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Everything posted by TallinaBoyz

  1. Give it up buddy wrestling is a scripted soap opera didnt nobody ask u lol jk
  2. wrestling is wrestling. some is fake and some isnt. but there is not soap oprahs
  3. I can fish 3 out of my boat very comfortably i said the same and either tvc or bullets said that wouldnt be fair to have three unless its a everybody for themselves tourny
  4. I know theres plenty of grennel in there
  5. [table][tr][td]LOL..... Raider is wanting to whip some old men's tails. [/td][/tr][/table] he isnt old and i will bring all i have. u better bring all you have to the table too ur gonna need it.
  6. i can get some 1 that i know will join and im fine with a 5 team tourny or 4 or however many
  7. tragichippy - TVC184 thats not real fair lol jk yall r going down anyways
  8. come on people we need commitments and more boats to make this fun and if you win then it will be worth-while
  9. To have three or more per boat is unfair as far as tournaments go because you are having 50% (or more) lures in the water for that team. ok i didnt understand
  10. ok. i have one more question. say the guy that i want to go cant go for some reason, then can i bring another 13 yr. old as long as his grandfather goes?
  11. i see your point. i plan on sending u a pm by 5:00 today telling you yes or no. have u got any pm's yet?
  12. also if you are gonna enter then post it here that way other people can know how many are going to enter. Just in case say 4 teams enter thats only $100 which for some isnt even gas money.just a thought though.
  13. ok i will i know its may 30th but i was wondering what time. probably like 7:00 a.m. huh? just let me know where and all that.
  14. I would think that is ok, if not, then have your 29 yo buddy join setxsports so its ok then. what are all the rules? $25 entry fee and what else? wheres the launch gonna be at and what time?
  15. One member of the team needs to be a member of setxsports.com and I would think that the boat needs at least one adult, 18 years of age or older. ok so im a member of setxsports but im 13, so can i bring another guy that is like 29 and he can be my teammate?
  16. is it a team tourny? if so what is the people limit? and what is the age limit?
  17. lets just get this thing going
  18. then the fisher one in the playoffs a few years ago against detroit for the win
  19. oh so 3 with mj? and 3 without?
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