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Everything posted by ropinfool52

  1. i got all my ducks this year in the rice fields of dayton but my bud in lumberton cut down a fair share at dam b
  2. trinity bay tourneys are bomb but sam rayburn or hell even livingston would be awesome im in regardless
  3. I need help i fish tourn. and need a new partner i got the boat a 2003 Mako 22.5ft. Center console with a 200 merc but my old bud kinda left me i know trinity bay like no other.
  4. Man the bass has been reacting weird lately but you are going to have to find the fish and get reaction strikes the really ain't feedin to hard but i still have been tearin them up in the dayton liberty area
  5. I tell you right now champion is right in my back door and the fish ain't really all that great you pretty much got to fish the dam or picketts
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