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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2024 in all areas

  1. UT alum

    Mike Pence

    You snowflakes can sure dish it out, but jump behind mommy’s skirt when it comes back at you.
    3 points
  2. I hear you loud and clear. Or, instead of voting, I can do my best to convince other sane Rs to just sit it out in 2024. I think it’s working, lol.
    2 points
  3. From my youthful experience, they spontaneously fail to start.
    2 points
  4. Have yall thought about releasing a digital copy to a select "council" to do a quality control check? There are some series football heads on these forums that have been following TXHSFB for decades. I could recommend 5-7 people from the 6A forum, 5A forum, Smoaky and this one that could double check everything. @Mr. Buddy Garrity makes my list from this site. Just an idea.
    1 point
  5. You watch. Trump will be in jail in two years time. That’ll still be being taught in 250 years.
    1 point
  6. I haven’t noticed anything hateful. Nothing like the hate I’ve seen others dish here. You accuse of fabulous lies when your idol tells the most fantastical lies any president or presidential candidate has ever told.
    1 point
  7. CardinalBacker

    Mike Pence

    Heck, most of these guy just pay their tithes directly to Trump’s campaign.
    1 point
  8. BS Wildcats

    Mike Pence

    Where in the hell do you get that I am crying? Like I’ve said before, if you were as smart as you think you are, we would all be better off! I’m trying to get big girl to tell us why the Dims pushed Biden out and as usual your know-it-all self has to interject. Don’t see where you get that is crying. I guess TDS has done as much damage to your brain, as dementia has done to biden’s.
    1 point
  9. baddog

    2024 Astros

    The important one….The World Series. I felt it too, but thought it would be Alvarez.
    1 point
  10. We are actually working on that this week...I got a batch of about 100 teams to update mostly in East TX
    1 point
  11. Englebert

    Mike Pence

    How are you not totally embarrassed with yourself for making such a childish statement? Are you desperate for attention like CardinalBacker?
    1 point
  12. UT alum

    Mike Pence

    They’re groomers. Why you think they picked baby face Vance?
    1 point
  13. 👀 Shhhh. I see dead people
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. mat

    What Percentage?!

    I have to agree and disagree on some things. The race is actually Trumps to lose. He had a high rating, but continues to stay stupid immature childish things about Harris, which are true. But he has to beat the media. They continuously air those stupid soundbites and he continues to load their gun. Harris has done plenty to lose the race, border czar, AR bans, reproductive rights, supporting Afghan pull out, etc. I agree that a threatened Trump is a stupid Trump.
    1 point
  16. I think I have figured you out CB. It's my thought that you are using reverse psychology in order for Trump to win. Or, you have taken on the role of Reverse Reagan to give the forum an equal two sides of the argument. I say this because I honestly can't see someone like you voting for Harris. But, I could be wrong on all fronts.
    1 point
  17. If you equate education with intelligence, you’re not very smart.
    1 point
  18. Pretty accurate, anyone that votes for this is the problem, it’s not Trump.
    1 point
  19. I try not to let my dislike for Trump and his braindead followers cloud my judgment, but here goes. I expect a repeat of the returns from 2020, with slightly improving numbers for Harris and slightly worse numbers for Trump. Harris was on the ballot in 2020-most people realized that Biden would like fail to finish his term and Harris would end up as POTUS-and 81 million voted for them anyways. They were, and will be, okay with her being President. You hear plenty of loud complaints about Biden/Harris, but they’re always from Rs… not Ds, not undecideds. Inflation at the grocery store doesn’t matter to people whose food is free. Gas prices rise and gas prices fall-it’s what happens. Sadly, we’re all used to $3 gasoline. I think the real problem is this. Trump is a badly flawed candidate. When all he had to do was be quiet and let Biden implode, it would work. But now he’s forced to fight if he wants to win-he can’t just stay quiet and lose now that she’s in control. And a threatened Trump is a stupid trump. He’s going to say things that make people like Reagan and Englebert cheer, but makes undecided voters RUN the other direction. That’s the problem with saying dumb things-it might make your stupid followers cheer, but it also makes people who don’t love you run out and vote against you. At this point (7/28/2024) it’s Kamala’s race to lose, and Trump’s strategy seems to be “say anything to make sure my base turns out to vote for me” while not recognizing that saying anything that motivates your base also motivates the other base to vote for their guy, AND turns the ones in the middle back towards the other side. Kamala hasn’t done much in four years, but she hasn’t done much wrong, either.
    1 point
  20. Hosses is not the problem. We have been run out of the stadium before by Zebras.😂
    1 point
  21. When does the online platform get updated with 2024 information?
    1 point
  22. BS Wildcats

    Mike Pence

    Does anybody care other than you? Why did all the big name Dims push biden out?
    1 point
  23. Lots of big mouths on this board… roll call. Who supports the idea of electing Trump in ‘24 and then “never having to vote again” as he plainly stated, then repeated. Speak up. Don’t be shy.
    1 point
  24. My district pick. 1. Newton. 2. Anderson Shiro. 3. Woodville 4.New Waverly.
    1 point
  25. As we approach the season… [Hidden Content]
    1 point

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