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Everything posted by pngstealth

  1. Seriously, why is this post important? Half of the posts on here (like this one) don't even pertain to the topic, they are all just rude comments. Trying to pick a winner between two different school divisions is darn near impossible, especially since they have never played each other. Both teams are very good and have bright, successful futures for their schools. All this petty arguing is pointless, unless the COACHES decide to book a game like this in the next few seasons.
  2. not because they are so small, its because they are no good. warren has went to regionals the past 10 years and state the past 2 years. and last year tyler word and scott carnley got 2nd in state. if you think that your little school is SO good then play them cause they are probably the best small school team in this area. I agree with Napolean, Cody Almond and Joseph Uher from Sabine Pass (1A) won state two years ago in doubles, and then the year before that in singles. I know, I know, "that was two years ago," but I'm just letting you know that there is some talent in the smaller schools.
  3. Congrats to Hull. Good luck for the rest of the season. Big Sandy better be ready in time for SP. Good luck to all teams playing Mar. 23.
  4. Yeah that's totally good sportsmanship. Show come class man. I don't know what you have got against SP, but I watched the game, and they tried hard. Evadale came out on top because they were more in sync with each other and had better chemistry. Congrats to Evadale, and better luck next time SP, hope you pull yourselves together for Friday.
  5. Nevermind. Found out on other posts. Good Job SP. This momentum is just what they need going into possibly the toughest team in their district.
  6. Thanks Luther, but how did the SP HI game turn out?
  7. Oh crap! How'd that work out??? Any scores??
  8. Have they played yet??? I know they got rained out on Thursday, but any news on them at the moment?
  9. Sabine Pass vs Hull Daisetta today. Don't know if y'all knew, because I just found out.
  10. Where did u get ur calculations from? This season Spurger beat HD in Spurger 69-56 ( thats by 13 ) & then 63-59 in HD (thats by 4). Pirates will be out to prove u, token white guy, and whomever else is a non-believer wrong. And on another note I believe that the Spurger Pirates are very thankful for their fan support so far on this journey....... Actually I did want to get on here and apologize. I had a horrible day that day and i apologize for being a jerk. But, as sports talk said, they will be back, and I look forward to seeing them in years to come. I looked on here so whoever posted the scores must be wrong, don't jump on my a$$. And in case you didn't notice, I stated that i am ROOTING FOR THE PIRATES. I legitimately hope they prove me wrong because I want them to go far. And if the point difference doesn't matter, why do so many people look at it? Just some thoughts to put into ya'lls minds. Now then, who won? Come on stealth sounds like you need a little hug,nobody jumped your a$$ as you say.You was wrong about your stats and it was pointed out.If you wear your heart on your sleave like this you might think about another forum the guys on here will eat you up ;)
  11. Oh okay, thanks flash. Dang...they pitched and the Sharks STILL lost??? That's crazy...
  12. Gah lee...that's a shame. Well, it sounds like it was an amazing game. Good luck next season Spurger.
  13. Where did u get ur calculations from? This season Spurger beat HD in Spurger 69-56 ( thats by 13 ) & then 63-59 in HD (thats by 4). Pirates will be out to prove u, token white guy, and whomever else is a non-believer wrong. And on another note I believe that the Spurger Pirates are very thankful for their fan support so far on this journey....... I looked on here so whoever posted the scores must be wrong, don't jump on my a$$. And in case you didn't notice, I stated that i am ROOTING FOR THE PIRATES. I legitimately hope they prove me wrong because I want them to go far. And if the point difference doesn't matter, why do so many people look at it? Just some thoughts to put into ya'lls minds. Now then, who won?
  14. Yeah...um.....numbers?
  15. Who pitched on Saturday for the Sharks? I don't know names, but I know numbers.
  16. I'm rooting for the Pirates in this one, but during the regular season the highest they beat HD by was 7, and Bremond won by 12. it's going to be close, but unfortunately I have to say Bremond by 5. Good luck Pirates. Hope you prove me wrong.
  17. Congrats Spurger. Keep District 25 alive!
  18. Both teams played extremely well. SP had to play two teams at the same time, but that may just be my opinion. It was an extremely entertaining season. #23, you are fast, there's no doubt about that, and you have an amazing intensity as soon as your feet touch the court, but you need to work on the footwork a little bit. I'm not doggin' on you, it's just constructive criticism, take it as you may. Another thing that killed ya'll was not moving the ball around to the open man. Yes, making shots over 3 guys is impressive, but honestly, how many times will that bucket drop? Just some things to work on in the next year, i look forward to watching ya'll next year. Once again, congratulations on a terrific season.
  19. From what I have heard, Thorndale doesn't have any big guys, though my source may be an idiot. If that's the case, Pirates by 7. If not, I ain't pickin' a winner. Good luck to both teams.
  20. It's going to be a very close game, no matter who wins. I would like to see SP take the "W", but I wouldn't get cocky if I were SP. It's in HD, so the crown there will be getting CRAZY. If the Sharks don't let the pressure get to them, they'll walk away with a win, but if not, HD might steal it from ya'll. Good luck to both clubs, and most importantly, good luck in the playoffs SP. I'm gonna predict SP wins by 2 or 4 points.
  21. Wow. Talk about a massacre. Good job Anahuac.
  22. Congrats on a fine season. Going 26-1 gives ya'll more bragging rights than anyone else in my opinion, especially since none of the losses were district. Good luck next year.
  23. I have to give this one to the Rebels. They've got alot of talent and if Potts stays on his game then he'll be hard to guard. Also #21 on the Rebels likes to get into the other teams' heads and if he does that to HD they'll fall apart. Rebels by 6.
  24. I've got to agree on the Sabine Pass issue. Last year they made it to the playoffs and gave the team they faced a run for their money and they are expected to do it again. But it will definitely be a good race between Big Sandy, Evadale, and Sabine Pass. I look forward to being able to watch those games. I'll even say that High Island will be a close contender for the top 3 in that district, but as i stated earlier, i look forward to watching the race.
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