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Everything posted by TallinaBoyz

  1. If your for sure fishing pm me!!! I'll put the teams up tomorrow
  2. So thats still three or four teams. Which is typical ha but it'll still be fun
  3. Well dustoff is out for work but we still have four teams unless someone else wants in
  4. [quote]Man I 've been locating fish for years on a super 60 flasher depthfinder,just sayin[/quote] point taken. I just dont want people to use fish finders but I didnt want them to bottom out either forgot that depth finders also show fish haha
  5. sorry guys. Havent been on in a couple of days. But to answer some questions here we go: Date: June 23rd Location: Pine Island Bayou Launch: Under the Pine Island Bayou Bridge (between Tram Rd and Lumberton) Time: 6:00-12:00 (we are launching at 6:00 so be there to sign in and pay at least 15 Minutes early. If you are going to be late let me know ahead of time.) Price: $25 per team (2 Max) or $15 per individual Big bass pot $10 (optional) Biggest stringer of 4 fish wins. (Scale will be provided) Prizes depend on amount of boats. I was going to just read the rules at the ramp but I will put them on here just for you Smoking Baby.: Only two people per team but you can have three in the boat. (2 man team + 1 individual) (one must be poster unless told otherwise in pm). NO LIVE BAIT. Biggest four fish stringer wins. No foul hooking/snagging. For the big bass pot everyone that weighs in a fish must have their own fish. Prizes go to first and second place. You can only go in the specified water. Be respectful to everyone (kids included) No Gulp bait. Every fish must be legal length. A lot of this tournament goes off of the honest system so be fair and honest. Umbrella rigs are allowed. Artificials only. If you are not at the ramp by 12:10 you will be disqualified. NO FISH FINDERS!!! Depth finders are allowed however (wouldnt want someone to hit bottom and screw up their boat). Always remember its a poster tournament not the bassmasters and losing to me and my partner is ok:) Be a good sport! any arguements or accusations will be brought to me and Dustoff03's attention and we will handle it accordingly. You cannot be within 15 feet of another team while they are fishing (this is just a respect thing). I have more on a piece of paper at home but I think I just about covered it all. PM me if you have any questions/comments or concerns. Or call me at 409-225-4450. If you need directions to or a better description of the ramp location then contact me.
  6. Notice the time change. I did this because its going to be hot and it'll be hard to keep fish alive for to long. Everyone ok with that?
  7. [quote]OK, boys.  Since I got no advice, I bought the Triton.  Now I need to get rid of a 17' Alumacraft bass boat with a 90 Yamaha  I'll make you a gooood deal!  [/quote] How good??
  8. [quote]Looks interesting. I'm definately looking forward to the rematch[/quote] Me too! I wonder what theatres this will be playing at??
  9. [quote]Try out the new boat June twenty third at the posters fishing tournament! I've been  "trying it out" every moment I get. Is this a bass tourney?[/quote] Yes, it is a bass tourney
  10. [Hidden Content] This is going to be a pretty legit movie!
  11. I'll read the rules at the ramp! there isnt to many but some are different from most typical tournaments
  12. [quote]just because I am me and maybe it will help to get more interested, i will throw in $200 for big bass. Seriously!!!!!!!!!! And now we have the McDonald's Big Bass Splash coming to the Neches river! Lol.  I'll donate an extra $50 to the big bass[/quote] thats what I like to hear!!!
  13. [quote]I have fished out of the Pine Island ramp with a 19 ft bass boat and 150hp johnson for years.It's about a 15-20 minute run down to Big Cooks Lake or the Neches River.If you are gonna fish a weekend day tournament you can launch out of Colliers Ferry at the end of Pine Street and have a top notch ramp and a great weigh in place.I think you can lock thru the salt water barrier even on the weekends.Pine Island is a pretty open run with the exception of a few dead heads around where the LNVA canal crosses it.[/quote] I just picked the ramp that I picked due to the simple fact that I know where it is and I have used it forever
  14. Fish it as an individual..
  15. If you guys have buddys that want to fish then let them know about it and let me know if they are in or not. You can act as their poster. I think this will get more boats in it
  16. If you guys have buddys that want to fish then let them know about it and let me know if they are in or not. You can serve as their poster. I think it'll get more boats in it
  17. [quote]I agree........ Just be careful and watch the weather.  I have seen my 22'6" center console boat be too small for sabine lake(and jetty).  I have never been scared, [b]but when go down in a swell and can't see anything but water, it makes you more careful......lol[/b][/quote] haha  ;D hippy you always make me laugh
  18. Sweet! So you'll be there hippy?
  19. How did the ramp look hippy?
  20. [quote]Maybe Yates will come so we can show them how we play here in the country.  In time Grass Hopper. He who runs away lives another day to run again.[/quote] Haha! ;D
  21. [quote]Im going to florida around the 23rd, but not exactly sure of the date. IF i'm in town, i have a partner and will be in the tourney. will let you know in the next week or so[/quote] Alright sounds good
  22. Try out the new boat June twenty third at the posters fishing tournament!
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