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Everything posted by jbarrett

  1. Last Night at the Region 10 UIL Marching Competition hosted at our stadium, "The Reservation," about 40-50 "Bruin" football players showed up in their jerseys to support their band's performance. Awesome! In case you missed it... The PNG "Purple Pride Band" got straight 1's...again. See everyone Friday... hopefully it's a packed house for the football game... I'm sure it will be.
  2. ... and finally the little fish stopped biting!
  3. It doesn't! Drinks and Dominos!
  4. BMTSoulja1... you ever been fishing and keep catching the same fish on every lure you throw. I have. Makes you feel sorry for that fish. Poor little fella thought he was winning some kind of contest.
  5. I'm not playing BMTSoulja1... Your too young to be so full of anger. One day when your older and wise you'll look back and regret the energy and time you wasted. Make a positive impact on your community. If BISD is your passion, do something proactive to promote it... stop driving it further into the ground with your divisive speech. People will take you serious and then you can affect change. I learned that at...(you guessed it) the "Appomattox Club!
  6. I offer prayers, a ride to church (even the use of my extra Bible)...and all you have to offer are insults and calloused rhetoric. "You can't live with hate in your heart!" Even the good people at the "Appomattox Club" know that! And all God's people say... Amen!
  7. Listen to you preach! You DO go to church! I'm proud of you... I'm still gonna put you on my prayer request; see if we can get some of that anger out of you! Everyone bow your heads and pray for BMTSoulja1... Amen
  8. LOL.... The "Appomattox Club" is not a church.... I'll come by tomorrow morning bright and early to pick you up. Don't worry I have an extra Bible you can use.
  9. BMTSoulja1... you need Jesus! There are churches all around you...just pick one! They are open every Sunday morning. The people there will help you.
  10. Lack of adults in schools that need it most!
  11. If you can't see there is a problem! You are the problem.
  12. Year after year these kids are being exploited and encouraged to be "subpar." That shouldn't happen in a school setting.
  13. Lack of adult supervision I guess?!
  14. Can someone please tell Ozens Band and "drill team" to stop! Are there any adults in charge of that school? At some point, someone has got to put an end to this nonsense!
  15. 21-0 PNG and BISD is worried about umbrellas in the stands at the "Butch!" They need to be happy we're here spending money. That "home" crowd looks pitiful!
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