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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/07/2014 in Posts

  1. Some folks have known but I will make it public. My time as a full time administrator/broadcaster is up. I told my wife of 33 years that when she retired from teaching that I would retire with her to the beach. She retired last May and I told her I would finish out the football and basketball seasons of this year then I would join her. (would have joined her in May but needed to stay on after the passing of our beloved admin WOSGrad). I am so ready to be a beach bum. I have enjoyed these past 17 years here on the site. I have seen it grow from just a little message board to now be considered a valuable media outlet. It truly has been a labor of love. First of all, I want to thank Jordan Wilson, the owner of this site, by inviting me on as a staff member and eventually an administrator. He trusted me with the help of running this site and allowed me to "do my thang" and start my broadcast career. It has truly been a blessing. Thanks I want to thank Todd Broussard (WOSGrad) who is looking down on us from heaven. He has been my partner in crime for all these years and is the reason this site is what it is today. He was the man!! I dearly miss my old friend and I hope that he is up there saying "job well done my friend". Thanks Todd for everything you did for me and this site. I want to thank all the staff members here. Particularly Lucas, Mack, Robert, Terry, Matthew and all of the other staff. You have helped make this the place to be as for Southeast Texas sports. Thanks for all the support over the years. Thanks to all the coaches that I have come to know and work with all these years. Thank you for your support and cooperation and your acceptance of me and SETXsports. I am truly grateful. Thanks to all the members here who really are what makes this site so great. I have become friends with several here and I cherish all the times we have spent on and off this site. God Bless all of you. I wish all and this site the very best. I will still be around some but it will be mostly from my chair on the beach with my toes in the sand holding a cold one. Thanks again to everyone and May God Bless.
    28 points
  2. I can't speak for the rest of the Pirate faithful, but I really appreciated the applause after the young lady who led the invocation ended it with "in Jesus name." I try not to be political on the board but I do believe the vast majorityof Texas high school football fans are made to bow to the wishes of the very few.
    26 points
  3. Some of y'all already know, but my last day at the Enterprise is next Friday. I'm moving back to Phoenix (my hometown) for the time being and will be doing some freelance for high schools/college sports. Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone on here for reading my stories and interacting, especially over the last year and a half or so I've done mainly high schools. I'll still be active on the site and following along after I leave, but just wanted to let everyone know that the coverage will be different come October.
    25 points
  4. Hi, everyone. Mrs.Grad here, Todd is off of the respirator and is now sitting in a chair watching football. He has been on his computer but he is a bit weak and doesn't yet have the energy to post. He is on a lot of drugs and he tends to drift off to sleep and then wake up. I want to thank you all for your prayers. From what I understand, the record for recovery time for a heart transplant is ten days. He might make that if he keeps it up. God bless all of you. Rebecca
    22 points
  5. All of the people who get on here and spew about stats and why their team should win or will win need to step back and take a look at what WOS is doing. They are making SETX Sports history. WHat a team. What a town. What a program. What a great group of kids. WHAT A GREAT SET OF COACHES. Way to go WOS. This Indian is so very proud of you guys.
    22 points
  6. Some folks have known but I will make it public. My time as a full time administrator/broadcaster is up. I told my wife of 33 years that when she retired from teaching that I would retire with her to the beach. She retired last May and I told her I would finish out the football and basketball seasons of this year then I would join her. (would have joined her in May but needed to stay on after the passing of our beloved admin WOSGrad). I am so ready to be a beach bum. I have enjoyed these past 17 years here on the site. I have seen it grow from just a little message board to now be considered a valuable media outlet. It truly has been a labor of love. First of all, I want to thank Jordan Wilson, the owner of this site, by inviting me on as a staff member and eventually an administrator. He trusted me with the help of running this site and allowed me to "do my thang" and start my broadcast career. It has truly been a blessing. Thanks I want to thank Todd Broussard (WOSGrad) who is looking down on us from heaven. He has been my partner in crime for all these years and is the reason this site is what it is today. He was the man!! I dearly miss my old friend and I hope that he is up there saying "job well done my friend". Thanks Todd for everything you did for me and this site. I want to thank all the staff members here. Particularly Lucas, Mack, Robert, Terry, Matthew and all of the other staff. You have helped make this the place to be as for Southeast Texas sports. Thanks for all the support over the years. Thanks to all the coaches that I have come to know and work with all these years. Thank you for your support and cooperation and your acceptance of me and SETXsports. I am truly grateful. Thanks to all the members here who really are what makes this site so great. I have become friends with several here and I cherish all the times we have spent on and off this site. God Bless all of you. I wish all and this site the very best. I will still be around some but it will be mostly from my chair on the beach with my toes in the sand holding a cold one. Thanks again to everyone and May God Bless.
    21 points
  7. As we start the 2020-2021 season with our football and volleyball players taking to the field and the court tomorrow, we need to realize what we have been given. We have been given a gift......a gift to play, coach, and follow high school football and volleyball. While some might think it should be a given, other states have shown, whether you agree or not, that it is not. By the dialogue on here, that gift is a very precious one, but is also a very fragile one. A gift that can be destroyed by a single misstep by a player, coach, staff member, member of the player's family or even friends or fellow students. We ALL know the protocols...not all of them are pleasant...many don't agree with them. But if we do not follow them and destroy this gift we have no one to blame but ourselves...no politicians, no doctors, no nothing, just ourselves. I may be the eternal optimist, but I believe in these kids, these coaches and these communities to do what is needed to guide this precious gift along. Some don't agree with that either, but I have seen some pretty serious sacrifices made to allow this gift to proceed in the past. Let us root that they will be able to do so this year as well. And let us all pray for our boys and girls, our coaches, teachers and administrators as they lead us long this treacherous path that is the 2020-21 school year.
    21 points
  8. Post game thoughts... I knew that WOS is great this year, and we knew what we needed to do if we had any chance of winning. We obviously did not do those things. WOS's D is filthy, and the last thing we needed to do is kick over the hornet's nest. I'm a homer all of the way, but I have no problem with the way the game was played by WOS. My hat is off to the young men from WOS. Not only did they play a fantastic game, but they were very, VERY sportsmanlike in what could have been an ugly game. I can't overstate what a fine group of competitors that proved themselves to be. The postgame pleasantries between Coach Dubois and some of our players reaching out to the victim of this weeks racial hatred, and his receptiveness to their gestures was a great thing, I believe. WOS's field goal game needs some work before they get deep into the playoffs. Otherwise I don't see any weak spots. We need to throw all of our cell phones into Cow Bayou and stay the hell off of social media. We'll be a better team for having played a highly motivated WOS team. I've got to reiterate what a fine group of young men are taking the field for WOS this year. Y'all should be proud. I'm glad I can go back to being a WOS fan after this disaster of a week and game.
    21 points
  9. td

    WOS - Sweetwater

    I'm still enjoying the victory last night. Honestly haven't asked but I'll find out later. Sitting here trying to make myself believe all of this is real. When these boys were very young we knew they were special. As they got to be 9, 10, and 11 the reality of what we thought was right before our eyes. We said back then that they had 2 State Championships in them. Now we've lost a few of those boys. A couple of them moved to Beaumont and actually one is visiting Yale this weekend to play football. The pride and joy that these boys have given me and a lot of other people is just amazing. I didn't mean to go on a rant about the boys but it's just what's on my mind right now. Can you even imagine? Three State appearance in a row. Not to mention a State appearance in baseball. Thanks for the ride fellas!!!!
    20 points
  10. Hey, guys. Things have been going great here so far. I was preparing for bed on Thursday when I got a call of a potential match. I woke up Saturday with tube which confirmed it was a match. By Saturday afternoon, it was out! The doctors are pleased with my progress! Thanks for the good words and prayer, guys. They have meant a lot. Now that I am better, I should be able to be able to update a little more.
    19 points
  11. No, I am in no imminent danger of death. My current medical state prevents me from doing several things, but fortunately breathing isn't one of them. LOL Thank you, 99, all the same for the prayers and kind words. They are truly appreciated.
    19 points
  12. MEM

    RIP Blain Padgett

    Disagree. By and large we are all simply a product of our choices whether they be good or bad. I don't think simply sharing a link that sheds light on what transpired takes away from the young man..We all make mistakes. Many of us are fortunate to not pay the ultimate price while many others are not. If anything it should serve as a cautionary tale as well as a great opportunity for others to educate themselves and loved ones on the dangers of opioids.
    18 points
  13. I wanna say thanks to all of u. Damon was my best friend. Just know my friend had a long hard fought battle with things nobody knew about. Not sure if I can/will continue to follow local football anymore. He and I been doing this since 94. It won’t be the same without him sitting with me in the stands... RIP D... rest easy my friend
    17 points
  14. Stattrax


    I thought this would be a good time to make this post. Since there should be zero animosity at this point. Shug played his last district game in Purple last night. Throughout his 3 year career, he has taken shots from folks for one reason or the other, basically because of his school, and his high level recruitment. Shug has been nothing but a class act throughout his PNG career, and has represented the school and district with nothing but class. The term GOAT gets thrown around a lot, and it's always a hard debate.. But in my opinion, he is the most dynamic QB I have seen in years on a football field. In my time only Kendall Briles and Dakari Pearson can compare. And ironically both those guys put burnt orange on as well. In a world full of hate, I think now is the time to show this kid some love. It was a pure joy to watch him. And I hope he does great things at UT, as well as in life.... It's been a privilege to meet his family, and call his big bro a friend.. I posted 3 years ago there would be no QB debate because Shug was the real deal. I. Remember the first time I coached his brother in 7 on 7 and lil Shug showed up catching any ball we threw him on the sidelines, that he was destined for greatness. People laughed, but feel free to scroll back to those posts. So in conclusion, great kid, great family, great athlete... And like it or not he will always bleed purple. For some, you can understand, for others you can't. I'm proud to call him a fellow Indian, and know he will succeed in life. Simple ending.... Honor, Pride, Tradition... That's a hard 3 words to outdo...... and last but not least. Hook Em!
    17 points
  15. Newton don't want them problems! They should just stay in their lane. This thread is ridiculous.
    17 points
  16. WOS1986

    Former Mustang (WOS)

    Hello everyone, My name is Terrell Brittain and I am deaf. I want to tell you how I feel and need express my feeling as well. I suppose to graduate with class of 1998. I went to West Orange Stark in 1994-1996 and played football and baseball. You don't have to read this if you don't like to read long message! Haha You might wonder why my user is WOS1986. Let me explain why. When I was little boy and went first state championship WOS vs. McKinney in 1986 that how I remembered. After that, my dad keep take me to watch WOS every Fridays and I told him that my dream is to play Mustang with silver and blue helmet on me. I went to Texas School for the Deaf in Austin, TX. I realized that there is Deaf world and impact my life that who I am and reason why I have been success with my career. I am professor at University of Houston to teach American Sign Language for Interpreting program. I am proud what I done and pride deaf myself. I marry to deaf wife and had precious 2 kids who are hearing but they know the sign language that can communicate with us which is amazing. I am happy man and enjoy to continue great journey with many more years later. My wife really love to attend WOS game even she never attend WOS and really enjoy to watch football games. Sometime, I feel regret that I left without say goodbye or let them know to my friends, players, teachers, and coaches. I played nose guard in defense. In 1994 freshman year, first practice at football was so amazing and coaches allow me to play since most people think deaf can’t play anything which is not true and I prove coaches that I can play. I ended up play junior varsity team after only 2 or 3 games for freshman team because I play so hard and like animal tackle quick. In 1995 sophomore year, practice on the field somehow coach T call my name to play with varsity group then I suddenly shock and not play well myself that is not who I am then coach put me back to junior varsity team again because I was not ready. When I arrived home and I was so mad and upset myself because I was so close to varsity team. Coach call my name to be part of this team for playoff and I was so thrilled about that and I never forget that game which is against LaMarque in 1995 and lost 7-18. I was so hurt bad and pissed off after that game because I see Sias, Lock, Feathers, and Bernard that they were hurt and want win so badly. One day, Lock and Bernard came to me and chat that we will win state champion in 1997 with our classmate so I agreed with them and make me so fire up and goal. However, I ended up went to Austin school. I never forget that game in 1997. My team (Austin school) got out of the playoff before Thanksgiving so that Thanksgiving week I went to home and asked my brother to take me to watch WOS vs. LaMarque in the playoff. When I arrived and saw my boys during warm up and was hurt myself because I suppose to play with them. When LaMarque open drive and ran the wide open hole middle on WOS defense. I was so pissed off and sick about that and wish that I played that. Maybe or maybe not, if I played and it could be a little different game because I will big fire up and animal as monster to hit hard LaMarque. I will always bleed in silver and blue no matter what! Even I live in northeast of Houston and still attend watch WOS in Orange that take me 1 and half hours to drive but worth and show my loyal to them. When I can't go then I always look this website to see follow up the score. I really enjoy to see my old friends. Please do not critique my grammar English cause English is my second language while ASL (American Sign Language) is my first language. That is reason why I don’t post much after I saw sometime people post and insult their language or poor in English. Everyone treat same equal and its human. I want thank WOSgrad and kicker that encourage me to post and express my feeling and tell who I am so now everyone know who I am. Sorry for LONG message that you had to read. It is worth for me to tell my feeling now I feel better. Please share with anyone who doesn’t have this account. Go Mustangs!!!
    17 points
  17. WOSgrad


    Well, now that I finally have come out of a busy period. I just wanted to respond and thank all of you for the very kind words. But in reality there are many factors aside from me that make this board what it is. First, I have an awesome board owner in Jordan Wilson, who, sometimes foolishly so (LOL!) gives me free reign on the board. First, a have an awesome partner in crime in AggiesAreWe that is always there late at night to help me close out the particular task I am working on. I have mods that are able to help with the same. Second, I happen to be in an area where we have coaches who, even though they are under absolutely no obligation to do so, will provide information I request of them in a matter of minutes. So I ask of you when you wish to criticize them, be mindful of the information that they as a whole provide to me.....and ultimately to you. Third, a believe this board is what it is because of you all contribute. Personally, I think this board is at it's best when all of us are contributing and you have certainly satisfied that. I might not agree with the contribution and when I don't, I will sure let you know. Yet, it is still welcomed. And finally, I have a saint of a wife who knows that on the weekend, my presence is only physical. However, don't weep for her as she finds ways for me to make amends for it! Now, as to what seems a burning question for some, "How does he find the time to do this?" What I am about to reveal is known to the staff and some of the Mustang fans. In March of 2014, a previously diagnosed condition of congestive heart failure had progressed to the point to where I was hospitalized and ultimately placed on both heart and kidney transplant lists. I was hospitalized for just short of 3 months as I was placed on a left ventricular assistance device (LVAD).......some call it a heart pump.....I lovingly refer to it as "my little buddy." Some who know former Silsbee and A&M star William Morrisey are familiar with this. In fact, Moe and I go to the same doctor in Houston. The LVAD helps me live a normal life and I am currently not in grave danger. But my condition makes a work day impossible until I get the two transplants above and perhaps even after that. So absent a work day, devoting my time to the site helps pass the time until I "get the call" and hurriedly rush to Houston. Given that this board has to do with high school sports which remains in my mind the purest level of sport, it is a labor of love. That it is appreciated certainly doesn't hurt. I will do my best as my physical condition allows. Now, enough of this, I am busy. Off to get more stats...no more basketball schedules.......no more football playoff scenarios....no volleyball playoff schedules........What!? Soccer season is almost here!? Sigh!!!!!!!
    17 points
  18. see, thats the problem right there. If any parent in this area wants to gripe about a "tough" workout, drive down Newton street to the back of the WOS fieldhouse from August to December. Then they will see what a real "tough" workout is. All you hear from other places is people saying why cant we be like them? Or how do they continue to do it? Well because we didnt call it a "tough" workout at WOS, we just always called it normal practice. Its a mind set people. Plain and simple. #2015Statechamps is what that gets you...... Sorry, off soap box now. LOL. Just irks me when I hear parents gripe about coaches being too hard on their kids.
    17 points
  19. WOS vs their own Coaches? Bridge City vs winning?
    16 points
  20. At the peak, we had over 1200 folks online tonight here at SETXsports. (all time record is 1850) Good start to this football season!! Thanks everyone for making this the place to be for high school football on Friday nights in Southeast Texas.
    16 points
  21. Well, I just wanted to let you and some of your minions know our band who loves to play in what you call a hellhole was walking our stands during the game tonight taking up donations from our fans including me so your band could to go to a clinic in Chicago. Your band was told because of the budget cuts in your school district they wouldn’t be able to attend. So our band director & kids decided to take action to help out the Crosby band. An I can tell you that a lot of people that gave are still trying to get back in thier home from Harvey. A lot of these people lost everything and they still have a giving heart. That’s why I love this community! So want you take your overrated parasite butt an crawl back underneath the rock you can from. Great Game Pirates!
    16 points
  22. WOSgrad

    Earl Thomas and Orange

    Rather than continue to post my thoughts, I am going to post what I saw on facebook from a friend of mine and a fellow WO-S graduate. He posts here from time to time and I know many others know and respect him as much as I do. That, plus I really can't improve on this as setting out the feelings regarding this "article.": "As I was riding back from the game last night, we made the Bucees stop in Waller. Christmas music was playing via my IHeart Radio 92.5 Beaumont. my wife and son were all nestled in their slumber on the last leg from Bucees to Pflugerville. I was thinking about the article that was the latest rendition from the left coast regarding Earl Thomas. Deep down, it felt like the writer had more of a “twist” he was really spinning. To me, the celebrity of this was not really focused upon. I regret that twist on our hometown. We are no different than communities all around the country. We are not without blemish. My hometown struggles to land the next DuPont that carried Orange for years; helping many small business startups we knew as kids. My mind thought of many. The evolution of the market changes, and current global financial paradigms, certainly play a part of growth struggles. However, painting us as a town devoid of “good”, is distasteful. I am not blind to racial struggles, nor socio-economic divides. However, I’ve lost count on how many posts I’ve read about the incredible love, unity, and joint heroic efforts, performed by OUR citizens. In turbulent times, we usually find out who we are at the core, when the “waters get deep”. Everywhere I travel, I’m proud to tell people I’m from Orange, Texas. Even far away in travels, I don’t say Houston, as some people tend to do for geographic identity. It’s always, and only, Orange. So, I guess I feel that the article simply trashed who we really are. Those who know me best, know that I’m not silent when the time comes to stand for truth. Well, this time is no different. Orange, Texas is a wonderful community. It’s diverse. It’s a place where kids are all really friends. It’s a people proud of hard work and accomplishments. We are not the To Kill A Mockingbird idiots. We are a wonderful story of people who make their way. We are a people that are a whole lot more alike, than a FEW want it to be. I love my town. I can’t be silent on letting us be painted in a light that goes beyond the smudges on our shirts, without stating all the beauty of who I know Orange folk to be. Don’t be concerned too much about the few instances of bad vs the incredible stories, of incredible families, friends, events, heritages, etc..... In the book Friday Night Lights, the author went to Odessa and took full advantage of ripping that town. Some truths were stated. But, he made a killing at the expense of some incredible people. I felt this way in this article I read yesterday. Stay off all my homies in Orange. We are better than that!!!! Not without blemish, but so much more than that “agenda” in the article. I love you Fruit City."
    16 points
  23. SFA85 is gone. So is PNGFan. LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR! If you wish to comment on face, we have a forum down stairs called the Politcal Forum. There are a bevy of folks down there pro and con that are more than ready to debate or support your views, whatever they may be. HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE NO RACIAL COMMENTS OR RACE BAITING on any of the sports forums. Those that wish to do so WILL BE GONE! THIS AIN'T THE NFL AND I AM SURE AS HELL NOT ROGER GOODELL. You want to get racial on THIS forum, YOU WILL POST HERE NO MORE!!!! ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS!!! And if you wish to question, you had better be careful......I AM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD!
    16 points
  24. Message from the dville superintendent Free Tailgate Party and Friday Night Football: Dear Bridge City, Orangefield, West Orange, Vidor, Mauriceville and everyone else. We hear some of you may not have a football game to watch tomorrow. This makes us sad and we want to share ours with you. Many of us are without homes, but no Texan should be without Friday Night Football. Deweyville wants to share ours with you. We will have a tailgate party starting about 3:30, then Volleyball if we can find an opponent, then Friday Night Football. We have about 1,600 pounds of bbq, a volunteer to smoke it all, a DJ for the tailgate party and SPORTS. We are just north of Orange on the corner of HWY12 and HWY 87. Everything is free. No one will be charged for food or tickets.Come to the party and watch some ball. For a few hours we can try not to think about Harvey. Be our guests and let us feed/serve/entertain you.
    16 points
  25. I should not post on this matter but I have no filter sometimes so here goes me being stupid: Here is a fact: Coaches cannot play every kid. They just can't. It doesn't mean they don't like the kids not played and that there is a specific reason for it. There can only be 22 guys on the field during every play. At any given point I'd say close to 16-18 of those never leave the field and are established starters. So that leaves only a few spots that rotate. Now when injuries occur, coaches have to make a difficult decision of who to plug into that spot and all the while considering a number of reasons as to why that person is next in line. Always remember, coaches are employees to an employer. Coaches not only want to win, their families need them to win. Can't win, they are looking for a job. And do some of you realize the pressure put on these men and women? Think about it. Some of you wanted to send BF packing for losing one game in particular each year for six years. It didn't matter the Indians have only missed the playoffs once in his tenure, it was that one loss. So in general, don't blame a coach for making personnel decisions they make to put their TEAM in a position they feel gives them the best chance to win. Like people have said, if you have a question then do yourself a favor so you can get the answers you seek, ask. But do it like an adult and respect the answer you get whether good or bad. Coaches are humans like the rest of us. They make decisions at their job and sometimes those decisions don't work. They either learn from it or don't. Just like the rest of us. Sorry so long, I can't sleep and it's 145 ha
    16 points
  26. I want to share a story from last year. After the game, my folks and I went to the Whiskey Cake in Katy for a very late dinner. I had driven in from Leander that afternoon and they had left PN-G late due to work. Nobody’d had the time to eat beforehand. There was a family in the restaurant from Liberty Hill sitting a few tables down from us. They had a little girl with them, maybe seven or eight years old, and an older boy who appeared to be late middle school or early high school age. I figured he was a player on the freshman team. That little girl realized we were from PN-G and gave us the evil eye for the entire dinner. I’m talking a full hour of this girl glaring at us from across the dining area, non-stop. You could feel the heat coming off this girl’s gaze. I had to fight not to crack up all night because every time I’d look over to my left, I had the possessed girl’s hellish stare from the exorcism movie looking straight back at me. You could tell the PN-G crowd, the War Chant and Cherokee had driven this poor girl insane that night. Her parents picked up on what was going on and came over to talk to us after they finished their meal. Couldn’t have been nicer folks. Wished us luck in the championship, complimented the fan base - just nice, small town people. I told them I lived just down the road in Leander and drove in for the game. Even for a fan base like Liberty Hill’s that generally travels well, you could tell they were shocked that out-of-town alumni would make a drive like that to see the Indians play. This is the game where our fan base earned the “rabid” label online last year. Every time I think about that, I think about that ferocious glare from that little girl. I have a feeling I’m gonna feel it coming across the field at me again this year. Scalp ‘em!
    15 points
  27. bullets13

    WOS school board

    Were you at the meetings when WOS had a C rating in 2019 (no ratings the last two years with COVID), but had a better football team? Or is the B they got in 2022 only a problem because the football team is struggling? Honest question. Because if you ask me, bringing their academic rating up from a C to a B despite the challenges of learning through COVID is quite an accomplishment, and should be celebrated.
    15 points
  28. Nick Saban's not for sale. Texas learned that lesson the hard way. These rumors of Coach Fairlcoth's possible departure are disturbing. The kind of disturbing that lures a long-dormant messageboard user out of hibernation the same night his college alma mater wins a conference title over the #1 team in the country. I know very little regarding Coach Faircloth's future at PN-G from firsthand knowledge. Generally, I avoid spreading rumors when I don't know the information to be accurate from firsthand knowledge, and on the occasions when I think it's necessary to discuss those rumors, I always make certain to note that I can't speak to their actual veracity. This is one of those occasions. Simply put, I have no idea whether it's true that Coach Faircloth's position at PN-G is in jeopardy. Here's what I do know. I first heard word that Coach Faircloth's tenure at PN-G may be at risk six weeks ago. I've heard several different iterations of that rumor in the weeks since. I trust, and deeply respect, many of the sources that have brought these rumors to my attention, but in each case, those sources have only been able to provide me with information on a secondhand basis. What little direct evidence I've been able to glean for myself has, if anything, contradicted rumors of Faircloth's impending departure, or at least rumors that the school board has chosen not to renew his contract. For these reasons, and in light of a highly successful 2021 football season that saw the Indians exceed all expectation, I've been highly skeptical of these rumors, and have deliberately chosen only to discuss them when someone else brings them up. I remain skeptical of these rumors now, though I'll admit to some concern in the face of their apparent durability and, now, their growing prevalence among PN-G fans. Brandon Faircloth has been the best head football coach and athletic director PN-G has had in at least 40 years. That is not a statement I make lightly; the evidence is overwhelming. PN-G's all-time win ratio on the football field is .610. Coach Faircloth's win ratio at PN-G is .667, the best of any PN-G coach since Danny Malone. The Indians currently have an active playoff streak stretching back nine consecutive appearances, an all-time school record. The Indians have gone three rounds deep in the playoffs four of the last six seasons, the most consistent streak of deep playoff runs PN-G has had since Doug Ethridge's tenure at PN-G in the 1970s. Coach Faircloth has both more wins and more playoff appearances to his name than any football coach in PN-G history. Statistically speaking, the indisputable best quarterback in PN-G history, several runners-up at the quarterback position, the indisputable best receiver in PN-G history, several runners-up at that position, two of the best runningbacks in PN-G history, and perhaps the best kicker in PN-G history have all been coached by Brandon Faircloth. The best offenses to ever play for PN-G have been coached by Brandon Faircloth, and one of the best defenses in school history was coached by him as well. Coach Faircloth has fielded one of the only four PN-G players in school history to earn All-American honors. He's coached a school record 39 players to achieve All-State honors - fifteen more than Coach Ethridge. Dozens of PN-G players have simultaneously earned academic honors. Coach Faircloth has sent more football players on to play college ball than any coach in PN-G history. Roschon Johnson, Blake Bost, Adam Morse, Tate Sandell - the list goes on. You can verify all of these statistics and all of these facts on our outstanding fan-made website, www.pngindians.com. The lone accomplishment claimed by other PN-G coaches that has eluded Coach Faircloth as a head coach is a state championship appearance. No Golden Triangle team in the same classification as PN-G (4A prior to 2014, 5A since then) has made a state championship appearance since West Orange-Stark in 2000. Take this from a die-hard PN-G native turned reluctant Austin-area resident: the amount of wealth, funding, resources and talent concentrated in suburban Texas football programs far and away exceeds anything small town schools like PN-G are able to amass, and even exceeds what PN-G was able to pull together in the days before Robin Hood. Given the amount of money he threw into Highland Park's program, there's an argument to be made that Jerry Jones effectively bought his grandson a state championship. Schools like Westlake, Lake Travis, Cedar Park, Austin Vandegrift, Euless Trinity, Southlake Carroll, Aledo and Katy Cinco Ranch have backing from dozens of multi-millionaires, professional players, coaches and trainers alike, and in some cases, literal billionaires. This was not the case in the 1950s, the 1970s or the 1990s. The reason that you see programs like Crosby and Barbers Hill on the rise is because they're rapidly becoming suburban programs with that kind of cash on hand. The days of the upper level classifications in Texas high school football (i.e., the 6A and 5A divisions) being dominated by rural schools like PN-G, Odessa Permian, Tyler Lee, Waco Midway and the like are, at least for the moment, gone. The fact that Coach Faircloth has managed to keep PN-G competitive despite our area's relative disadvantage is a testament to his coaching prowess in and of itself. Moreover, Coach Faircloth's accomplishments are not limited to his coaching on the football field. As athletic director, it was Brandon Faircloth who made the brilliant decision to hire Coach Carter as head baseball coach. Coach Carter brought PN-G its first state title in baseball just four years ago. If I'm not mistaken, that also constituted PN-G's first state title in any sport since Coach Comeaux's last state championship run with the Rock-a-Noos in 1989. In the Faircloth era, both the boys' and girls' soccer teams have repeatedly made deep playoff runs, ending several seasons on the cusp of the state tournament. Our basketball teams, consistently PN-G's least successful athletic programs, have found their way to the playoffs. Our success in track and field has improved tremendously. To put it succinctly, the last time PN-G experienced the level of athletic success across the board that it has had with Brandon Faircloth in the fieldhouse, I wasn't born yet. I know and respect several members of the PN-GISD administration and school board; in truth, my skepticism of these rumors is partly based on my faith in their ability to exercise good judgment. I went to school with Jake Lefort's son and Dallon James's younger sisters. I've shared lunch with Lana Parker. Scott Ryan was my assistant principal in middle school. I went to church with Jon Deckert and his family for several years. Julie Gauthier has been a workhorse for both PN-GISD and the City of Port Neches, and the fruits of her labors are demonstrable. I have been very pleased with their leadership the last several years. The PN-G community is two years or less away from all new elementary schools in the district, only ten years after replacing both middle schools and the stadium, and completely renovating the high school. In my opinion, PN-GISD made the best decisions of any school district in the state with respect to its COVID response, and navigated all the controversies of 2020 as best as anyone could expect. From cybersecurity breaches to explosions to hurricanes to freezes, the district's leadership has repeatedly shown its ability to maintain a high quality of education despite substantially greater adversity than anything the rest of the state has had to contend with. The district is in good fiscal shape, and has shown sustained success in non-athletic extracurricular pursuits, including the band, which is obviously of particular significance to me. The district also secured excellent ratings in all the state's academic metrics prior to COVID, and has consistently been rated one of the best school districts in the state in independent studies conducted by third party entities. Personally, I take immense pride in the fact that PN-GISD actually outscored Austin's best local school district by a point in the state's scoring system in 2019. There's no doubt in my mind PN-G continues to offer the best public education you can find anywhere in this state east of IH-45. Speaking from personal experience, Austin's policy circles are familiar with the district's strong reputation. But if my skepticism of these rumors is misplaced, and if it is in fact the case that in spite of Coach Faircloth's clear, undeniable accolades and accomplishments, either PN-GISD will decline to renew Coach Faircloth's contract, or Coach Faircloth will voluntarily leave PN-GISD under pressure from the school board or administration, it will be the first time in several years that I've had good reason to reconsider the faith I have in the party or parties responsible for his departure. Forcing Coach Faircloth's ouster, whether directly or through indirect means, would reflect a severe error in judgment which would have consequences for PN-G students for generations to come - a mistake even worse than running off Danny Malone, which will likely result in similar or worse consequences, and the same lingering shame and regret. To say nothing of losing Coach Faircloth's demonstrated ability to develop successful PN-G athletes and programming, it would also clearly signal to any potential replacement that a three round playoff run capping off thirteen years of unquestionably and consistently successful leadership is not enough to satisfy the powers that be at PN-G, or worse yet, to overcome local political grudges. Ending Coach Faircloth's tenure prematurely would be a grave disservice to the PN-G community and, more importantly, its kids. I have no doubt whatsoever that I am not the only member of the PN-G community who feels this way. For PN-G's sake, here's hoping these rumors are nothing more than idle gossip. Scalp 'em, Indians.
    15 points
  29. To AAW! I'm sure these last couple days have been tough for you, but I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you for keeping the game threads and pick ems going, amongst all the other things that none of us are even aware that y’all do to keep this going. Todd would be proud 🙏🏻
    15 points
  30. PNG They been talking all year, ALL WEEK, ALL DAY, AND GOT DAT ARSE BEAT AGAIN!
    15 points
  31. I have pinned our site rules to the top of this forum. If you are new, or have been here for awhile and have never read them, please do so now. I’ve had to edit several posts lately, and issue a few warnings as well. The biggest issues I’ve seen have had to do with profanity, insulting other members, and most importantly in my mind, calling out individual players in game threads for mistakes or perceived poor play. Please remember that many of our local athletes read these forums, and the criticisms that you’re making on here may be read by the player’s family, his teammates, or even the player himself. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please abide by the site rules from this point forward.
    15 points
  32. WOSgrad

    Okay, I'm bored.

    So since I am doing better (but still in the hospital), I need something to do so I will start the previews tomorrow. I have tinkered with the schedule which is now in the newly formed preview sub forum. I'll start tomorrow with Newton, United and Jasper. On a separate note, I really appreciate the prayers, well wishes and visits, they have meant a lot.
    15 points
  33. IF HE WANTED TO DO SO, I don't know that there would be a single school that would turn down a chance to have Roschon on their team. But why would a quarterback, who has gotten just about anything that he wanted, including the chance to play for the college of his dreams want to leave the school that has afforded him that chance. To leave for a school in a town that he has never set foot in? This is ridiculous and if I were Roschon I would be offended at the implication that my pool of values is that shallow.
    15 points
  34. I got a kidney transplant back on March 24th and been back at work for over a month. 100% healthy and ready for football season and basketball. Look forward to meeting a few of you guys in the stands. Be safe out here in all the heat and good luck to everyone!!!
    15 points
  35. To all the SETX members, It's time to take the board back and make it into the place we all enjoy. For quite some time this place has gone downhill for a variety of reasons. If you want a prime example read the BC vs Silsbee baseball game 2 thread starting on page 2, it's just over the top nonsense by both folks just trolling and moderators doing the same thing. There have been some really cool people who posted great information that just quit contributing due to all the trash that gets stirred up. Some of those folks completely left and that's a shame because they made this board a great place for people to get caught up on local high school athletics as well as college sports to some degree. I would like to humbly offer up a suggestion and that's to create a totally separate forum for those folks who just want to antagonize each other and let the trash talk flow. Let all those folks who constantly derail topics have at one another to their hearts content and stay out of topics where they disrupt everybody else. Hopefully this alternate forum can be created and the sports forums can go back to being about sports, the real reason most of us got here in the first place. To the Moderators, I personally appreciate the time you guys put in to keep this place going, I know that's a huge undertaking and thankless job. Hopefully you can "police" the site in the future and discourage all the "foolishness" by sending those unwanted comments to that "alternate forum". One more public appeal to "AAW" , you are an ultra knowledgeable guy who has done a fantastic job promoting local high school sports and I thank you for that. You were always super nice to my son while he was playing and you have been a stand up guy on other issues as well. I would encourage you to promote a little more positive responses to topics by yourself and others going forward because this board is the lifeline to local sports for people all over our area and beyond. With respect to all, Rake1
    15 points
  36. In the ambulance now with my son,,bout to pull up at hospital,,something to do with hip they think..should know soon,thanks for the prayers guys!! #fernandez8
    15 points
  37. With due respect, not getting out of bounds when you are down 5 with 8 seconds left is a bonehead mistake. Heading to the right when the play is going left is a bonehead mistake. This, I'm sorry, cannot be dismissed as merely "bonehead." The Pingleton kid, looked down, measured, left his feet and came down with all of this weight on the linebacker's ankle. That my friend, is an intentional act. Are some of the sanctions discussed like pulling scholarships too extreme (although in an age where college athletes are making news as often for character issues as they are for their 40 times, if I am a program recruiting this guy, I might want to dig further)? Definitely. At the same time, when a local school is being is being castigated and called a bunch of "thugs" for pregame rituals that some find intimidating, this was truly a "thug" move that deserves some sanction and given the fact that it did appear to cause some injury, a pretty severe one. I guess that an aspect that I find particularly galling is that nearly 10 months ago, this very kid had to sit out what was at that time the most important game of his young life because of an injury that he sustained on the field. You'd think he would have learned something from that...then, again, he might have.
    15 points
  38. Barbers Hill scalps Indians on the best field in Texas. Superintendent seen shooting the finger to Santa Fe sidelines. Lol
    15 points
  39. td

    How about those 24-4A guys

    Great job WOS, LCM, BC and Silsbee.
    15 points
  40. Someone with a subscription tell us what it says
    14 points
  41. @AggiesAreWe , I say just make these pick ems a permanent honor to GRAD…
    14 points
  42. WOSgrad


    The moral of this story.....if you are fortunate enough to go to a game this weekend.......SPREAD OUT AND WEAR A DAMNED MASK!!! I know that there are many who think that this is being overblown and this is some vast government conspiracy to scare us into compliance. I don't care.....SPREAD OUT AND WEAR A DAMNED MASK!!! There are some who say that these rules don't consider the current science. I don't care.....SPREAD OUT AND WEAR A DAMNED MASK!!! I know that there are many who don't like masks because they are uncomfortable! I don't care......SPREAD OUT AND WEAR A DAMNED MASK!!! I can tell you that there are a number of UIL rules that many coaches don't agree with, they comply with them anyway because they know that they will face consequences if they don't. If the UIL is pushed to closing down sports, they will blame those of us who didn't comply with their guidelines. It won't be right....it may not even be true...but it will be what they do. Look, I am slated to broadcast the Lumberton/Coldspring game on Friday night. I plan on wearing a mask all throughout so I apologize in advance. If I can wear it for 3 hours, so can you.
    14 points
  43. You're not seeing the same game I am. They look pretty impressive to me.
    14 points


    Everybody can think what they want to about WOSGRAD (he has an opinion too), but he needs to be thanked for all the time he puts in here.
    14 points
  45. XX Man

    Chad Dallas

    I am proud of the whole team, but I think one person is not getting the recognition he deserves. Chad Dallas, That young man came on the field for the first time this year, just to kick. He started the year shaky and improved all year long, partly due to Kicker helping him. Yesterday's game saw him flawless on a field goal and all his point afters. Great Job Chad Dallas!
    14 points
  46. This was made when he was in the 7th grade. The things that you see on the field today and the person you see in the classroom are the result of God, perserverance, adhering to you dreams and putting in the work to see those dreams through.
    14 points
  47. WOSgrad

    Grown men....

    No, I for one understand and I believe you raise a valid point. There is a difference between showing pride in your community and engaging in good natured ribbing and just being plain mean. And I will tell what I mean, in this week leading up to this weekends game we have had, among other things, Vidorians subjected to talk about "white sheets," Port Arthur folks subjected to talk that they live in a ghetto and one board member who had his child rearing skills questioned. And there is probably more that I just didn't happen to see. When it gets to that point, it is just plain senseless, and more and more threads are getting to that point. It's sad.
    14 points
  48. That is not due to obsession over high school sports. That is simply someone who doesn't have the good sense to conduct themselves in public and probably conduct themselves in that way in other facets of their life.
    14 points
  49. Adults being obsessed with high school sports are the reason why sites like smoaky and SETXsports get so much traffic.
    14 points
  50. td

    WOS vs Nederland

    Everyone has an opinion and you aren't the only one that has this one. My goal for him is to keep working and getting better. Hopefully he continues to prove the non believers wrong. He was offered by Lamar as a QB. All he can ask for is a chance to prove people wrong. He isn't in control of his size. Only his heart and determination.
    14 points

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