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  1. Got them all!!
  2. Got them all!!
  3. I play for LCM and i can tell you that with moody as our new coach we finally got our knew offense and defense down. Last year was messed up bad because of the hurricane and we were stuck in a hole where we learning and got cut off. Now were back and ready for action so i got one thing to say to WO-S. BRING IT BOJO
  4. I got news for you guys out there that think us bears are just a walk in the park... YOUR WRONG! Everyone thinks that were that team that has no talent and cant play well guess what??? I hope to see everyone of yalls faces after this season, especially after WO-S..we'll let the what happens on the field speak for us... good luck to all the teams.. see ya on the field LCM 28 CC 6
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