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Everything posted by bigballer10

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah yes this is true about the phone sevice =)
  2. Eh they have won four. The record is 4-6. Not good. But proves you wrong. So
  3. At least buna gets talked about. It must mean they are good if there is so much drama involved. At least there not some nobody like. Uh cough cough.
  4. Because this year is last year in the sense its all the same people minus two. They are getting it in like. Once they figure out how to work together UNTIL THE END its gravy.
  5. Lol. Yeah word and andrews will. But I'm askin where has this girl been. At first I was thinkin fluke. Helga (prime german name) volvochik (car plus chick). I'm just asking where she has been. I want to see her play.
  6. Kountze. I see them coming in second in district. I'm rooting for them.
  7. Maybe they are saying twice referring to the scrimmage. I thought it was like 10-0. I'm not sure I was not there?
  8. Here is my question. If this is such a dominant player then where has she been. I have not seen her at any tournaments...
  9. Really and she goes to hardin?
  10. Take it into consideration that buna. When hot in the beginning was beatin them bad. They choke. They stay hot they kill teams. That's their problem.
  11. Oh yeah. They are for sure garbage. Going to state. Wining district back to back with one loss in two years. Hanging at state. Definately garbage though. Definately.
  12. Buna Josh clark 1 Jacob Clark (it runs in the fam) 1 Ryan Sheppard 2 Keaton Baker 1
  13. That was definately a nail biter. But kountze had some very good hits. Bunas pitching could of been better. Jacob clark...wow. Never seen pressure handled so well. And good job cougars!
  14. And might I add, I was not playing bad at all. In fact I was playing really good. It just happens.
  15. Your probably going to just thrive on that win forever "gottawin". Because I think part of you is just so happy you caught buna on an off day? Apparently you didn't catch the ec game. You were probably too busy sitting on here worshipping yalls little win.
  16. Pretty sure no one said anything about kirbyville in this forum. And yeah I'm praying that we meet yalls team in the playoffs so we can show you the way buna really plays ball. And the chances of me flying are probably way better than the chance of kountze or kirbyville winning even if it is "again"....
  17. Trash talking happens when you got devoted fans and ignorant people in the mix.
  18. I wouldn't say that kountze is sorry, but I definately think buna is a way better team...
  19. I agree with magnoliaman. Best put statement yet. Yes the drums are some legit school spirit. Even our boys have drums in the dugout. We just like those beats:) can't hate.
  20. Yes, the world will end that day.
  21. That's the most idiotic statement ever. And yes those drums are awesome. Lol. Our crowd backs our boys and looks like its paying off =) keep it up coogs.
  22. And you just can't compare shana to salina. Finding another salina will probably not happen for years and years in setx. Your expectations are too high. She is playin on a team with girls from russia and japan. Etc. Her talent is sky high.
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