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Everything posted by TallinaBoyz

  1. wow thats a big difference lol
  2. oh is hippie vpbaseball?
  3. what were yall catching them on?
  4. i just said that basically
  5. lakers havent beaten them all year its different in the playoffs than in the regular season
  6. Wonder what he did? He told lil kids at a signing to watch the UFC thats a gay reason to get fired
  7. the Cavs aren't dead yet. i don't think it's a stretch at all to say that Bron Bron could will the Cavs to victory in what is now just a two game series. Now you can call them dead. thats the truth
  8. all i can say is the magic got lucky
  9. doesnt matter now---Orlando is gonna advance and beat the lakers in 6 ok they r lucky to be getting by the cavs, but they will not get by the lakers unless the lakers just forfiet 4 straight games
  10. well he was making a movie but he got done and came back but i guess they fired him since last monday but i doubt it cuz he is supposed to be the number 1 contender after batista and cena for the wwe championship. i dont believe it
  11. no way he just wrestled last monday
  12. the one your wife caught is big.
  13. good luck guys. i wish i could be fishing though to show yall up. ;D
  14. Championship rings is the best!!! your couldnt be more right
  15. Yet another ridiculous post your really piling them up. Theres no way Cleveland comes back on Orlando and how do you dominate someone when it takes 7 games? ok look once cleveland comes back then you are gonna fell stupid but if orlando wins i will be the first to say i got told, and i didnt mean to put they r gonna dominate in 7 i ment to put they are gonna win in 7
  16. Denver over LA in 6 Cleveland over Orlando in 6 Denver over Clevland in 6 LA is gonna dominate denver in 6 Cleveland is gonna dominate orlando in 7 then cleveland in 7 over LA
  17. Raider #3....Nevermind...You are just a kid....Good luck on re-taking your TAKS test this summer... im a kid yah but i passed all my taks and bucof2010 i mean the LAKERS SUK COMPARED TO THE CAVS.sure kobe is the best closer in the game but he is 30 where as lebron is the best player in the game and is only 24.lebron could take kobe anyday no matter the odds.they keep sayin lebron is gonna be mvp and kobe is gonna get the championship, but if only they knew how wrong they are. (they being e.s.p.n). once kobe and lebron meet in the finals they are without doubt gonna play a great series but lebron is gonna dominate kobe.kobe imo is not as good as lebron.lakers suk. bucof2010 the magic suk worse than the lakers ;D
  18. They can kiss the series AND Lebron GOODBYE!! He will be in New York in 2010!!! GUARANTEED!!! This was their BEST shot at a title and to lose in the Conference Finals in not going to get it....Lebron will be a Knick in 2010....Watch it happen! AND.....Kobe and my Lakers will take the title solidifying him as the best on the planet since MJ... the cavs r gonna come back and lebron aint leavin. kobe is definitly not the jordan of the day and if u thing that u r just either stupid or arrogant. and the lakers r NOT WINNING THE TITLE THE CAVS R
  19. Its ok, things come up. We all know the real reason is you didnt want to get beat by me and tvc u only wish u could beat me
  20. guys im really sorry i cant fish either my partner let me know yesterday that he cant go. sorry
  21. Guys, I just found out I have a graduation to go to on that weekend...sorry well that sucks
  22. how will we know who you are? are you gonna have a sign or something?
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