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Everything posted by TallinaBoyz

  1. heard anything about Brenham or Conroe or any of the houston schools?
  2. [quote]Wow. Using your momma jokes and saying a team is gonna go 5 rounds deep before a single game is played. You must be from Silsbee yourself. [/quote]    And a "CHILD" on the team . Immature
  3. [quote]Vidor does loom good. A lot of Senior strength. I think PN-G will be pretty good this year too.[/quote] Why PN-G? just all around solid?
  4. [quote]Coog 78, watch the language, we have young kids that read this board.  1st warning. Sorry I have never seen a site that is so rude to others that are not local.If this site is just for your area don't let others on it .We have a site and people come on it and sometime we disagree but not like this site.I can read it to the under line comments and you don't have to be a rocket professor to pick up on it.So i will not post on here again. [b]You're right, you won't.[/quote][/b] ;D
  5. [quote]Quote from: coog78 on Today at 21:11:29 Quote from: Buccaneer#3 on Today at 20:29:18 Quote VP32 you have a problem.You don't know anything about LM 's problems and what is going on in the school system.So let me give you a heads up.If we never win another game you call me when Vidor wins something period on the STATE level.Your little town don't have the best reputation.So you work on that and that should keep you busy for a while. What does this have to do with anything?? We are talking about LM having fighting/dont know how to keep their mouths shut problems, not Vidors suppossed problems. I cant really think of the last time Vidor has gotten into a fight in any athletic sport. LM has gotten into quite a few. Just saying. Keep your irrelevent remarks to yourself and stay on topic. Pointing the finger where it needs not be pointed is immature. Not intended to be rude It has everything to do with it because all the $hit that is being said it not true.As far as you telling me what to say you can go to #ell.This was LM first also as far as talking on the field you tell me what school that doesn't talk. The only ones that don't are the ones that gets the %ss hit.Yes we talk and intimidate some teams but thats part of it.Its not just talk if you can back it up.LM players can't be as undiscipline as all of you state.Some of the kids from that program are Lawyers and have Masters Degrees.You don't play in fifteen region finals in twenty years with thugs.If thats so all of you need to get rid of the choir boys.Vidor should be the last Hole in in the ground to talk about reputation.This is not 1950. [b]Thank you for showing your true colors. Keep going. Your just making yourself look worse and worse.[/[/b] *LIKE*. He must be from LM ha because thats the way they (LM people) talk. NO CLASS what so ever. No class and Trash- LM
  6. [quote]VP32 you have a problem.You don't know anything about LM 's problems and what is going on in the school system.So let me give you a heads up.If we never win another game you call me when Vidor wins something period on the STATE level.Your little town don't have the best reputation.So you work on that and that should keep you busy for a while.[/quote] What does this have to do with anything?? We are talking about LM having fighting/dont know how to keep their mouths shut problems, not Vidors suppossed problems. I cant really think of the last time Vidor has gotten into a fight in any athletic sport. LM has gotten into quite a few. Just saying. Keep your irrelevent remarks to yourself and stay on topic. Pointing the finger where it needs not be pointed is immature. Not intended to be rude
  7. Anyone watch the show American hoggers? yes! that show is good
  8. [quote]It's funny that these highlights don't show the 3rd qtr when LaMarque cleared their sideline and ran across the field to Ozen's. Another dose of one-sided reporting. It seems like the officials would have called the game when this happened. But since they did not the coaches and other participating adults should have been more cautious towards the end of the game and after. IMO I think that EVERYONE would at least agree that sportsmanship was gone at this point and the end of game handshake should have never taken place.[/quote] I agree completely with the handshake should not have taken place but that goes along the lines of sportsmanship dont you think?
  9. [quote]I heard La Marque coach will issue out punishment. [/quote] Seems like the coaches would have tried this in the past ha  ;D and there is a HUGE difference in a playoff game and a regular season game. that wouldnt be fair at all in any meaning of the word. If nothing has happened yet and LM has had this problem in the past (according to most people on the thread) why would anything happen now? Just something to ponder on
  10. [quote]It's funny that these highlights don't show the 3rd qtr when [b]LaMarque cleared their sideline and ran across the field to Ozen's. [/b] Another dose of one-sided reporting.[/quote] It seems like the officials would have called the game when this happened. But since they did not the coaches and other participating adults should have been more cautious towards the end of the game and after. IMO
  11. [quote]So the cops used mace, so what, stop acting like punks![/quote] get outta here ha LM were the ones acting like "punks" and from the story i read Ozen got sprayed. you say "stop acting like punks" and your username is "ItzGood"? haha. "punks" spell like that
  12. From looking at the pictures LaMarque had like triple the amount of players. If it was Beaumont Central, LaMarque would not have anymore players due to fatal injuries ;D. The cops definitely handled things wrongly. In one picture a LaMarque player(s) were kicking and hitting a Ozen player in the head. TRASH of a athletic program
  13. I nor my dad have seen any deer in like the last five days or so. Where are they? Smh..
  14. Glenn Roberts* and sure a few guys did a little work but Overstreet was virtually the only name mentioned. I'm not the one to talk trash, just state the obvious
  15. [quote]Good grief...I sneezed...Angleton scored... ::no more sneezing tonight::[/quote] HAHA!! ;D
  16. I still say Overstreet is Tatum's only good player. He has been the only name mentioned basically
  17. It comes up, but it still does not work
  18. Why can I not find the East Chambers broadcast? I found the Angleton/Vidor one
  19. Why can I not find the broadcast? I found the Vidor and Angleton one.
  20. [quote]EC also has one heck of a left guard in Mazzola. Along with other very good players. Just wanted to give that young man a shout out for a great season. He's been busting huge holes all year long[/quote] Thats my cousin. Just saying. Not relevant at all. But EC has exceptional recievers. Roberts can beat you on the ground or running a route because your not gonna be able to catch him. I never said EC was gonna beat Tatum, well I might as well because they will, but its going to be a good match-up
  21. [quote]Aight....now its just becoming stupid.....We'll just say he ranges somewhere between 5'5 and 6'5, between 160 and 230 lbs....runs between a 4.2 to a 4.6 40 yard dash, and we'll tack on that hes big enough, fast enough, and throws well enough for the University of Texas to offer him a scholarship at QB that he accepted. Basically you say stop Overstreet and we're done. So I could basically say stop Roberts and ya'll are done? We'll have to shut down Roberts on the ground but you have to not only stop Overstreet's legs, but his arm as well. Roberts has 1800 rushing yards, the next guy to him has 327 yards. Your QB has thrown just one less INT than TDs so I'm guessing throwing against us wont be on the agenda too much. But c'mon guys....you and I both know you we have more than Overstreet and ya'll have more than Roberts. So in one of ya'lls previous post stating stop "O" and we're done.....give it a rest, cuz just like us you guys rely on one man to pretty much do it all as well........the difference is, ours throws the ball too, yours can only run it, lol. [/quote] [quote]Well Roberts averages 10yds/carry for the season with everyone knowing that he is getting the ball and he is probably more dangerous receiving. So good luck with that. Last time i checked a qb couldnt throw the ball to himself.[/quote] Roberts does alot and yall more than likely wont be able to contain him 100%. He is legit. But There is more than Roberts unlike yalls team.. Overstreet is the only thing
  22. Boys, I havent seen the girls
  23. [quote]So this game will take place next week at 6 in Galena Park? Will know the time shortly..[/quote] thank you
  24. So this game will take place next week at 6 in Galena Park?
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