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  1. any chance nederland and the winner of magnolia and manor game will play on Saturday?
  2. Hey, first time poster, can we get a post game recap and your thoughts. Two rounds deep last year and we're going downhill??? Get a grip bro. nederland adjusted in the second half and the offense made some big plays..i wasnt tryin to down grade nederland i was just stating that the offense doesnt look as athletic as the past years, i think nederland will be alright this season and will go on to the play offs, we may have made it to the second round last year but nederland usually makes it to the second round quite often so i meant making a deep run in the playoffs like in past years that i have seen.. but overall the defense made some big plays in the second half to shut down wallers QB and tyler smith stepped up big tonight with 2 td passes to brady and looks like hes gonna pretty good one. any thoughts from you on this game bruce?
  3. seems like to me nederland just doesnt have the offense this year if they are relying on a high school field goal kicker to kick 50+ field goals(hes very good but you shouldnt have to be kicking 50+ field goals in high school). after the 06 year it just seems like nederand has fell apart. the size, speed, and talent looks like its all gone down hill. i can remember watching nederland years back and seeing play makers. i have watch the nederland team last year and all they had was asa cardinez as a play maker and this years team out of the first 2 games ive seen there hasnt been any play makers or anyone on the field that looked athletic enough to make big plays. just my opinion. i will give credit to tyler smith, glad hes getting the reps in now so they will be ready for next season. ive also seen png play and vidor and if nederland plays them like they have played these first 2 games its gonna be a long season.
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