredded might be a strong word… I expect a mirror image of 2020. Hate is a much more powerful motivator than love. And most Americans hate Trump. The people that voted for Harris before her and Biden saved our economy and lead us out of COVID are gonna vote for her again.
    2 points
  2. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Hey, Reagan…. Instead of “Kamalina,” you should just use “Karma.” But she’s gonna serve those Rs exactly what they deserve for nominating Trump again the way Trump and his supporters behaved after she cleaned his plow back in 2020.
    2 points
  3. Likely she is. However, she may have about a 2 week run of as much press and TV appearances as she can get. Then, the powers that be in the party check their own polling to see how she stands against Trump. If she doesn't show well, we may be witnessing one wild DNC in about a month.
    2 points
  4. It did get a man killed. You meant to say THE man killed.
    2 points
  5. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Now we find out who the next president is going to be. Dems roll in ‘24!!!!
    1 point
  6. LumRaiderFan

    Biden is out…

    Not sure why these political geniuses aren’t relaying this invaluable information to the RNC and save our country.
    1 point
  7. We’ll see who’s laughing come November.
    1 point
  8. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Right? Bury the hatchet and go get some votes. Nope… “he was the worst President in history!” And of course, the name-calling.
    1 point
  9. Why show humility and compassion when you can pile it on? Definitely a misstep on his part. He needs to worry about winning the undecided voters over, not rallying the already rabid core fan base.
    1 point
  10. What did Reagan ever do to you?
    1 point
  11. That’s what the country has been saying… “anybody but these two again.” Well, the Ds listened and gave a fresh choice… the Rs just bought more Trump merch. America is going to thank the Ds by electing somebody besides Trump. Too Big to Rig!!!
    1 point
  12. baddog

    Biden is out…

    Four posts in a row = troll. Nothing more.
    1 point
  13. Nobody thought Joe Biden was going to finish his first term, which meant that Kamala was going to be President if Biden got elected… and America was like “yeah…. Anybody but Trump.” And now y’all think it’s gonna work out differently? That’s a special kind of blind allegiance that flies in the face of the facts. Trump 2028!!!!
    1 point
  14. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Democrats enjoy the devout support of the Black Community just like Trump has the support of the racists and religious hypocrites. Don’t worry… the blacks will vote D, 94% + just like they always do. The funny thing is that the Latino vote could probably be won by the Rs, but in true racist fashion, the Rs are promising to deport all of their friends and relatives that are here seeking asylum. Rs are dumb, and they can’t hide it.
    1 point
  15. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Jesus…. Immediately after Biden drops out, Trump posts something about “Crooked Joe Biden” instead of being congratulatory or just keeping his stupid mouth shut. He went into the whole “Joe Biden should have never been the President” and just like that, the 81 million people who DID vote for Biden said “to hell with this… I still hate Trump. I’m going f to vote for ANYBODY but that clown and his supporters.” The guy who was trying to keep it together just can’t. He can’t hide the piece of crap that he is. He’s going to melt down between now and the election. He, like most of you, can’t understand that most people don’t like him or his antics. Actually they HATE him and his antics. Kamala/Anybody in a cakewalk.
    1 point
  16. Black support for Trump has increased to as much as 23% from such polls as The NY Times, CBS and Qinnipiac. That is significant. Those are hardly Republican leaning polls. Imagine the support for Trump or more likely the staying away from the polls by Black voters if the first B/F VP president is shunned, particularly in favor of a White candidate.
    1 point
  17. BS Wildcats

    Biden is out…

    For the sake of the country, we better hope it’s not Kamala, not that you are that concerned how the country will fare. You just want to pound your chest and say I told you so. Harris will not beat Trump, if they run her out there.
    1 point
  18. HF WOS Silsbee Jasper
    1 point
  19. baddog

    Biden is out…

    Biden was IN?
    1 point
  20. Neither do I, but I bet he does.
    1 point
  21. 5GallonBucket

    Biden is out…

    I don’t own a red hat(it’s my least favorite color) nor a flag nor a bumper sticker. So good try but that doesn’t bother me one bit .
    1 point
  22. This was expected. Election will be very interesting now.
    1 point
  23. Personally, i think this PROVES what I’ve suspected all along… it was prophesied in Revelations 13:3. “And I saw his head as though it had been smitten unto death; and his death-stroke was healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast; Trump is the Antichrist… you can’t even argue with me about this. Don’t you believe the Bible?
    1 point
  24. [Hidden Content] Finally, a voice of reason weighs in.
    1 point
  25. Hey Aledo. PA will be fine for the next 2 years. Have to break in a new QB but he's a junior. They have all of their Oline and RB's back with a couple of WRs. On defense, the whole Dline and LB's return with a young-ish secondary Also, no district of doom in the 1st round so expections of a Regional final appearence are high. All 4 playoff teams from Dist 9 should beat the HISD reps Of course, all of this is barring injuries, etc
    1 point
  26. I read that he and his wife were separated for 10 years when he openly began dating Harris. How does this make her a slut. Hell, Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star and you all still voted for him.
    1 point
  27. I don’t know but I believe that before Trump arrived at the hospital, conspiracy theorists were probably already calling for a cover up and multiple shooters.
    1 point
  28. Tip of the cap to PAISD. Well done. Looking forward to seeing the photographs.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. WOSdrummer99

    2024 WOS Mustangs

    Here it is
    1 point

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