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Everything posted by diggstown

  1. [quote name="dodiej" post="1056213" timestamp="1315947526"] wow.. after reading.. i need to get to work!! 296%.. lol [/quote] I think my 296 went up a little. Funny thing is I was hit like -200 in one day just BC I asked about applaud /smite like 3 years ago.
  2. Don't question the smite fairies or they will hammer you. But then again who cares,  a bunch of hasbeens and armchair qbs  thinking they know everything. You guys need a life!
  3. Why would Deweyville have to play in Beaumont (legacy)? Deweyville has larger stands, more accommodating facities and nicer field.
  4. Rebel Yeller good post. Right on the money.
  5. [quote name="dascoon08" post="1044695" timestamp="1314714626"] what does dville have this year that makes them stand out enough to beat evadale by 3 td's or more. oh yeah, evadale by 14. [/quote] Child Please! Have you seen both teams play? Not just yours but both. Hope you can see them both play Friday, just Might answer the question you asked.
  6. There are times during the school year girls/guys aren't competing and the training can be stepped up. You may be playing pre district and scrimmages A little sore, but coaches try to be aware of what athletes are in season and ones in offseason and modify workouts accordingly.But maybe on your situation spechless may be where ad is making every decision, micro-manages, and doesn't trust his or her coaches. If so that sucks but what is in the W-L column across the board. If all sports are playing are a high level then just deal with it. If not then voice your opinion to to school board. What is the problem really? You dont want your child to be forced to lift weights? Are you a coach that is being told what to make your athletes do?  Is it a girl /Guy argument?  And in some ciriculum it does tell teacher what when and how to teach.  I assure you some of the more successful programs around have good turnouts for summer workouts.  But in schools without much success prob not as good but that can be changed because with proper coaching and motivating one can turn into at least a hard working team. And if you work hard enough lifting and practice all kids will improve their athletic ability.
  7. Naive?  Speechless.  More like clueless.  I do not know what you do for a living but you are not involved in coaching because I was for a long time and I stand behind my last statement
  8. [quote name="Riding Solo" post="956116" timestamp="1296177793"] Why are you guys debating this? This would not be a discussion 10 or more years ago. What ever happen to the good old days when parents let the coaches coach and the teachers teach? I don't see coaches on here asking, why do you raise your kids the way you do, why is your child disrepectful or why won't your child do what it takes to get better? The kids that want to get better are a special breed. It is born not developed. Why do we start our kids playing sports at 4 years old? Wait, I know because parents have big dreams for their kids. Maybe just maybe my kid will be in that .0001% of the kids who get a scholarship through sports. Why all the fuss about weight lifting? If your kid does not like it, then let them quit. Personally I would tell my child, do what the coaches say. Life is lived by your actions, words have no value if there is no subtance. [/quote] Fantastic post.  Parents stop coddling you kids. Best thread ever IMO.
  9. Really...... if a coach is knowledgeable and in the weight room during this time I am sure no AD would deny them the opportunity to make the workouts.
  10. If the coach in question has a background in kinesiology and stregnth training then he or she should be capable to make workouts to meet the needs of the athletes .  There are some coaches that have ZER0 knowledge of the human body and how it will respond to workouts.  Those coaches do not need to be involved in making and implementing  workouts . And I whole heartedly believe lifting weights will not help a kid hit for better  avg. But it can help hand speed. Get the kid a tee and get to work to improve batting avg. Michael Jordan lifted weights even on game day. I guarantee his weightlifting helped him stay healthy throughout the season.
  11. No doubt players of that caliber have great hand/eye coordination.  Its very similar to steroids debate.do you want players with warning track power. Or one that hits the deep ball. Skill is a requirement,  power is optional. Ill take both if I get to choose. Plenty of practice to promote sklls and strength training to increase power.
  12. And yes I know Everett didn't play 1rst before y'all jump through the chtomputer screen.
  13. If you want a firstbaseman that hits like Adam Everett keep them out of the weightroom. On the flipside most coaches would prefer a player with upper and lower bodystrength, flexibility  developed fast twitch muscle fibers that lead to speed and power and a good body comp. I believe all of those attributes can lead to success in most sports male or female. And it is very difficult to accomplish these things without a complete workout . regiment that includes strength training.  I just talked to Albert pujols and he told me he hits all of those bombs off the lastros because of zumba. Debate settled.
  14. Hardin will be team to beat, they have 7 returning starters back from last yr and the pitcher of the yr, that was a freshman last yr!!! He's a lefty that plays for beaumont gladiators and he's consistent 81-83 and is a sophmore, and if i am not mistakent they have their number 2 back this yr tooo.
  15. And I guess Basketball players aren't supposed to practice softball during bball season either HJ? Get over yourselves.
  16. Working out in athletics doesn't mean the kids get less time on the court. You get a certain amount of practice time and athletics doesn't count towards that weekly total. Your kids just might be at school a little longer.
  17. Some of you need to get a grip on reality. These girls will become better all around athletes by a complete workout regiment, which includes strength training. This thinking poisons these kids minds, "baby you shouldn't have to work out". These girls don't all just play basketball. Other sports including track and softball require Muscular strength and Endurance as does basketball. The best way to fight off injuries during the year is to be strong.
  18. What happened?  ???
  19. If SA can get the ground and pound going early NW might shut it down. That being said NW has better athletes and can make this a great game if they can get 4 quarters  out of their big RB. SA 21 NW 27
  20. IMO refs haven't called offensive holding enough and PI too much. Seen some horrible calls on ST involving roughing and running into kickers. But no one is perfect. If y'all want to gripe go to the classes and get out there and do it better. Tough job, I wouldn't want to do it. I think if they went to 6 or 7 man crews it could be a better way to make sure they get the calls correct. But then schools will complain about cost. For most places nothing is ever gonna change, most teams don't get calls on the road and officials want to call playoff games so they IMO make sure to call a "fair game"  favoring the playoff team.
  21. Where I am from it is the coaches responsibility to have the field in shape, I know of coaches atschools without big 4a/5a money that work long hours to make that happen. It is a year round process and the fields cannot be neglected. I dont know where your son plays but there is probably more to the story than you know so go talk o the coaches and they may have other reasons. And lastly safety is important and at least he has coaches aware of the dangers at the other field.
  22. i think warren won by a couple in overtime
  23. I know its soon but Dee Dee the PG from WOS is an amazing talent. This young lady plays like she grew up playing boys in the park, and beating them. ;)
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