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  1. What I am above is placing what you call childish behavior above the good of the country. What is sad is that once Trump is gone, those same folks will still be voting on emotion and their hurt little feelings and still will be unable to discern the best choice for the country. I think you know I don’t include you in this group and think you will put results over personality. And yes, some of the clowns on here will pull insulting sarcasm out from time to time, lol.
    2 points
  2. I wonder if Trump will agree to weekly debates with her like he challenged Biden to do? That was a rhetorical question. Of course the chicken will back down. He’s already said he won’t even debate her once unless it’s on FOX. Think she’ll back down? Another rhetorical question.
    1 point
  3. Boyz N Da Hood

    Biden is out…

    Ppl thinking Conald going to defeat anyone but Hillary is crazy..... D's bout to roll in this election, if kamala is the nominee she's the next president...
    1 point
  4. Big girl

    Biden is out…

    Trump is a horrible person
    1 point
  5. LumRaiderFan

    Biden is out…

    I have no affection for a politician, it’s not personal, unlike you. It’s like Trump gave you a wedgie in middle school and you can’t move past it.
    1 point
  6. AggiesAreWe

    Team schedule 2024?

    Good question. All I can say is "not I".
    1 point
  7. weak......
    1 point
  8. thetragichippy

    Biden is out…

    Of course not - you post to support your talking points.....you don't care about the truth
    1 point
  9. thetragichippy

    Biden is out…

    That is all YOUR opinion......Fact.....Kamala didn't win her own state in the primary and dropped out at 1% popularity......what has she done to change that?
    1 point
  10. thetragichippy

    Biden is out…

    The nonsense I have read in this post is mind boggling. @CardinalBacker - So your observation is that Trump and Republicans are in a bad spot because Biden dropped out (because he was going to lose to Trump) and they replaced him with someone could could not even win her own State in the primary? I'm still willing to take a bet Trump wins.....btw Several are criticizing Trumps social media messaging, Lets see, he was politically impeached twice(wrongly), He was convicted of 34 felony counts(that will be over turned, but still), he had pending cases in Florida, Washington and Georgia, yet he still out did all of his challengers in the primary and handedly won the Republican nomination. Fast forward to today, due to supreme court rulings, at best, most if not all charges will have to be re-filed if there is even enough evidence to charge him. Documents case was dropped. Add that he also was struck by a bullet, and didn't coward (like I would of) and pumped his fist and chanted fight...... So, you may not like his game plan, you may hate his social media post, but it will be known as one of the greatest political come backs in history. In this current administration, what has Harris done? She will get some votes on her abortion stance, but in the national polls Border Security is ahead of abortion.....and she was in charge of the border......and it's in the worst shape it has ever been in. Did I mention she couldn't even win her state in the primary and when she dropped out she had a 1% approval rating? Republicans don't seem to be in a bad spot right now........ Lastly, if it is Harris......Don't you think the Democrats robbed the millions of people that voted for Biden in the primaries? I thought Democrats counted every last vote??
    1 point
  11. Any momentum R’s might’ve had is out the window! They seem very concerned right about now
    1 point
  12. I guess so, nice having someone else pay off your student loan.
    1 point
  13. Big girl

    Biden is out…

    Some of the Republicans on this tread appear to be uptight, and tense since Biden stepped down.
    1 point
  14. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Lack of morals? You must be talking about yourself, not me. Proven rapist, serial cheater, married to a soft core porn star, twice impeached felon? still has your undying loyalty? You can’t talk about anyone else’s morals when you have none of your own.
    1 point
  15. Somebody hasn’t been paying attention-I’ve had WAY worse takes than this.
    1 point
  16. tvc184

    Biden is out…

    Never say never and I have no clue what’s up their sleeves but why would Bill and Hillary Clinton publicly endorsed Harris almost immediately? We could play some “what if” games. I think there is already a lot of rumbling about the DNC trying to cancel Harris which is going to really make quite a few Democrat supporters angry. Now toss in Clinton. Let’s say she accepts the nomination at the convention. How’s that going to look? She can say, I really wanted Harris but for the good of the Party, I will accept! Let’s see, previously failed presidential candidate, soon to be 77 year old W/F who “really wants Harris”, is going to bump the potential first B/F presidential nominee in history? After proclaiming support for Harris? Yeah, that will garner Black support. I reality it might be the nail in the coffin. But, we’ll see. Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
    1 point
  17. Because he was confronted by a local police officer who made him go to a now or never mode.
    1 point
  18. tvc184

    Biden is out…

    The Democrat who flipped sides and saved the Republicans (and eventually the Democrats) and the filibuster? Hmmmmm……. Maybe you’re handing an olive branch, right?
    1 point
  19. Big girl

    Biden is out…

    Joe Biden does not have dementia
    1 point
  20. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    1. “I have more experience than you did, Mr Trump, when you first ran for office in 2016.” 2. “I didn’t. Who said he had dementia? He didn’t resign the race for any particular reason.” 3. “The border is closed. Do you intend to resume separating children from their parents and locking those babies in cages again.” Trump 2028!!!
    1 point
  21. You’re right again! I forgot climate change.
    1 point
  22. THE #1 problem we have is America has lost its moral compass. I agree it is not going away. America tolerates and even embraces immorality. I don't think Harris calling for unlimited abortion for example, will hurt her in the election one bit. Sad days in America.
    1 point
  23. bullets13

    Biden is out…

    On that we can agree. It’s my sincere hope that whoever comes after Trump will get away from it and bring the Republican Party back to the party of values and truth. It’s unfortunate that the success he’s had with his antics has led to a few others in the party replicating his behavior.
    1 point
  24. LumRaiderFan

    Biden is out…

    That’s the reason I say we are doomed, long after Trump is gone, these swing voters that vote on emotion or on what they can get out of their country will still be here, there won’t be a Trump around to blame their bad choices on.
    1 point
  25. One of your more asinine posts!
    1 point
  26. There is a thought provoking parallel but it doesn’t prove anything.
    1 point
  27. Always enjoy hearing about the 4A teams from that area.. Bellville is back in region 3 and should be a region favorite. They return 4 starters and several from the bench from last years team. Looking forward to the upcoming season
    1 point
  28. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Democrats enjoy the devout support of the Black Community just like Trump has the support of the racists and religious hypocrites. Don’t worry… the blacks will vote D, 94% + just like they always do. The funny thing is that the Latino vote could probably be won by the Rs, but in true racist fashion, the Rs are promising to deport all of their friends and relatives that are here seeking asylum. Rs are dumb, and they can’t hide it.
    1 point
  29. CardinalBacker

    Biden is out…

    Jesus…. Immediately after Biden drops out, Trump posts something about “Crooked Joe Biden” instead of being congratulatory or just keeping his stupid mouth shut. He went into the whole “Joe Biden should have never been the President” and just like that, the 81 million people who DID vote for Biden said “to hell with this… I still hate Trump. I’m going f to vote for ANYBODY but that clown and his supporters.” The guy who was trying to keep it together just can’t. He can’t hide the piece of crap that he is. He’s going to melt down between now and the election. He, like most of you, can’t understand that most people don’t like him or his antics. Actually they HATE him and his antics. Kamala/Anybody in a cakewalk.
    1 point
  30. baddog

    Biden is out…

    Obama wants Michelle.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. To piggyback off the last post in the above thread: Exactly. And as far as 1st round goes I too think 9 will sweep 10, I think 12 will go 3-1 versus 11 (1seed from 11 gets a dub). Pflugerville Weiss is my wildcard for the region.
    1 point
  33. WOSdrummer99

    Biden is out…

    Wow. Let's go brandon
    1 point
  34. Neither do I, but I bet he does.
    1 point
  35. 5GallonBucket

    Biden is out…

    I wonder if TDS will still be around in 2028 and beyond
    1 point

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