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Everything posted by wutup?

  1. Waaaaaa freakin' Waaaaaaaaa!!!!! Thats tournement baseball. Youre not in Little League anymore!!!
  2. Stop blaming others for this team's performance....they didn't lose because of the bracket!! These 13 year old parents have been whining all year long and blaming everyone and everything else on the shortcomings of these kids. These kids are talented and the all-star coaches were good. But don't blame the tournament directors for "not knowing how to draw a bracket." These kids and coaches should have risen to the challenge and overcome the adversity of playing an extra game. It didn't help matters that they had to use a few extra pitchers in the first game that they weren't planning on using. This may have been a coaching mistake...I don't know...I wasn't there. All I have heard for the last several years is how this particular group of boys has what it takes to go all the way...well they haven't yet and they are running out of time. Maybe instead of inflating their heads they should be taught some respect for the game and everyone who plays it, manages it and calls it. Alot of them are taking the attitudes of their loudmouth parents.....play baseball and stop whining and stop blaming everyone else!!
  3. Whats the deal with the board turnover. I thought the board for this year was prety good. Why didnt they run again.
  4. I have a 14 year old...he'll be 15 in January...can he tryout?..If not...do you know of any teams in this area who he might be able to tryout for?
  6. bbjunk, i dont know why you keep ripping NBR. yes they may have had thier share of problems in the past but what leage hasnt? i am from PN and my kids have played in NBR and i still have one playing there. the parents there have welcomed our kids as they are there own and not mistreated us becaue we wear purple. i have had great experience at NBR and my older son benefited from playing on the big field over the smaller field in Pony. it helped him prepare for what was to come in hs. As far as the "element" we all know about at NBR board. i heard tonight the "element" resigned from the board. i was concerned about this person, but did not want my son to suffer and miss a good experienc because of one person on the board. but now that is not an issue any longer so i can't wait for hs ball to be over and for BR to start..i enjoy the friends i have made from nederland.they are good neighbors just like us.
  7. Come on. I'm glad I'm not part of that BCLL. everyone that posts on here that is from there has bad atitude.....parents, coaches, board members. always some kinda drama going on here on this blog. grow up parents! stop feeding off of each others negitivity and pull together for a good cause.
  8. I talked to the NBR presdent yesterday at reg. seems like this group really is doing great things for the leage. lots of people out there workin on the feilds . also. the draft procedur from last year has been changed for this year. it was really screwed up last year. they will redraft all teams this year and then next year have a new draft procedure that sounds like it will work pretty good. i also heard that the problem with the two board members everyone is concerned about might be a moot point. seems tthat they havent even been to any of the meetings or registrations and that they havent even signed there boy up to play. maybe they'll just resign since they know everyone that knows about there past at GNLL is against them being on the board at NBR. would probaby be the best for the league if they would just step down so more of these Groves and PN kids would come back to the NBR.
  9. Last I heard BC was having trouble forming even one team to play....they were talkin about tryin to play with Ned babe Ruth.....I dont think BC gives scholarshipps ether. looks like ur stuck
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